Mind Cultivation Record

Chapter 878: Adapt to changing circumstances

After Chu Yifan finished talking about the strength of the monks in Panlong City, he looked at Xiao Mian expressionlessly. He clearly wanted to see how Xiao Mian would respond.

Even with the addition of Chu Yifan, who was at the beginning of the golden elixir, there were only five people on Xiao Mian's side. With the strength of five people, they were fighting against eighteen golden elixir monks, whether they were alive or dead.

What's more, Chu Yifan was only at the beginning of the Golden elixir, but among the monks in Panlong City, there was a quasi-Nascent Soul monk in charge!

Just one quasi-Nascent Soul cultivator is enough for five people to drink a pot...

But Chu Yifan didn't see the slightest panic on Xiao Mian's face.

With Xiao Mian's current vision and strength, ordinary Jindan cultivators are really no threat to him. The only one he can worry about is the quasi-Nascent Soul cultivator.

The previous mission was to rescue Yin Jiansheng and others. Out of anger, Xiao Mian asked Guitou to take action and restrained Shi Yinqiu and Zhu Shaohong with thunderous momentum.

This time, Xiao Mian planned to rely on his own strength to meet the quasi-Nascent Soul cultivator.

Today's Xiao Mian is no longer the Xiao Mian who was chased by the demon seal and went to heaven and earth...

Besides, a genius like the Demon Seal is invincible among monks of the same level. Even if Xiao Mian faced the Demon Seal now, it would be a disaster.

After tightening his mind, Xiao Mian glanced at Yin Jiansheng and the others one by one.

"Brother Yin! Two top-level Jindan monks belong to you!"

"rest assured!"

"Jing Chu! Three high-level Jindan monks?"

"...Give me two more golden elixir intermediate monks!"

"Okay! Brother Yuanren! The rest is yours!"

"Brother Xiao, don't worry! Yuanren will do his best, even if he is shattered to pieces..."

"Brother Yuanren, don't take it so seriously! This is just a plan. Things change rapidly during the war, so we will adapt accordingly." Xiao Mian's words calmed Kong Yuanren's mind a lot. On the other hand, Chu Yifan, after nagging for a long time, looked at Xiao Mian and exclaimed: "You! Brother Xiao, do you want to attack Bingjing Village by force? This is a combat power comparison of almost one to three. No matter how brave you are, the Quasi Yuan The infant monk is not a decoration..."

"Brother Chu thinks: Mr. Xiao is just a decoration?"

"You! You actually want to challenge that quasi-Nascent Soul cultivator!?"

"Why not?"

"..., crazy! You are all crazy!"

With unfocused eyes, from Xiao Mian to Yin Jiansheng, then to Jing Chu, and then to Kong Yuanren, Chu Yifan's face was full of puzzlement.

But soon, Chu Yifan gritted his teeth and strengthened his belief.

Now that the Chu family has almost been wiped out, he is the only one left who is a junior Jindan monk. If he does not rely on the strength of Xiao Mian and others, let alone revenge, there is no telling whether Chu Yifan can live to see the sun tomorrow!

Since Xiao Mian and four others are willing to avenge his family's destruction, why not believe in him?

The worst thing is that everything will be destroyed, everything will be destroyed!

Thinking of this, the fear in Chu Yifan's heart disappeared.

Besides, Xiao Mian had no choice but to decide on this almost simple and crude method.

When Yin Jiansheng rescued Chu Yifan earlier, he had already killed three junior Jindan cultivators. If nothing else, the other party must have been alert.

What's worse is that if the other party contacts Panlong City, Panlong City may have sent reinforcements, and it is very likely that they are the ancestors of Nascent Soul!

There wasn't much time left for Xiao Mian.

At that moment, under the guidance of Chu Yifan, Xiao Mian and the other four people fled towards the Bingjing Village openly and openly to avenge the bloody vengeance of the Chu family.

Regardless of the scene for a moment, Ice Crystal Village is in sight.

At this moment, twelve rays of escaping light shot into the sky. The first seven and the last five were the seven Jindan junior monks and five Jindan intermediate monks, forming a line of defense.

Obviously, the other party wanted to test the strength of Xiao Mian and others.

The formation of twelve Golden Core monks was enough to stop the charge of four or five high-level Golden Core monks, not to mention that there were even higher-level monks in the Ice Crystal Village waiting and watching.

But this time, it played into Xiao Mian's heart.

After exchanging a wink with Yin Jiansheng, Xiao Mian suddenly accelerated and rushed towards the seven junior Jindan cultivators at the front of the opponent without saying a word.

The twelve monks on the opposite side saw that Xiao Mian, a high-level Jindan monk, was so confident that he dared to charge into the battle alone, so they thought they had a plan.

The speed of the seven junior Jindan monks slowed down slightly, while the speed of the five intermediate Jindan monks behind them increased sharply, with the intention of surrounding Xiao Mian and annihilating them quickly.

If an ordinary high-level Jindan cultivator falls into the circle of these twelve people and loses sight of one thing, he might actually fall among them.

Xiao Mian ignored them, crossed the gap deliberately created by the seven junior Golden Core cultivators, and went straight towards the five intermediate Golden Core cultivators who were flying towards them.

At the same time, after being reminded by Xiao Mian, Yin Jiansheng deliberately moved back a position, glanced at Jing Chu, and then saw the right time to attack.

At this time, although Xiao Mian was surrounded by twelve golden elixir monks, the seven golden elixir monks were also caught in the middle by Xiao Mian and Yin Jiansheng.

Caught in a tight siege, Xiao Mian ignored the seven junior Jindan monks behind him and only used the Star Magnetic Divine Sword to harvest the lives of the five people in front of him...

