Mind Cultivation Record

Chapter 724: Nascent Soul Leaving the Body

Of course, Hei Sha Ji does not need to consider using the Heavenly Tribulation Gang Wind to temper her evil body.

In that case, it would be more than half easier for her to overcome the disaster.

But by the same token, without having withstood the tempering of the Heavenly Tribulation's Gangfeng, Heisha Ji's evil body can only possess the strength of the Golden Core level. Even if it survives the Heavenly Tribulation, it will only have one more Nascent Soul. The improvement in strength can be said to be very few.

When monks overcome tribulations, they will most likely choose to temper their bodies through a heavenly tribulation, and nine out of ten of them will die under a heavenly tribulation precisely for this reason.

Of course, not all monks are so stubborn. For example, spiritual farmers, alchemists, formation masters, etc., if they feel that they are not strong enough, they will blindly resist the heavenly tribulation and give up the opportunity to temper their bodies with the heavenly tribulation, thereby earning A glimmer of hope.

It is naturally impossible for Heisha Ji to take the road of stealing peace, which determines her suffering.

At the same time, it also determined the suffering of Xiao Mian and the others.

Seeing that Heisha Ji's calamity would not be over for a while, Gui Luosheng seemed even more determined. Seeing that he could not help Bihun Ji and Bai Gu Ji for a while, Gui Luosheng's pale face was facing Xiao Mian, a pair of eyes He also stared directly at Xiao Mian.

Even a daring person like Xiao Mian was panicked by Gui Luosheng's stare.

In fact, the other party is a genuine Nascent Soul Ghost Cultivator!

Suddenly, with a faint smile, Gui Luosheng attacked boldly.

With a flick of his middle finger, a sword light like a will-o'-the-wisp flew out from Gui Luosheng's fingertips, dragging a flickering fire tail and stabbing Xiao Mian.

Intermediate magic weapon Flying Sword!

The majestic Yuan Ying Ancestor, in addition to a set of Hundred Ghosts and Thousand Infants Sword, indeed also has a mid-level magic weapon level flying sword - this is only reasonable!

But even if he guessed this fact, Xiao Mian kept smiling bitterly.

Thinking about it, Gui Luosheng only used the basic magic weapon level Hundred Demons Thousand Infants Sword, which already required him to use the Star Magnetic Divine Sword to suppress him. Now that the opponent has used the mid-level magic weapon Flying Sword, where will he go to find the high-level magic weapon? What magic weapon can you use to fight with the opponent?

I have no choice but to take a risk!

Seeing the will-o'-the-wisp sword light that was not very fast but getting closer and closer, Xiao Mian took out the forty-ninth five-spirit wall that had been hidden in the snow!

Countless amounts of huge amounts of true energy were poured into this five-color spiritual wall. The five-color aura suddenly appeared, and the remaining forty-eight five-color spiritual jade appeared around Xiao Mian.

Only this time, these five-color spiritual jade did not form a spherical defensive array. Instead, they were stacked one on top of another to form a five-color giant pillar.

Suddenly biting the tip of his tongue, he spurted out a mouthful of blood on the Five Spirits Wall in his hand. Xiao Mian threw the trembling Five Spirits Wall towards the five-color giant pillar.

The forty-nine five-spirit walls shook and merged into one.

A natural aura emerged spontaneously, and the five-color giant pillar seemed to have returned to the original five-color boulder in the Five Elements Secret Realm of Zulongju.

This is another form of Wulingbi besides the spherical defense array.

When Xiao Mian was refining the five-color boulder that day, he had one thing in mind.

Since he wanted to refine the five-color boulder into a complete set of magic weapons integrating offense and defense, Xiao Mian reserved two combination methods during the refining process, one was to form a spherical defense array in parallel mode, and the other was to form a cylindrical attack array. series mode.

That day, Xiao Mian used this five-spirit giant pillar to kill Hong Lie!

Suddenly, the five-color giant pillar disappeared from its place.

The next moment, the five-color spiritual light flashed, and the five-color giant pillar appeared directly above the will-o'-the-wisp sword light, and without a moment's delay, it moved toward the will-o'-the-wisp sword light to suppress it.

Oni Luo Sheng, who has always been confident since he appeared, changed slightly when he saw the five-color giant pillar taking shape. Now his expression changed even more sharply, and he clenched his fists.

At that moment, the speed of the will-o'-the-wisp sword light increased dramatically, and the moment before it was suppressed by the five-color giant pillar, it flew past under the five-color giant pillar.

Even so, the tail of the will-o'-the-wisp dragged by the sword light was crushed by the suppressed five-color giant pillar, and the will-o'-the-wisp flickered out, eventually extinguishing invisibly.

Gui Luosheng didn't have time to feel distressed, so he clenched his fist and waved towards Xiao Mian.

The will-o'-the-wisp sword light that escaped the suppression of the five-color giant pillar increased its speed rapidly, and continued to attack Xiao Mian without changing its original intention. Xiao Mian was also prepared. Although he used the five-color giant pillar, he still kept his life-saving trump card. He flipped it over and saw a shield blocking him.

The will-o'-the-wisp sword light hit the shield head-on.

Based on Gui Luosheng's prediction, even if the shield Xiao Mian took out was an intermediate defensive magic weapon, it would definitely not be able to withstand the attack of his own will-o'-the-wisp sword.

Even if both are mid-level magic weapons, it still depends on the level of the user.

However, Gui Luosheng once again missed the calculation simply because the shield Xiao Mian used to save his life in desperation was not a mid-level defensive magic weapon, but a high-level defensive magic weapon.

