Mind Cultivation Record

Chapter 996: Fist shattering thousands of mountains

As for Xiao Mian, after leaving the underground battle city, before he could return to the private manor where Guitou was sitting, he received a summons from Guihai.

After listening to Gui Hai's words, Xiao Mian rushed out of Yanshi City without saying a word.

Just because, according to Gui Hai, Tong Zhan fell from the big locust tree...

If it was just Tong Zhan, Xiao Mian wouldn't be worried - in Dahuai Village today, not only were killing gods like Gui Hai sitting in charge, but there were also Yin Jiansheng and Kong Yuanren supporting him.

However, the news returned from Guihai revealed that not only Tong Zhan, but also two other monks happened to be meeting him - one of them was so beautiful!

So beautiful?

Xiao Mian did not comment on Gui Hai's statement.

But Xiao Mian keenly felt the conflict and threat towards "beautiful women".

Vaguely, Xiao Mian had a premonition that Tuoba Lan's recovery of memory might not be that simple!

Although he was causing trouble in Yanshi City and attracted a large number of people's attention. But according to Xiao Mian's observation, not all of the people he had secretly paid attention to in the past few days had gone deep into the underground battle city. What made Xiao Mian uneasy was where they were going!

Until he met Pei Qingyi on the opposite side, Xiao Mian's sense of ominousness reached its peak.

Pei Qingyi, still dressed in Tsing Yi, looks outstanding.

At this time, Xiao Mian, in order to deceive others, did not show his true colors. Therefore, Pei Qingyi did not know that he had stopped this evil star.

Pei Qingyi's face was filled with disdain.

"This road is blocked! If you want to survive, take a detour!"

"I'm afraid there will be cats and dogs blocking other roads, right? Who is it? Mr. Yunxi, Lu Yunxi? Or Mr. Luanying, Xue Yingyin?"

"You! Who are you!?"

"Young Master Pei Qingyi! Has your Canglong Qingqi been repaired?"

As soon as Xiao Mian said this, Pei Qingyi's expression suddenly changed, but immediately after, Pei Qingyi screamed strangely and jumped away.

Just because Xiao Mian's provocative words were accompanied by his thunderous offensive.

Pei Qingyi's appearance here is not a good sign, and ordering the monks along the way to take a detour is even more obvious. It should be noted that the place where Pei Qingyi is guarding is the strategic point from Yanshi City to Dahuai Village. Obviously, someone wants to isolate it. Dahuai Village!

I'm afraid not only this point, but also if Xiao Mian detours to other directions and wants to break into Dahuai Village, other people will pop out and yell.

In this case, Mr. Tsing Yi - I'm sorry!

Once he takes action, Xiao Mian shows no mercy!

Use the Star Magnetic Divine Sword to face Pei Qingyi's Green Shuttle Sword, use the sun and moon swords to attack Pei Qingyi's restored Canglong Qingqi, and use the Five Spirit Sword to hunt down Pei Qingyi himself!

Pei Qingyi was shocked by Xiao Mian's identity on the one hand, and Xiao Mian's offensive on the other. As soon as they met, Xiao Mian broke away from the defense and opened the way.

It's just that Pei Qingyi can't protect himself at this time, so how can he take care of so much?

Fortunately, Xiao Mian rushed to Dahuai Village and did not want Pei Qingyi's life at all - but when he passed by Pei Qingyi, Xiao Mian's eyes flashed with coldness.

Immediately, seven Seven Emotions Heart Demon Swords rushed into Pei Qingyi's body.

Considering that Pei Qingyi is also a quasi-Nascent Soul cultivator with spiritual consciousness, it stands to reason that Xiao Mian's Seven Emotions Heart Demon Sword at the spiritual level cannot threaten Pei Qingyi.

Even when the Seven Emotions Heart Demon Sword enters the body, Pei Qingyi will notice it.

But at this time, Pei Qingyi was completely frightened by Xiao Mian's fierce offensive. He was so focused on the joy of surviving the disaster that he couldn't care about anything else.

Besides, Pei Qingyi's spiritual consciousness was only gathered by luck by taking the Condensing Pill. Naturally, it is impossible for him to be as tyrannical as Moyin and Bai Qiye. Xiao Mian, on the other hand, has also mastered the "Soul Separation Technique", and his spiritual consciousness is extremely powerful. , actually avoiding Pei Qingyi's consciousness.

If word of this got out, I'm afraid not many people would believe it...

Watching Xiao Mian turn into light with cold eyes, Pei Qingyi, who was just about to recover from the shock, his handsome face suddenly turned red and turned white. He snorted secretly and took out something.

With a bang, a blood letter flower exploded...

Xiao Mian didn't care about what happened behind him.

Now, he just wants to get to Dahuai Village as soon as possible.

Not wanting to rush out for less than half a quarter of an hour, Xiao Mian had to stop again.

Lu Yunxi! Ye Weiyang! Ling Tianfeng! Changsun Peilin!

All top-level Jindan cultivation levels! All quasi-Nascent Soul cultivators!

Four people stood in front of Xiao Mian, preventing him from moving forward.


Exhaling a breath of turbid air, Xiao Mian smiled faintly.

The smile suddenly faded, and eight flying swords flew away.

At this point, there’s no point in saying more! ?

Since you are going to be the vicious dog blocking the road, don't blame Xiao for beating the drowned dog!

Although Xiao Mian was decisive in killing, the four people who received the summons from Pei Qingyi were obviously on guard.

Facing Xiao Mian's offensive, the four of them had already responded.

