Mind Cultivation Record

Chapter 946: Bloody Killing

Huangtian River, one of the four rivers, ranks higher than Yunhuai River.

Starting from the Tiansuo Mountains in Qin County in the west and flowing into the sea in the east, it is not only a famous river in Zhongzhou, but also the boundary river between Yinshang Territory in the south and Jizhou Territory in the north.

On weekdays, the Huangtian River is surging and few people cross it.

Even for ordinary Jindan cultivators, it is not an easy task to cross the Huangtian River. As the boundary river between Yinshang Territory and Jizhou Territory, the Huangtian River itself is engraved with an extremely sophisticated water-attributed air ban, which is enough to suppress Jindan cultivators.

Not to mention, there are big monsters in the Huangtian River from time to time.

It is said that this Huangtian River leads directly to the East China Sea, and many powerful monsters in the East China Sea will go upstream to observe the prosperity of Zhongzhou.

On both sides of the Huangtian River, there are sometimes tragic incidents of monsters devouring people.

It just so happens that these monsters who dare to swim upstream are either of high rank or have deep background, which is absolutely beyond the reach of ordinary cultivators.

The cultivators on both sides of the Huangtian River have to control their legs first if they want to control their lives.

Therefore, ordinary cultivators who want to go north from Yinshang Territory to Jizhou Territory, or south from Jizhou Territory to Yinshang Territory, often use the teleportation array to achieve it.

Of course, for most low-level cultivators, there is no need to worry about these - they may never use the teleportation array in their lifetime!

Today, both sides of the Huangtian River are unusually lively.

The south bank is full of white-clothed cultivators, who look like young boys, no less than thirty or forty people, with angry eyes and swords, standing in the wind.

On the north bank is a group of black-clothed cultivators, who are also young and frivolous, with a number of thirty or forty people, but each of them holds a steel knife and has a murderous look on their faces.

It can be seen at a glance that these two groups of people do not get along with each other.

"You bastards of Xuandao Sect! Listen up! Grandpa is waiting for you here. If you have the guts, come over here and let Grandpa kill you!"

"You son of a bitch of Huajian Sect! Don't say these empty words! Let's see the truth in action! Just don't cry and beg for mercy later!"

The two sides exchanged sharp words, but no one dared to easily cross the Huangtian River.

It turned out that Xuandao Sect was located in the southern part of Jizhou Territory, and Huajian Sect was located in the northern part of Yinshang Territory. The two were facing Huangtian River and facing each other across the river.

Originally, there was no conflict between the two sides. In fact, because they controlled the cross-river teleportation arrays in Yinshang Territory and Jizhou Territory, the two sides had some friendship.

However, I don't know when the contradictions began.

The cause was the cross-river teleportation array!

Although the cross-river teleportation array was built by Yinshang Territory and Jizhou Territory, it was handed over to Xuandao Sect and Huajian Sect for management. On weekdays, the income from the teleportation array was half each.

Originally, there was no trouble, but for some reason, in recent years, more and more cultivators have gone south from Jizhou Territory, while the number of cultivators going north from Yinshang Territory has not increased.

In the long run, Xuandao Sect in the north will naturally earn more than Huajian Sect in the south.

So, Huajian Sect was not happy.

I don’t know which wicked ghost gave Huajian Sect the idea to arbitrarily increase the transmission fee from Yinshang Territory to Jizhou Territory.

In this way, Huajian Sect’s income is comparable to Xuandao Sect, but Xuandao Sect, who learned about this, was not happy again - why can Huajian Sect earn as many spirit stones as our Xuandao Sect with only a few transmissions?

After all, every transmission costs spirit stones.

After a few rounds, the two sides escalated from a spirit stone war to a verbal war, and finally today, it turned into a fight - although it hasn’t started yet, it’s almost time!

After the disciples of both sects pointed at each other’s noses and cursed, they stopped fighting at the same time.

It turned out that one from the south and one from the north, each rushed with a sword light.

The sword light fell, and two young monks appeared on the north and south banks of the Huangtian River.

The man in the south was dressed in white and had a golden crown on his head. Judging from the color of the sword light he was driving, even his flying sword was probably white - he was really showy!

The man in the north was dressed in black, tall and strong, with broad shoulders and a big waist. After putting away the sword light, he took out a large ring knife and carried it on his shoulder, looking domineering.

As soon as the two appeared, they were hostile to each other.

"Yu Mingyuan! Why don't you try to flatter the Fairy Qingcheng in Yin Shang Realm? Why do you come here? Do you want to flatter me?"

"Zhang Yanjun! How dare you insult the Fairy Qingcheng!? You are looking for death!"

It turned out that the young master of the Huajian Sect was actually a loyal fan of the Fairy Qingcheng Gu Qingcheng. If there was no trouble in the sect, he would have gone south to find his dream lover.

Yu Mingyuan and Zhang Yanjun fought each other.

Once the two young masters started fighting, the others would not just cheer.

At that moment, whether it was the Huajian Sect in the south or the Xuandao Sect in the north, three or four people came out of the crowd and flew to the opposite camp on swords.

As a result, the people who were still watching on the shore followed and killed them.

For a while, white sword light and black knife shadows shuttled back and forth on the Huangtian River...

From time to time, someone would be injured by the sword light and sword shadow and fall into the Huangtian River.

Every time at this time, the originally earth-yellow Huangtian River would explode with blood flowers, but the blood would soon be washed away by the water of the Huangtian River.

In just a few moments, dozens of people fell into the Huangtian River, and their lives and deaths were unknown.

In detail, the casualties of both sides were roughly the same, and therefore, their strength was still evenly matched.

