Mind Cultivation Record

Chapter 936: Nascent Soul Showdown

The brilliant Nascent Soul stands in the sky.

A strong sense of pressure, centered on Long Yinyu's Nascent Soul, spread in all directions, pushing Xiao Mian and others away.

The six people except Xiao Mian were already severely injured by Long Yin Yu's previous offensive. They were directly hit by Long Yin Yu's Nascent Soul and fell unconscious one after another.

Only Xiao Mian, whose soul was already powerful after refining the gods, managed to stay awake with the help of the Divine Mirror and the Ghost-headed Ghost Infant.

The broken stones at the scene were flying everywhere, revealing Duanmu Feng who was originally buried underground.

At this time, Duanmu Feng, although he understood that the sword's heart was clear, was still miserable.

"Duanmu, Duanmu! Even if you realize that the sword's heart is transparent, so what? As early as thirty years ago, I planted the soul-eating poison in your body. Now, not only can you not release your spiritual consciousness, but you are also a Nascent Soul. , I’m afraid it can no longer be separated from the body, right?”

Long Yinyu's words made Duanmufeng silent for a long time.

Seeing this, Long Yinyu suddenly laughed wildly.

Suddenly the laughter stopped, Long Yinyu looked solemn and closed his eyes.

Correspondingly, the Nascent Soul, whose eyes had been slightly closed before, suddenly opened its eyes wide, and with a move of his small hand, the swords of life and death appeared on his left and right.

The Yuanying wields the sword, and the sword kills the Yuanying!

If ordinary monks want to harm the Yuanying, they must launch an attack at the Yuanying level to be effective. Using the Yuanying to control the sword is the simplest and most direct way.

Of course, there are other ways, such as the "Three Purity Magic Sword" that Xiao Mian is trying to understand. If he masters it, he can kill Yuanying under the sword.

Long Yinyu used the Nascent Soul separation technique, obviously intending to kill them all.

After destroying Duan Mufeng's Nascent Soul, he would cut open Duan Mufeng's body and dig out the life-and-death sword pill that made him salivate.

By then, as he said before, he will leave Chaoge City.

Not only that, Long Yinyu has even thought about it. Once he breaks through to the high level of Nascent Soul, he will go to Chu County Tianxia City to make an appointment with the elder Baimei Sword Monkey Hou. If he could kill him and seize the kendo inheritance of Fang Shengzhi's kendo lineage, he would continue to travel south to the Shiwan Mountains south of Nanyue Prefecture to find the pinnacle king of the Blood Fiend Sword Ape lineage.

If he could combine the swordsmanship of life and the swordsmanship of death, he might be able to take a step further and advance to the top level of Nascent Soul.

By then, who else will the entire Nanyue State be like?

The twin swords of life and death became more and more agile under the control of Long Yinyu's Nascent Soul.

Although Duanmu Feng understood the art of clearing the heart of the sword, he did it in a hurry. In addition, Duan Mufeng's condition was really bad. The life and death sword energy alone could not defend him from the attacks of the two swords of life and death. Duan Mufeng watched. Will suffer disaster.

At this moment, a burst of black energy came out of Xiao Mian's head.

The black energy condenses, and the ghost baby suddenly appears.

But it turned out that Xiao Mian had no choice but to ask the ghost head to use the body of the ghost infant to contain Long Yinyu's Nascent Soul, which might give Duanmu Feng a chance to breathe.

Fortunately, everyone else was unconscious, otherwise Xiao Mian would not have dared to be so rash.

When the ghost baby suddenly appeared, Long Yinyu noticed it immediately.

Immediately afterwards, there was a faint sound of "whimpering"...

The ghost baby was holding a strange musical instrument in his hand and was playing it attentively.

This musical instrument is - Jiuqu Youhuang!

Long Yinyu's Nascent Soul uses the Nascent Soul to control the sword, so it can certainly kill the Nascent Soul. Guitou's Ghost Infant uses the Nascent Soul to play the nine-melody Youhuang, and naturally it can also severely damage the Nascent Soul.