The seven junior Jindan cultivators originally wanted to kill Xiao Mian as a counterattack.

But he didn't expect that Yin Jian was born to be even faster than Xiao Mian. After a bloody storm, only two of the seven junior Jindan monks were still alive.

Although he still has his life, he has lost his fighting spirit.

Silently, the two people also fell from the air - but they were killed by Jing Chu from a distance with invisible sword energy!

At the same time, all five golden elixir intermediate monks were killed by Xiao Mian.

The clear sky is as clear as blood, and the fishy smell is filled.

Now that the killing spree has begun, there is no need to stop it.

Jing Chu suddenly turned into a sword light and advanced hand in hand with Yin Jiansheng. Like two sharp blades, they stabbed down from mid-air and plunged into the hinterland of Bingjing Village.

Amidst the loud explosions, violent spiritual energy raged.

Xiao Mian, on the other hand, stood in the air with his hands behind his back.

So when Kong Yuanren and Chu Yifan caught up later, they were quite at a loss.

"Brother Yuan Ren! Let me just say that the battlefield is changing rapidly, right?"

"...Brother Xiao! We can't just sit back and watch, right?"

"It doesn't matter! Brother Yuanren, your mission is to protect our Brother Chu!"

Xiao Mian's words made the expressions of Kong Yuanren and Chu Yifan change.


If the opponent has no chance of winning, he may take a desperate risk and kill Chu Yifan!

Thinking of this, Kong Yuanren was very energetic, and Chu Yifan was also attentive. Don't avenge the blood feud when the time comes, and instead stepped in...

Let's talk about Xiao Mian, who runs the Spiritual Peeping Eye and monitors the entire battle group.

The ones fighting Yin Jiansheng were the two top-level Jindan cultivators. They were both very strong, so much so that Yin Jiansheng was one against two and could not win in a short period of time.

Those fighting Jingchu were three high-level Jindan cultivators.

Although Jingchu was one against three, he was very relaxed.

The only thing missing was the quasi-Nascent Soul cultivator on the other side, which made Xiao Mian dare not be careless.

It should be noted that the quasi-Nascent Soul cultivator has spiritual consciousness in his body. If one of them is not good, if he uses his spiritual consciousness to suppress Yin Jiansheng or Jing Chu, both of them may be harmed.

Then, the gain outweighs the loss!

But when Jing Chu killed a high-level Jindan cultivator, the opponent's quasi-Nascent Soul cultivator still didn't show up.

With a roll of his eyes, Xiao Mian winked at Kong Yuanren.

Kong Yuanren was stunned for a moment, but he also understood Xiao Mian's intention.

With a flash of sword light, Kong Yuanren joined Jing Chu's battle group, and then the two of them joined forces to cleanly kill the two high-level Jindan monks in front of the formation.

At this moment, Xiao Mian's pupils shrank and his heart moved.

What was supposed to come has finally come!

Chu Yifan shuddered without warning, and then fell from the air, looking straight at Xiao Mian with fearful eyes.

Xiao Mian was unmoved and stood ready.

A gray sword light burst out of the ground, attacking Chu Yifan from the bottom up, intending to turn Chu Yifan into a skewer!

But at this moment, a layer of five-color flowing light supported Chu Yifan, and at the same time, the gray sword light also appeared - when it collided with the sword light, the five-colored flowing light could not help but tremble.

High-level magic weapon Flying Sword! ?

snort! interesting……

With a thought in his mind, Xiao Mian turned the Five Spirit Walls into a defensive array, protecting Chu Yifan airtight. At the same time, the Star Magnetic Divine Sword turned into a chaotic sword light, chasing the gray sword light - although it was a high-level sword. Xiao Mian is not afraid of the magical flying sword!

Although today's Star Magnetic Divine Sword is still a flying sword at the level of a mid-level magic weapon, it is enough to compete with high-level magic weapons under Xiao's perverted True Yuan Master.

Sure enough, the two swords were fighting, and there was no winner or loser.

At the same time, Xiao Mian was using his spiritual spying eyes, hoping to see through the other party's whereabouts.

Staring at the gray sword light with his clairvoyant eyes, he saw traces of illusory spiritual energy dotted lines flying up from the sword light. The dotted lines were intertwined and stretched out.

Following the extension of those dotted lines, Xiao Mian's deep gaze penetrated the ground.

Sure enough, a strange spiritual energy fluctuation was discovered deep underground.

You are really—cautious!

The dignified quasi-Nascent Soul cultivator actually hid underground and fired cold arrows. I don't know if it was our previous thunderous offensive that frightened the quasi-Nascent Soul cultivator.

The other party's caution did make Xiao Mian a little troublesome.

Although Xiao Mian can use the Earth Escape Technique, the opponent is a quasi-Nascent Soul cultivator after all. With the protection of his divine consciousness, it is difficult for Xiao Mian to force the opponent into a blind corner and then kill him.

Is it possible that we need to ask Guitou for help again?


Maybe it won’t be so troublesome!

With a thought in his mind, Xiao Mian increased the amount of true energy poured into the Star Magnetic Divine Sword.

Not to mention that, Xiao Mian cut his fingertips, sprayed out a little blood essence, and let the Star Magnetic Divine Sword integrate it into the sword body.

As if a chicken's blood had been injected, the Star Magnetic Divine Sword shook its whole body and the sword screamed endlessly.

As a result, the gray sword light was a bit unstoppable...

After three rounds, the gray sword light hesitated, and was almost broken by the powerful Star Magnetic Divine Sword, which broke the sword light form and returned to the flying sword itself.

But at this moment, Xiao Mian disappeared in mid-air...

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