The shield looked like scale armor, with a flat plate of ice and fire on one side. It looked like a plaque integrated into the scale-like shield.

Although it is neither fish nor fowl, it is exactly the dragon scale shield of the Ice and Fire Demonic Dragon!

This dragon scale shield is no different than the demon dragon clone that manifested that day. It is a complete dragon scale taken from the ancient and ferocious ice and fire demon dragon.

Originally, Xiao Mian was reluctant to use this dragon scale shield, but after refining that bit of demonic dragon blood, Xiao Mian unexpectedly found that he could use this dragon scale shield.

Although we can only rely on the excellent quality of the dragon scale shield for passive defense, even so, it is enough - don't you see, even the ancestor of Nascent Soul can't break through this dragon scale using a mid-level magic weapon-level flying sword to attack head-on. Shield defense?

Although it looks a bit ugly, its performance is good!

Xiao Mian muttered to himself, but Gui Luosheng was furious.

What is the origin of this boy?

Intermediate magic weapon Flying Sword!

A complete set of high-level offensive and defensive magic weapons!

Finally, there is a high-level defensive magic weapon!

Could it be that this kid is really a descendant of the Holy Land?


Even if you are really a descendant of the Holy Land, I will accept you today!

Thinking like this, in order to avoid long nights and many dreams, Gui Luosheng made his final determination.

Gui Luosheng looked solemn and suddenly gave a soft drink.

Roads of spiritual light rushed up from Gui Luosheng's forehead and shot straight into the sky. Then, those spiritual lights gathered together to form a pale golden light pillar.

The light beam is not thick, only three fingers thick.

The light beam does not exist for a long time, only three breaths of time.

After three breaths, the light pillar shattered, revealing a golden figure less than two inches tall.

Gui Luosheng's eyes were slightly closed, while Xiao Mian's eyes were wide open.

You can even think with your knees that the little golden figure is the Nascent Soul born from Gui Luo!

The Nascent Soul is separated from the body, and Gui Luosheng is planning to kill them all!

It should be noted that even in the same-level fights between Yuanying ancestors, very few people use the technique of Yuanying leaving the body - because Yuanying is not used for fighting at all!

Only under certain circumstances can monks leave their bodies.

For example, now, facing Xiao Mian and the others, Gui Luosheng Yuanying came out of his body. He was obviously tired of attacking and defending with Xiao Mian and others, and planned to destroy everything and decide the outcome in a battle.

Although the Nascent Soul is not used for fighting, for monks who do not have the Nascent Soul, the Nascent Soul is the most effective and most unpredictable means of attack.

Once the Nascent Soul comes out, it will be invincible!

Regardless of Xiao Mian's expression, the golden man's eyes seemed to be open but not open, and seemed to be closed but not closed, showing a calm attitude.

Suddenly, the golden man opened his eyes.

Almost at the same time, the golden man disappeared from Gui Luosheng's head.

When he reappeared, the golden man had already reached the top of the bone giant.

With an expressionless expression, he stretched out a finger, and the golden light man pressed the finger like a child's play on the skull of the white bone giant.

I think the little golden man is only less than two inches tall. The fingers of the golden man are almost as thick as a hair. But with such a small finger as thick as a hair, after pressing on the skull of a hundred-foot-high white-bone giant, it turned out to be Instant results.

The bone giant trembled slightly.

Despite all the reluctance, under the pressure of that finger, the white-bone giant slowly knelt down on one knee and then smashed into the hard rock.

With just one finger, he completely suppressed the bone giant!

Xiao Mian's face became even more ugly. Seeing that the golden light villain disappeared without even looking at him after suppressing the Bone Giant, Xiao Mian snorted and ignored how the golden light villain concocted Bihunji. , attacked Gui Luosheng.

Nascent Soul is the result of a monk's life-long concentration of energy and spirit.

Therefore, when the Nascent Soul leaves the body, it takes a lot of losses for the monks.

After the Nascent Soul leaves the body, the monk's strength will drop significantly. Without comprehensive protection, the ancestor of the Nascent Soul will generally not let the Nascent Soul leave the body easily.

In Xianyang City that day, the reason why the deacons and elders of the four major families dared to appear frequently in the body of Nascent Soul was because Xianyang City was their base camp.

If we look at another place, they might not dare to do that.

Therefore, Gui Luo Sheng was at his weakest at this time!

If he waits for the golden villain to finish dealing with Bihunji before turning around to deal with him, it will be too late!

The Star Magnetic Divine Sword attacked Gui Luosheng first. Wherever the sword passed, Gui Luosheng disappeared.

Xiao Mian stopped his body and used his spiritual peeping eyes to search for traces of Gui Luosheng. However, even with his spiritual peeping eyes, he could not discern the whereabouts of Gui Luosheng. Remembering that the monster had died due to its birth and that Gui Luosheng had quietly appeared on the scene, Xiao Mian felt something in his heart and suddenly raised his head to look at the black curtain that was shrouding it above.

At first glance, I saw the face of Oni Luo Sheng floating on the black screen!

The Star Magnetic Divine Sword opened the way, and Xiao Mian spread his wings on his back, following closely behind.

Killing countless ghosts along the way, the Star Magnetic Divine Sword finally touched the black curtain. Unexpectedly, at this moment, a golden light flashed, and the golden villain appeared in front of the black curtain.

With a flick of his finger, the Star Magnetic Divine Sword rolled back, tumbling and wailing.

Xiao Mian's heart skipped a beat and he stared at the golden man with an ugly expression.

In the end, it was still a step too late...

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