Mind Cultivation Record

Chapter 802: A dead end

Until he left the Jin family, Xiao Mian's mind was still echoing with Jin Jueyuan's words.

Xie Long, did he really not care about the true feelings of Xie Ying and Chi Lianxia at all, and planned to do the evil thing of breaking up the couple?

If so, not only Xie Ying and Chi Lianxia, ​​but also Chi Lianyun and Jin Weili, can be regarded as being separated by him!

But looking at Jin Jueyuan's posture just now, it seems that he is sure that Xie Long will never give in.


This matter is really troublesome!

If I had known this earlier, I would not have joined in the fun...

But now I have finally convinced the ancestors of Chi Lian and Jin. I have walked ninety-nine miles out of a hundred miles, and I only need this last step!

The ancestors of Chi Lian and Jin have promised me benefits.

Although I don't know what the ancestors of Jin will pay, the reward for the two actions of the ancestors of Chi Lian is enough to make Xiao Mian's blood boil.

That's it!

Whether it succeeds or not, I have to go to the Xie family!

Xie Ying and Chi Lianxia have helped me a lot. If I can help them, even if there is no reward, Xiao Mian will try his best to help.

Thinking of this, Xiao Mian soon came to the door of the Xie family.

Xiao Mian did not go directly to pay a visit to the ancestor of the Xie family, but first went to Xie Ying.

After telling Xie Ying about his repeated running around today, Xiao Mian just looked at Xie Ying.

"You...what do you think?"

"Brother! It's not easy for me! Look here! Look here again! All of them were injured by that evil woman Jin Weili - she is not human!"

"..., you just know she is not human? She is half demon!"

"..., can we talk properly? Who am I working so hard for?"

"Okay! Okay! Okay! I will remember your kindness in my heart. As long as you can convince my grandfather, I will call you brother!"

"Is that all? Why do I want you to call me brother? Can you be more practical?"

"I know..., OK! In my small courtyard, you can take whatever you like as long as you can take it away!"


"Although I am cunning, I still have good character!"

"Okay! I will believe you again! However, your situation is not optimistic! Do you know? Even the ancestor of the Jin family does not think highly of you!"

At that moment, Xiao Mian repeated Jin Jueyuan's words.

"Brother, do you know why your great grandfather is so determined?"

"This..., I really don't know..."

"Look! Look! This is the biggest problem! You don't even know why the old man is against it, how can you try? Where to try?"

"Then you say: What should we do?"

"We must first understand why the old man is so opposed to the marriage between humans and demons! Only when we find the reason can we have a targeted approach, whether it is soft or hard. With such high wisdom and brothers like you and me, how can we be afraid of not being able to defeat an old man?" Seeing that Xie Ying was eager to try what he said, Xiao Mian changed the subject: "Who in your Xie family is the most favored by the old man on weekdays? I know it's definitely not you!"

"If you say who is the most favored, it is naturally Lingfeng!"

"Xie Lingfeng? How is your relationship with her?"

"Very good! There is nothing to say! The young generation of the Xie family only has the two of us!"

"Ah? Your dad is the only baby son? Your second uncle understands it. I am afraid that he does n’t even have a Taoist couple? Get! I thanks to Xiong! Just ... but the fourth uncle did not condense the infant. Shortly after Lingfeng was born, his life ended up ... "" Connect! Although there are also many Yuan Ying monks, they are not in the same vein. For example, Jin Ba Kong, who died in Xiao Mian's hand that day, was Jin Jueyuan's nephew. Jin Jueyuan ignored his death. But the Xie family is human after all, not to mention that the brothers of the Xie family are brothers from the same mother. The fact that three of the four brothers can successfully condense their infants is enough to make people respect them.

After talking for a while, Xie Ying went to find Xie Lingfeng to test the attitude of the Xie family ancestor.

Xiao Mian took the opportunity to conduct a carpet search in Xie Ying's courtyard. He must pick out the most valuable thing in the courtyard...

But after a moment, Xie Ying went and returned.

"How is it?"

"Nothing! Even though Lingfeng loves me, as soon as I mentioned the matter between me and Xia'er, I was severely reprimanded by my grandfather and ordered to go into seclusion!"

"So miserable!? Fortunately, I didn't rush over, otherwise I would have been slapped out of the Xie family by the old man..."

"You! So you let Lingfeng be your pawn!"

"How can you talk like that? Speaking of pawns, Miss Lingfeng is also your pawn, okay? I despise you! But it seems that your old man is really opposed to this matter... What about your father? Does he know some hidden secrets?"


"What? You two, your relationship is not very good?"

"It's not that we are on good terms! He is just extremely disappointed in me..."

Under Xiao Mian's questioning, Xie Ying finally revealed the hidden truth.

But it turns out that Xie Ying's father, Xie Hu, is the eldest son of Xie Long. He has the demeanor of the ancestor of the Xie family, and his cultivation level is already at the middle level of Nascent Soul.

