Mind Cultivation Record

Chapter 978: The Hole of Time and Space

After experiencing the previous turmoil in the Lingshi Mine, the entire Yanshi City business community and the Lingshi world were in a state of disarray.

But on this day, someone again began to search for Yunli Mei and Juhuaqing in Yanshi City - for a time, there were some who were wary and some who were excited.

No matter what, the spirit stone vendors in Yanshi City who had accumulated a large amount of Yunlimei and Juhuaqing were all scrambling to sell their stocks.

In order to sell those stone lumps, they did not hesitate to lower the price.

Three days later, half of the Yunlimei and Juhuaqing on the streets of Yanshi City had been reduced, and the mysterious purchaser seemed to have had enough.

This made many spirit stone vendors who were still watching before become as anxious as ants on a hot pot - they wanted to wait and watch for a while out of caution.

I don't think the buyer seems to have a big appetite...

All of a sudden, many spirit stone vendors took the initiative to find the buyer, and they all said that they still had top-quality ores and were willing to sell them to each other at low prices.

After some haggling, the transaction price after three days was actually less than half of what it was three days ago...

Three days later, when Xiao Mian returned to Dahuai Village, almost all the Yunlimei and Juhuaqing on the streets of Yanshi City fell into Xiao Mian's pocket.

Fortunately, the spirit stone vendors in Yanshi City were able to buy and give away items.

In order to load the astonishing amount of city-building ore, each vendor used the best storage bags with the largest storage space. After the transaction was completed, those storage bags naturally became Xiao Mian's belongings - at this juncture, who dared to compete with Xiao Mian? Bargaining and counter-offering?

Almost half sold and half given away, Xiao Mian swept away the Yunlimei and Juhuaqing in Yanshi City!

If that mysterious man was a free man who earned a huge amount of spiritual stones back then, then Xiao Mian today took advantage of the situation and saved a huge amount of spiritual stones.

The reason why Xiao Mian spent a large amount of spiritual stones to acquire those Yunlimei and Juhuaqing was naturally not because Liu Zhigang wanted to help the miners, but because he had a premonition that in the near future when the spiritual war was coming, the city-building ore , it will definitely sell well.

Although it seems that the world is at peace now, the spiritual war is imminent, and many forces will not relax regarding strategic resources such as Yunlimei and Juhuaqing.

Xiao Mian knew very well that his Nanyue Prefecture did not have such strategic resources!

Instead of digging a well when you are thirsty, it is better to prepare for a rainy day!

Xiao Mian even had a bold guess: I am afraid that the mysterious purchaser from years ago only completed half of the plan, and what Xiao Mian did was exactly the other half of the plan.

First, White Wolf makes the ore prices in Yanshi City skyrocket and plummet, and the market falls to the bottom. He earns a large amount of spiritual stones and runs away. When things gradually calm down, he can use the earned spiritual stones to make a fortune at a very low price. Prices swept across the ore, this is the whole plan!

If this is the case, then the mysterious man is worthy of Xiao Mian's respect...

It's a pity that Xiao Mian's behavior now is tantamount to stealing love with a knife!

If you take it, you will take it. Anyway, Xiao Mian has the spirit of all forms with him and the ghost head secretly helping him, so he is not afraid of exposing his identity!

It's just that this wanton harvest has also shrunk Xiao Mian's spiritual stone reserves. It seems that no matter how much spiritual stones there are, they are not enough...

After returning to Dahuai Village, Xiao Mian stood under the big locust tree and looked at the thatched cottage.

The thatched cottage is still the same, Tuoba Lan is still the same, even the big locust tree behind Xiao Mian is still the same...

For no reason, Xiao Mian felt helpless.

Even if he is now a strong Jindan warrior, even among the Jindan monks, he is already at the peak of his combat power, but so what?

Even if one day he successfully condenses the infant and steps into the ranks of the ancestor monks, becoming famous and famous, but so what?

Even if he has all the power in the world, he can't replace his parents who both died.

Even if he reaches the top, he still cannot find a way to immortality.

Life is so helpless. If you gain something, you will lose something...

Shaking his head, Xiao Mian stretched out his hand to touch the big locust tree with some feeling, intending to feel the inner voice of this big locust tree that had seen all the wind and rain.

Putting his hand to touch the rough bark of the big locust tree, Xiao Mian suddenly felt a heartbeat-like fluctuation, which was transmitted from the big locust tree to himself.

Thinking back to the beginning, the nine-bend peach tree was also so magical.

From this point of view, this large locust tree with an unspectacular appearance is also a strange species among trees!

Just when Xiao Mian was thinking this, his expression suddenly changed.

Immediately afterwards, a dark cloud suddenly hovered over the big locust tree without any warning. The dark cloud became bigger and bigger, and the more it swirled, the stronger it became. Within a moment, it covered the big locust village.

Judging from the posture of the dark clouds, it is clear that they are covering the entire Yunlong Mountain.

This time, even the daring Xiao Mian was frightened.

Could it be that he tampered with some mechanism that he shouldn't have tampered with?

Or is it that someone is going through a tribulation?

This... what is this for? ?

He lost money quickly, and Liu Zhigang came over quickly.

