Mind Cultivation Record

Chapter 604: Changes in the situation

Early the next morning, Xiao Mian made an excuse and left the Wang family mansion.

After returning to the recruitment hall, Xiao Mian sealed himself in the cedar.

Although Xiao Mian had made up his mind to leave the Wang family, he did not tell Wang Li that he planned to stay dormant for a while and then leave without saying goodbye.

Unexpectedly, on the second day after Xiao Mian returned to Xuesongju, the situation in Xianyang City suddenly changed.

"What? Qi Jingyuan climbed Tianyu Peak alone, intending to challenge the young disciples of the Perfection Sect? Has that stupid big guy Niu Shi been defeated by Qi Jingyuan?"

"Yes! Brother Xiao! What should we do?"

It was Liu Suyi who got in touch with Xiao Mian.

But it turned out that in the early morning of that day, Qi Jingyuan came to Tianyu Peak and made it clear that he wanted to compete with the master of the Supreme Good Sect, who was the leader in the Qin County cultivation world.

As early as the ninth day of September, Qi Jingyuan's identity was spread all over Xianyang City. What's more, with Qi Jingyuan's top-level golden elixir cultivation, how could an ordinary golden elixir monk be his opponent?

It's just that Qi Jingyuan blocked the mountain gate of the Supreme Good Sect. If no one from the Supreme Good Sect takes up the challenge, it will become the laughing stock of the entire Qin County cultivation world!

In the end, Uushi couldn't stand it.

Unexpectedly, although Qi Jingyuan's words were polite, his actions were merciless.

In the duel between the two sides, Niu Shi's "Hou De Zhi Wu Jue" was of course astonishingly defensive, and the Dikun Pagoda he wore was also a top-notch mid-level magic weapon, but even so, he was exhausted by Qi Jingyuan's elusive methods, and finally failed. Shen failed.

Not only that, Niu Shi's left arm was also cut off by Qi Jingyuan!

Fortunately, Uushi was able to find his broken arm at the first time, and the Supreme Good Sect had no shortage of good continuation elixirs, so Uushi's foundation of cultivation was not shaken. However, even so, it is conservatively estimated that Uushi will not be able to survive within a year. If you move your left arm lightly, you need to take good care of yourself.

"Qi Jingyuan? Are you alone?"


"The girl in plain clothes never thought about turning the tide?"

"Brother Xiao, don't be ridiculous! Even if Su Yi's combat power is slightly better than that of Junior Brother Niu, his victory is limited. What's more, Qi Jingyuan is a top-level Jindan cultivator and is from the Vacuum Dao of the Chinese Realm among the three realms. How can it be? Is it comparable to the high-level plain clothes of Jindan?"

"If the high-level golden elixir girl in plain clothes is invincible, what can the middle-level golden elixir Xiao Mou do? Don't be impatient, girl in plain clothes! I'm afraid, things are not that simple! Since Qi Jingyuan has gone to Tianyu Peak , where did Zhong Liyin and Du Yuan go?"

"What does Brother Xiao mean?"

"Let me contact Huamancheng and see how the situation is at Qixian Mountain."


After hanging up the contact with Liu Suyi, Xiao Mian thought for a moment and got in touch with Guihai.

"Really? The one who went to Qixian Mountain was Du Yuan from the Yanji Sect in Jizhou?"

"Well! That Du Yuan is really powerful! Not to mention the top-level cultivation of Jindan, his combat power is even better than that of Yu Wushuang. That girl is not willing to give in. Listening to what Hua Mancheng means, it seems that the Seven Emotions Demon Palace is looking for There are no young disciples who can fight with him!"

When he said this, Guihai was not only gloating about his misfortune, but also a little eager to try.

"Hmph! Brother, please don't fall for that guy in Hua Mancheng's trick!" Having clearly understood Hua Mancheng's trick, Xiao Mian persuaded Gui Hai: "The Seven Emotions Demon Palace is still a local snake in Qin County. It's true that there are people in the sect who are as powerful as Hua Mancheng, otherwise this kid wouldn't have to behave like this. To say the least, even if the Seven Emotions Demon Palace was really forced to hold the gate by Du Yuan alone, it would be his Qi Qing who was embarrassed. What does the Demon Palace have to do with you and my brother? Don’t forget about Yu Wushuang’s pursuit!”