But his only son, Xie Ying, who had high hopes for him, had been practicing Taoism for more than a hundred years, and he had only reached the embarrassing level of the middle-level Golden Elixir!

It should be noted that Chi Lianyun, Jin Weili and others who are of the same generation as Xie Ying are already at the top level of Jindan. Chi Lianxia, ​​who is a high-level Jindan, is still younger than Xie Ying.

Xie Hu, who was already a little disappointed with Xie Ying, after learning about the relationship between Xie Ying and Chi Lianxia, ​​naturally thought that Xie Ying only cared about personal affairs between men and women, but neglected his practice. How could he know that Xie Ying himself had no fundamental understanding of practice? Not much interest.

"I'll tell you the truth, brother! I would rather go into business than practice cultivation, but my father is also stubborn. No one can change the truth he believes in except the old man."

"The old man is not willing to let you and Sister Chi Lian get along with each other, so naturally he can't help you persuade your uncle. My uncle has misunderstood you and Sister Chi Lian, so naturally he can't help you persuade the old man. Isn't this an endless cycle? ?"

"Who says it's not!"

"Wait! Wait!" Signaling Xie Ying to shut up for the time being, Xiao Mian was thoughtful. After a long time, he asked: "Since uncle has misunderstood you and Sister Chi Lian, let's let him make the mistake. It's okay, let's do it again. Just follow the plan..."

"Make a mistake by making a mistake? Make a plan by making a plan? Make a plan and make it work?"

"You then make a military order in front of my uncle: As long as you marry Sister Chi Lian, you will definitely work hard to become stronger! Be brave and diligent! Strive to reach the top!"

"This... I can't do it! I can't do it! My father is a fool! If he takes this matter seriously, even if I marry Xia'er, I will surely sink in pain for the rest of my life. I have too much time to take care of myself, even if Xia'er marries me How can I be happy?"

"You still have the nerve to say that the old man and uncle are stupid? I think you are also stupid! Let's cook the raw rice first. Is it possible that uncle still dares to cancel the marriage to Chi Lian's family? As for letting you practice cultivation, You can divert the trouble away from the enemy!"

"Diverting trouble to the east? To whom?"

"Can't you and Sister Chi Lian work hard to give my uncle a grandson as soon as possible? By then, your status in my uncle's mind will definitely plummet!"

"This...is this okay too!?"

"Believe me! That's right! Now you just go and issue a military order to your uncle and see how he responds. If even so, he still doesn't agree with your marriage to Sister Chi Lian, then we can only find another way and discuss it in the long term! "

"..., that's right! I'll go check out the old man's tone first..."

At that moment, Xie Ying left again, and Xiao Mian started looking for him again.

Only this time, it took Xie Ying a long time before his expression turned serious.

"The old man agreed! However, I'm afraid there's still no chance..."

"What? Do you know the reason why the old man doesn't agree with you and Sister Chi Lian's marriage? Tell me! One person is short-term, and two people are long-term!"

Xie Ying nodded and spoke slowly.

But it turns out that the root of this matter still lies in Xie Long’s wife—Xie Ying’s grandmother!

Back then, when Xie Ying's grandmother was pregnant with her fourth child, she encountered some changes, which eventually led to premature birth. After giving birth to Xie Xiong, she passed away.

"The accident was caused by demon cultivators?"

"Well! Even my old man doesn't know the details of the matter, but my grandma died because of a demon cultivator. There is no doubt about this! It is for this reason that in the following hundreds of years, the old man has been referring to Fei My race must have a different mentality..., alas! It’s hard for him in the Xiangfu Chamber of Commerce..."

Halfway through the words, Xie Ying remained silent, but Xiao Mian already understood.

Among the thirteen members of the Xiangfu Chamber of Commerce, there are only a handful of purely human monk families like the Xie family. The others are either original demons or half-demon.

Xie Ying hated the demon cultivator deeply, but he had to stay with the demon cultivator all day long.

Over hundreds of years, temperament and temperament will inevitably become extreme.

"My father means that even if he is willing to persuade the old man, I am afraid he will end up being scolded and bloody - unless..."

"Unless what?"

"Unless my grandma takes pity on me, the eldest grandson of the eldest son, and can show up in front of the old man and plead for me in person, otherwise - there is absolutely no chance!"

"Brother! Your grandma has been dead for hundreds of years. Where do you want me to find a grandma for you?"

"Now that things have come to this, I can only stop mentioning this matter!"


"We are destined but not separated, so what can we do?"

Xie Ying, who had always had a generous heart and a fat body, showed such sadness when he said these words that even Xiao Mian couldn't help but feel sad when he heard it.

Obviously, his previous relationship with Chi Lianxia was something that others could not understand.

But what lies before them is a dead end!

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