As a result, Long Yinyu's Yuanying did not dare to go all out.

If he is not careful, he can certainly severely damage Duanmu Feng's Nascent Soul, but if his own Nascent Soul is also severely damaged by Guitou, it will not be worth the loss!

It should be noted that injuries to the Nascent Soul are a hundred times more difficult to treat than injuries to the physical body.

Even if Long Yinyu obtains Duanmu Feng's Life and Death Sword Pill by then, if the Nascent Soul is injured, it will be enough to affect his success rate in successfully breaking through to the high level of the Nascent Soul...

Suddenly retracting the swords of life and death, Long Yinyu and the Nascent Soul above him all looked at Xiao Mian and the ghost baby above Xiao Mian with cold eyes.

"Nanyue Xiao Mian! I underestimated you after all! I underestimated the Five Elements Sect!"


Xiao Mian was speechless.

At this point, the situation has reached a point where there is no end in sight, and it is useless to say more.

He only hoped that the top management of Chaoge City could understand Long Yinyu's conspiracy and come to the rescue in time, or that Duanmu Feng had some trump cards to kill Long Yinyu.

Otherwise, even if there is help from ghosts, the situation will not be optimistic.

"It seems that if I don't kill you first, I won't be able to get the Life and Death Sword Pill today? That's fine! In that case, you - just go and die!"

With a sinister smile, Long Yinyu flicked his hands together, and ten sword energy of life and death flew out from his fingertips, attacking Xiao Mian.

Guitou must use all his heart and soul to frighten Long Yinyu's Nascent Soul. This time, although Xiao Mian's heart is frightened and his scalp is numb, he may not be the only one who can bear it...

Xiao Mian had no intention of sacrificing his life for charity, but someone refused to let him do so.

A figure suddenly appeared in front of Xiao Mian. With a flick of his hand, he blocked the ten sword energy of life and death for Xiao Mian—could it be Duan Mufeng?

At this time, Duanmu Feng's face was bleeding from all the orifices, his eyes, ears, nose and tongue were almost all damaged by Long Yin Yu's previous brutal killing. His legs were completely broken, only one arm remained.

It can be said that this is a human pig!

But it was this incomplete Duanmu Feng that easily cracked Long Yinyu's life and death sword energy.

"Elder brother! I have already told you everything that should be said and what should not be said. Since you don't want to find your way back, and you can't say it, I have no choice but to destroy the family for justice!"

"Killing relatives out of justice? Ha! Why don't you kill one of them and show me!"

"..., okay! From this moment on, you and I will never have any grudges!"

After saying this, Duanmu Feng suddenly felt a decisive momentum rising from his body.

Long Yinyu was shocked, and even Guitou was so frightened that he forgot to play the nine tunes of Youhuang. Fortunately, at this time, Long Yinyu had no intention of worrying about Guitou.

The aura in Duanmu Feng's body climbed infinitely, and it seemed to have no end.

Long Yinyu opened his mouth wide and was stunned.

Suddenly, Long Yinyu's expression changed drastically, and he wanted to fly away, but suddenly a bloody light appeared - his two arms were cut off at the shoulder level.

The initiator of everything was the twin swords of life and death that Long Yinyu regarded as his life!

Somehow, the swords of life and death that were guarding Long Yin Yu's Nascent Soul escaped from Long Yin Yu's control and turned against him, injuring Long Yin Yu.

Without enough time to take into account the blood spurting from the broken parts of his arms, Long Yinyu pulled away and retreated. Both he and the Nascent Soul above him had expressions of shock and terror on their faces...

"How... how could this happen... Although the Sword of Life and Death was the sword that Old Immortal carried with him back then, it has been in my hands for hundreds of years. I have long since erased all the marks belonging to the old guy and removed it. Life is at stake, how could this happen?"

At this time, Long Yinyu looked helpless, like a child who had his favorite toy taken away - anyone injured by his flying sword would probably be like him!