"Uh..., that's right! I was almost tricked by that guy Hua Mancheng again!"

"It doesn't matter! If Du Yuan wants to block the door, let him block the door. If Hua Mancheng wants to avoid the fight, let him avoid the fight. If the Seven Emotions Devil Palace wants to embarrass people, let him embarrass him - anyway, the Perfection Cult is with you!"

"Brother is right! I'm just afraid of that guy in Huamancheng..."

"It's better to stand out than to accept orders in the face of danger! It's better to turn the tide than to show off your strength!"

"You mean..."

"Let the demon cubs from the Seven Emotions Demon Palace test Du Yuan's quality first! If the eldest brother is confident, he might as well fight. Even if he can't defeat Du Yuan, he still has to protect himself!"

"I understand! It's just that the Perfect Sect..."

"With Yu Wushuang here, Qi Jingyuan can't get any favors! If Qi Jingyuan is wise, he should leave it alone; if he is not wise, he should just wait to be disgraced! Qi Jingyuan went to Tianyu Peak and Du Yuan went to Qixian Mountain. It seems that Zhongli Yin is staying in Xianyang City!"

"What? Brother, are you planning to meet that female disciple from Lei Zhen Palace?"

"No rush! The four great aristocratic families, the four heroes of the Wang family, the four nobles of the Ji family, the four heroes of the Lu family, and the four righteousnesses of the Qin family, no matter what, it won't be my turn to show off to someone, right?"

"Ha! Brother, you still don't know what you are thinking? Don't you just want the young disciples from the four major families to hit the wall first, and then wait for the price?"

"He who knows me is my eldest brother!"


After laughing and cursing, the two cut off contact.

Unexpectedly, Liu Suyi had just ended the contact with Guihai, and Liu Suyi came over again.

Xiao Mian comforted Liu Suyi, but did not make any suggestions.

In fact, both of them knew that the appearance of Qi Jingyuan gave Yu Wushuang, who had been ordered to stay in seclusion by the Supreme Good Sect, an opportunity to appear in front of everyone with integrity...

This is why Liu Suyi is so anxious!

Just knowing that she knew, Liu Suyi was helpless.

After that, Xiao Mian calmly sat on the fishing platform and waited for the fish to take the bait.

On September 12th, Wang Li came to visit.

When Xiao Mian mentioned the changes in Tianyu Peak and Qixian Mountain, he laughed it off.

On September 13th, Wang Li came to visit again.

Speaking of Zhong Liyin, he was rampaging through the city of Xianyang, but there was no one who could unite with him.

On September 14th, Wang Li came to visit three times.

"Brother Xiao! In three days, Zhong Liyin defeated many Jindan monks in our Xianyang City. Many of them were about as strong as Li, but they were all defeated by Zhong Liyin!"

"Oh! This Zhong Liyin is indeed extraordinary!"

"This..." Seeing Xiao Mian drinking the spirit tea unhurriedly, and thinking of his father's instructions before leaving today, Wang Li had to put down his old face and begged: "I wonder if Brother Xiao can take action? Suppress Zhong Liyin's arrogance?"

"What did Brother Wang say? That Zhong Liyin is actually a top-level Jindan cultivator, and it is unknown if he has condensed his spiritual consciousness; Xiao is only an intermediate Jindan cultivator, how can he be her opponent? ? Besides, among the four great families and many elites in Xianyang City, are you afraid that no one can suppress Zhong Liyin? Brother Wang, don’t be kidding me!

"How could Li be joking at this juncture? It's really..., hey! Brother Xiao and Li have always been close, and there are some words that Li won't hide. The person coming from the Three Realms this time is obviously for my family. My grandfather came here to celebrate his birthday, but secretly, he had no intention of establishing himself in Qin County. My father even suspected that these three people were here for Zulongju!"