Seeing Xiao Mian standing blankly under the big locust tree, Liu Zhigang quickly pulled Xiao Mian back to his residence and explained to Xiao Mian at the same time.

"This has changed!"

"..., is it just a change of weather?"

"Senior Xiao! The reason why our Dahuai Village is called Dahuai Village is because of this big locust tree. It is said that this big locust tree existed before Dahuai Village existed. Even Yunlong Mountain is a big tree. It’s just a mound at the foot of the locust tree! This huge locust tree has existed for tens of thousands of years, and it has become psychic and can sense the world!”

"Then what does the so-called changing world mean?"

"Just watch! I don't know what will come out this time!"


Although Xiao Mian was suspicious, seeing that Liu Zhigang was full of expectations but not worried, he put aside his thoughts and turned to stare at the big locust tree.

At this time, all the villagers in Dahuai Village had closed their doors.

There are very few people like Liu Zhigang who dare to look directly at the big locust tree, and there are even fewer people like Xiao Mian who watch the excitement.

Soon, the dark clouds above the big locust tree became so thick that they were almost dripping with water. As the dark clouds rotated, there was a hint of lightning raging and the sound of thunder.

Looking around, it looks like the scene of some monks going through tribulation.

Suddenly, a hole appeared in the dark clouds above the big locust tree.

In the empty hollow, the wind and waves are calm, just like the lightning and thunder in the periphery. It is a completely different world from this nearby hollow.

Before Xiao Mian could understand it, Guitou had already breathed out softly.

"The Hole of Time and Space!"

"Cave of time and space? What?"

"A primitive form of time and space tunnel! It's... very dangerous!" Even the daring Guitou was a little at a loss at this time. This made Xiao Mian feel awe of the hole, and listened to Guitou continue to say: "But it's strange! Space-time holes like this mostly appear in areas where time and space are extremely unstable. Stable spaces that are as dull as a pool of stagnant water rarely appear. Unless..."

"Unless what?"

As Xiao Mian continued to ask, a black shadow suddenly fell out of the hole.

Then, the lightning disappears and the thunder goes out, the clouds disperse and the rain gathers.

In just one breath, the sky over the entire Dahuai Village returned to clear skies, as if everything before was just a temporary illusion.

Xiao Mian naturally didn't think so, what's more, a black shadow clearly fell out of the hole in space and time - it was clearly a human figure!

After confirming that the space-time cave had been completely closed, Xiao Mian and Liu Zhigang quickly came to the big locust tree, and sure enough, a person fell under the tree.

The man was lying on the ground, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

The two looked at each other, and then Liu Zhigang got the courage to go up and turn the man over, but when he saw the man's face clearly, he took a breath of cold air.

It's not that the man's appearance is scary or terrifying, on the contrary, that man is stunningly beautiful, but - that man is clearly a man!

A very handsome man!

Even with Xiao Mian's temperament, when he saw the man's appearance, he couldn't help but feel moved: This man is so beautiful!

Not handsome, not handsome, just a kind of beauty!

He is so beautiful that people forget that he is a man...

If I had to use any word to describe it, it would be - monster!

Just when Xiao Mian was thinking this, he suddenly saw Liu Zhigang holding the evil man. His eyes were straight and his hands were trembling, as if he had been possessed by an evil spirit.

The light in his eyes became even colder, and Xiao Mian snorted coldly.

Liu Zhigang got smart, let go and threw the man to the ground.

Just when Liu Zhigang took three steps back as if avoiding a snake or a scorpion, the unconscious and beautiful man was shocked and unexpectedly woke up leisurely...

A pair of water-cut eyes, hinting at a glance.

Xiao Mian and the man looked at each other, and there was an unreasonable murderous intention in their hearts.

The man had just passed through the hole of time and space, and he was obviously very frightened. When he saw Xiao Mian giving him a cold look, he was shocked again and lowered his head subconsciously.

At that moment, murderous intent burst out in Xiao Mian's eyes.

But just when Xiao Mian wanted to kill the monster unreasonably, Tuoba Lan, dressed in white, walked under the big locust tree.

Tuoba Lan and Liu Zhigang bowed their hands in greeting, looked at Xiao Mian again, and then took a good look at the man sitting on the ground.

"Dare you ask this... friend! But flying down from the big locust tree?"

"..., yes!" That man not only looked beautiful and fragrant, but his voice was also soft and sweet, making people feel relaxed and happy when they heard it. Liu Zhigang looked confused, and even Xiao Mian felt his mind wandering, but Tuoba Lan continued to ask: "I wonder where my friend came from? Why are you here? My friend! Do you still remember the past?"

"...Where did it come from? I don't remember!"

Saying this, the man struggled to stand up.

After taking a deep look at Tuoba Lan, the man took out a pill and drank it, then he eagerly harnessed the sword light and rushed towards the eastern sky...

Tuoba Lan looked at the sword light and felt lost.

Liu Zhigang looked at the sword light and felt relieved.

Only Xiao Mian's face changed slightly when he saw that familiar sword light!

It can't be such a coincidence, right?

Wouldn't it be so spooky?

Wouldn't it be so incredible?

This world can't be so crazy! ?

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