At this point, even Yu Mingyuan and Zhang Yanjun had suffered minor injuries.

As the sky gradually darkened, both sides restrained their men and faced each other from the north and south sides.

"Hmph! Yu Mingyuan! This matter is not over today!"

"Zhang Yanjun! Don't say it's today, it's tomorrow. I will fight with you to the end!"

After leaving harsh words to each other, both parties left the bank of the Huangtian River almost at the same time, one facing south and the other facing north, each going back to his own home to find his mother.

A farce on the Huangtian River ended here.

Under the Huangtian River, a round of fighting begins before Fang Zi appears.

Let's talk about Xiao Mian, after racking his brains, almost like a blind cat encountering a dead mouse, he finally figured out how to use the blood escape teleportation array.

After passing through the teleportation array, Xiao Mian found that he was the only one around.

Before he could look around for his companions, he was shocked to realize that he was underwater. This was nothing. What alarmed Xiao Mian was that there was clearly a strong smell of blood in the surrounding river!

I don't know if it was affected by the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood, but Xiao Mian just felt nauseous.

After repeatedly making sure that no companions were missing, Xiao Mian decided to float to the river first to figure out where he was.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a pressure of divine consciousness suddenly appeared, crushing towards Xiao Mian.

The imperial mirror moves automatically in the absence of wind, while Xiao Mian remains as motionless as a mountain.

To this day, Xiao Mian's fear of spiritual consciousness is minimal as long as he is not facing the Yuanying Ancestor or the Great Demon in Transformation.

Controlling his body to remain motionless and pretending to be suppressed by his spiritual consciousness, Xiao Mian saw a huge black shadow appear in the water in front of him.

The black figure had obviously discovered Xiao Mian's whereabouts, and then used his spiritual consciousness to try to suppress Xiao Mian, and at the same time, he was speeding towards this side.

When the black shadow expanded to look like a small mountain, Xiao Mian finally saw the true face of the black shadow - it was actually an overly large fish!

I saw that the big fish was dozens of feet long, with a big head and a small tail, but even the smallest tail on the body was like a wall, flickering in the water.

Before Xiao Mian could see clearly, the big fish opened its bloody mouth and swallowed it.


The sixth level peak monster dares to swallow me, Xiao Mian?

With a secret snort, Xiao Mian suppressed the urge to take action immediately, and instead allowed the big fish to swallow it into his belly.

Just before being swallowed, two layers of spiritual light appeared on Xiao Mian's body. One layer was a pale golden light mask that stuck to his body, and the other layer was a five-color spiritual light.

Although Xiao Mian behaved dismissively, he did not take it lightly.

The pale golden light shield placed next to the body is the achievement of Xiao Mian's body refining lineage. It is made by diluting the mysterious golden scales and covering the whole body. In the future, if Xiao Mian's "Ten Thousand Poison Curses" tends to Dacheng, Xiao Mian's whole body will be covered with golden armor.

That is what is recorded in the "Ten Thousand Poisons Curse" - the Ten Thousand Poisons Hunyuan Golden Gang!

As for the five-color spiritual energy, it is naturally the Five Spirits Bi.

With these two layers of defense, let alone a sixth-level peak monster, even a true seventh-level transformed monster would not be able to harm Xiao Mian for a moment or three.

The big fish swallowed Xiao Mian and burped.

As for Xiao Mian, he was quite disappointed after entering the big fish's body.

Compared to the fish wife back then, this sixth-level fish demon can only be regarded as a small fry!

Seeing that he turned around and reached the belly of the fish demon, Xiao Mian really had no interest in quarreling with this blind sixth-level fish demon.

After taking out the Star Magnetic Divine Sword, Xiao Mian did not immediately release the flying sword to kill the sixth-order fish monster from the inside out.

After thinking for a while, Xiao Mian showed a sly smile...

At that moment, he put away the Star Magnetic Divine Sword and took out the Four Phase Bracelet.

This four-phase bracelet can also be regarded as a rare treasure. It can not only hold Qingjing, but also the remnant soul of Bai Caiwei.

Only this time, what Xiao Mian released was not the two.

With a flash of water light, Xiao Mian opened the water phase space of the four-phase bracelet, and a group of small fish as thick as fingers jumped out...

Those little fishes have slender bodies, huge heads, and white teeth that look like sharp knives—they are not the little piranhas that Xiao Mian finally hatched!

The little piranhas escaped Xiao Mian's control and scattered in all directions.

Without Xiao Mian's orders, they devoured everything they saw...

Seeing the internal organs of the big fish being devoured by the little piranha at a speed visible to the naked eye, even Xiao Mian, the instigator, couldn't help but shudder.

No wonder!

No wonder this piranha also has a name, called - devil fish!

But before Xiao Mian could sigh for a moment, the place where he stood was turned upside down.

But it was the sixth-level fish demon that finally sensed the shocking changes taking place within its body and couldn't help but overturn it. It almost turned its belly upwards and died of pain.

No one would be able to bear the pain of having their internal organs swallowed up.

Xiao Mian didn't care, he was as steady as a mountain.

mock up!

Since you want to eat me, don't blame me for killing you - if you want to blame me, just blame your own bad teeth!

Just when Xiao Mian was thinking this, he suddenly felt a pressure of divine consciousness, surrounding the fish demon's huge body from the outside in, and then invaded the fish demon's body.

Obviously, the fish demon wanted to use his spiritual consciousness to suppress the enemies in his body.

Xiao Mian was thinking about whether to respond, but he didn't want to glance at the piranhas who were completely ignoring the pressure of their divine consciousness. Xiao Mian was stunned!

Could it be that the piranha is so perverted that it even swallows the consciousness! ?

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