"Perhaps Brother Xiao doesn't know yet? Niu Shi, one of the three most outstanding disciples of the Zhishen Sect, had his left arm chopped off by Qi Jingyuan. Although it will not affect Niu Shi's future realm, within a year Niu Shi must Healing in seclusion and missing out on the Ancestral Dragon Residence! That’s not all! That woman Zhong Liyin is even more ruthless. Any monk who is defeated by her will either have his golden elixir shaken or his magic weapon damaged. Even if he can participate in the Ancestral Dragon Residence trip as scheduled, I'm afraid it will also affect the strength of these monks, and they may be buried in the Ancestral Dragon Residence!"

"Oh? The golden elixir is vibrating? Is this woman Zhong Liyin so cruel?" Xiao Mian said this without leaving any trace. Xiao Mian's heart was moved, but he asked casually: "What Brother Wang means is: these three people are weakening the Zulong Center." resistance?”

"It should be! After all, they are monks in the third realm. Even if they enter the Ancestral Dragon Residence in the future, it will be fine if they stay safe. If they bully the weak, they will inevitably cause a strong backlash from the local monks in Qin County. But they don't know: Ancestral Dragon Residence... ,Why!"

"It's not that Mr. Xiao is unwilling to help Brother Wang, it's really that I can't do anything!"

"Three hundred thousand souls. Can Brother Xiao please take action once?"

"Brother Wang! Do you think Mr. Xiao looks like someone who lacks a spiritual stone?"

"Of course not! Of course not!" Having said that, when he thought of Xiao Mian's evil deed of sitting on the ground and raising the price that day, Wang Li was itching with hatred. On the surface, he had to deny it with all his strength, and he had to add With the price code: "Half a million souls?"

"Spiritual stones are like floating clouds to me!"

"..., how can Brother Xiao be willing to take action?"

"Seventh-level spiritual material!" Facing Wang Li, Xiao Mian spoke bluntly: "Except for the five elements of earth attributes, it is a top-quality seventh-level five-element spiritual material of sufficient weight!"

"This... Brother Xiao really treats spiritual stones as dirt..."

It should be noted that the sufficient amount of fifth-level seventh-level spiritual materials required by Xiao Mian must be of the highest quality. They are worth a lot of money and can easily cost hundreds of thousands.

Although the piece of seventh-level earth-attribute spiritual material that was bid at the auction in Fuyun Doucheng that day only cost 200,000 medium-level spirits, it should be noted that the price in Zhongzhou is more than one step higher than that in West Shuzhou. That piece of spiritual material If it were in Zhongzhou, it would probably more than double.

What's more, the best seventh-level spiritual materials are not as good as spiritual stones. They are something that can be encountered but not sought.

In fact, it stands to reason that although Zhong Liyin is a top-level Jindan cultivator, the Wang family is not without top-level Jindan cultivators, just like the eldest son Wang Yong. If his opponent is another top-level Jindan cultivator, Wang Yong will naturally not let him go. Take this opportunity to make a name for yourself.

However, Zhong Liyin was able to be confidently and boldly sent to Qin County by Lei Zhen Palace. Naturally, she had the confidence. She was the top direct disciple of Lei Zhen Palace.

What's more, in a duel between monks of the same level as Zhong Liyin and Wang Yong, the strength is so different that if you want to decide the winner, you often have to win in danger; besides, Zhong Liyin is ruthless and merciless, how dare the Wang family? Let Wang Yong take the risk?

To take a step back, it is not good for Wang Yong to lose and be injured. If he wins and Zhong Liyin is injured, wouldn't that attract the hatred and revenge of Lei Zhen Palace in Yin Shang Realm?

People share the same mentality and principles, but no one from the four major families dares to act rashly.

This resulted in a situation where Zhong Liyin was rampant and invincible in Xianyang City...

The difference is that the other three families can make long-term plans, but the Wang family is impatient.

It should be noted that the three Zhong Liyin came to Xianyang City for the purpose of celebrating the birthday of the ancestor of the Wang family. Although anyone with a discerning eye knew that it was just an excuse, the monks in Xianyang City who had suffered so much from Zhong Liyin were forced to panic. Will hate the house and the bird.

Because of this, the pressure the Wang family faces these days is considerable.

In desperation, Wang Bo then remembered that Xiao Wuming was said to be from Tiandu City.

If there is anyone who can suppress the monks of the Third Realm, I am afraid that they are the only ones from Tiandu City...

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