"I have said before: Your father's death is your own fault! Back then, he deliberately showed favor to my father, and what he was planning was my father's Life and Death Sword Pill. Unexpectedly, God was not as good as man, and your father was not only expelled from the master's school by the Valley of Life and Death, but also unexpectedly He died. It was only when my father was packing up his belongings that my father learned of his wild ambitions. However, you were still young at the time, and my father did not want to harm the family because of your father, so he adopted you as his adopted son, and he became even more careful after that. Teach, teach you the supreme swordsmanship of my Vajra Sword Ape lineage.”

"That's enough!" Duanmu Feng's words cut off Long Yinyu's expression, and he finally laughed out loud: "That's nonsense! You were still young when you were old and immortal, how could you know everything that happened back then? ? Besides, if you knew everything about what happened, why would you listen to my words? There’s no need to tell this lie that you don’t even believe!”

"Long Yinyu! Today, I will tell you all the causes and consequences, so that you will not die in peace!"

At that moment, Duanmu Feng slowly revealed a dusty memory...

But it turned out that before Duanmucang died, he had thought about whether to take the opportunity to kill Long Yinyu to avoid raising tigers.

However, Duanmucang had taught Long Yinyu for many years, and the relationship between master and disciple still existed, so he could not make this decision in the end.

However, in order to guard against Long Yinyu, Duanmucang still kept a backup plan.

That is - the sword of life and death!

If everything is fine with Long Yinyu, there will be no changes in the Sword of Life and Death.

But if Long Yinyu has ulterior motives and intends to murder Duanmu Feng, then when the Sword of Life and Death is contaminated with Duanmu Feng's blood, a seal will be unveiled - the Sword of Life and Death will accept the sacrifice of Duan Mufeng's blood, and Duan Mufeng will also awaken. The past sealed in blood.

This is an application method of blood seal...

It was precisely because of this that the Sword of Life and Death turned against him and Long Yinyu was injured.

"...Ha! Is it true that it is evil, or is it that your Duanmu family has the final say?" After listening to Duanmu Feng's story, Long Yinyu was a little confused at first, but soon, he burst out laughing like crazy: "The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit, that's all!"


"But don't be complacent! Do you think you can kill me just because the Sword of Life and Death has changed hands? I will let you know today: In addition to your Duanmu family's Diamond Sword Ape inheritance, I, Long Yinyu, have gained nothing, that is, I have gained understanding. So what if the sword's heart is clear?"

As he spoke, a gray stream of light rose from Long Yinyu's feet...

Duanmu Feng and Xiao Mian couldn't help but look at the soles of Long Yinyu's feet.

Long Yinyu wore a pair of inconspicuous boots on his feet. They were unremarkable and gray, as if they had been covered in dust for a long time.

But now, these boots are exuding the unique spiritual energy fluctuations of high-level magic weapons.

High-level magic weapons must have special powers.

Most of the magic weapons such as boots can increase the speed. Some top-quality high-level magic weapons can even assist monks in breaking the void.

For example, the legendary sword cultivator’s ultimate equipment—the Qiankun Sword Equipment!

At that moment, Duan Mufeng and Xiao Mian thought of the Qiankun Sword Equipment almost at the same time.

No wonder, Long Yinyu has no worries about how to leave Chaoge City safely!

But it turns out that he actually collected the legendary Qiankun Sword Boots!

If the boots Long Yinyu is wearing are really Qiankun sword boots, even if they don't have a complete set, after being stimulated, they can be enough to teleport Long Yinyu outside Chaoge City.

Obviously, this is what Long Yinyu thought - after the Sword of Life and Death was out of control, Long Yinyu's Nascent Soul has been secretly controlling the Qiankun Sword Boots. At the last moment, he successfully activated the Qiankun Small Movement Formation engraved on the Qiankun Sword Boots!

Seeing Long Yinyu's figure gradually fade away, Duanmu Feng frowned and remained silent.

If this old guy really escapes safely, he will definitely have trouble sleeping and eating in the future!

Although Xiao Mian jumped anxiously, he was helpless...

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