Ling Tianfeng took a step forward, and the thousands of mountains and thousands of feet of peaks turned into a huge thing, blocking the front line of the four people; Lu Yunxi moved next, and the sword light turned into a cloud of sword energy, bypassing the thousands of mountains and tens of thousands of feet of peaks, and stabbed Xiao Mian; Ye Weiyang He stood still and disappeared Ye Jian, obviously preparing to give Xiao Mian a decisive blow. Changsun Peilin did not advance but retreated, holding the Qingmu Return to Heaven Ruler high, constantly restoring the true energy of the other three people.

Obviously, the four opponents did not intend to kill Xiao Mian, but to entangle Xiao Mian and fight a protracted war - of course, if they could kill Xiao Mian here, they would not mind doing so. The seemingly elegant eldest grandson Peilin doesn't mind either!

What's more, Lu Yunxi, Ling Tianfeng and Ye Weiyang have all suffered at the hands of Xiao Mian?

After understanding the purpose of the four people at a glance, Xiao Mian became angrier and his men became more ruthless.

The eight sword rays bypassed the thousands of mountains and peaks that turned into a giant monster, separated out a sword light to fight Lu Yunxi's Yunfeng sword, and separated out a sword light to chase Lu Yunxi. The remaining six sword lights were divided into two groups, The attack was directed at Ye Weiyang and Changsun Peilin - even if Ye Weiyang hadn't made a move yet, if he didn't move, his move would definitely be earth-shattering; even if Changsun Peilin didn't advance but retreated, he was the key to the longevity of the four of them. .

Facing Xiao Mian's offensive, Ye Weiyang had no choice but to activate the Ye Sword in advance. At the same time, his figure swayed and gradually disappeared.

The eldest son, Peilin, is not so cool...

Suddenly he stopped, and green light flashed in front of Changsun Peilin. The strands of blue light colluded together to form a defensive shield around Changsun Peilin.

Like a green light spiritual cocoon, protecting the eldest grandson Peilin.

This is the high-level defensive magic weapon worn by Changsun Peilin - the Green Silkworm Treasure Clothes!

Considering that Changsun Peilin was a monk with wood spirit roots, Xiao Mian used three flying swords of fire, gold and wood in the Five Spirit Sword to attack Changsun Peilin.

Now this Green Silkworm Treasure Clothes is a wood attribute defense treasure.

No matter how powerful the three Five Spirit Swords were, they were still unable to break through the defense of the Green Silkworm Treasure Clothes, and naturally they were unable to harm the eldest grandson Peilin inside.

Xiao Mian never thought of hurting the eldest grandson Peilin. After all, the eldest grandson Peilin's grandfather was the famous eldest grandson Mu De in Chaoge City. He was only one step away from becoming a Tianzun at the top level of Nascent Soul. Realm, becoming the ultimate existence in heaven and earth.

Xiao Mian had better avoid provoking people like this!

For persimmons, always pick the ones that are soft and pinch them...

Although the identities of Ling Tianfeng and others are also extraordinary, they are still inferior to the eldest son Peilin. Long Yinyu knew this at that time, how could Xiao Mian not know?

Therefore, while the eldest son Peilin was protecting himself, the other three people suffered...

The first one to suffer was Ling Tianfeng who was at the front.

Relying on the defensive capabilities of the thousands of mountains and peaks, Ling Tianfeng rushed to the front line.

But Ling Tianfeng also kept an eye on it. He never escaped from the protection of Qianshan Wanzhang Peak. He didn't want to fight Xiao Mian face to face!

Even so, Xiao Mian didn't want to let him go!

Facing the thousand-foot-high mountain peak that looked like a giant peak in the sky, Xiao Mian exhaled like thunder and punched out like lightning. He punched out impartially.

The poisonous relics are running crazily, providing powerful energy for this punch; the spiritual eyes are running crazily, constantly correcting the attack route of this punch; the blood of the demon dragon is running crazily, and Lian Xiao Mian is added to this punch. The ancient aura that no one understands.

This punch is just a punch, but it is more than just a punch!

This punch is a physical refining technique, but it is not just a physical refining technique!

A punch was thrown out, hitting the base of the thousand-foot-long mountain peak that was constantly pressing down.

At this time, the thousands of mountains and peaks have been transformed into a giant peak of 100 feet under the control of Ling Tianfeng, which is extremely big and unparalleled in weight.

Ling Tianfeng's original intention was to use the Qianshan Mountain Peak as a defense line to defend against Xiao Mian's attack, but he did not expect that Xiao Mian would be so powerful that he would fight against the giant peak hand-to-hand!

It should be noted that although Qianshan Wanzhang Peak is only a mid-level magic weapon, as the name implies, Qianshan Wanzhang Peak is made of stones from thousands of mountains and tempered thousands of times. Although it cannot be as high as ten thousand feet, when its power is fully displayed, its weight is It can reach a weight of one million kilograms!

Coupled with the inertia falling from the sky, even those professional body trainers who specialize in body training dare not be as generous as Xiao Mian.

Seeing Xiao Mian's figure being completely swallowed by thousands of mountains and peaks, Ling Tianfeng was stunned for a moment and was overjoyed - he actually killed Xiao Mian of South Vietnam?


Not only did he become famous, but when he thought about the promise made by the fairy, Ling Tianfeng felt itchy and couldn't help himself.

But before Ling Tianfeng could be happy for a moment, a teeth-searing crunching sound could not help but come.

When Ling Tianfeng was stunned for a moment, the thousands of mountains and mountains he had high hopes for were shattered from the base and scattered in all directions, like a goddess scattering flowers.

A mid-level magic weapon of outstanding quality was shattered by Xiao Mian's punch!

Not to mention, Xiao Mian's figure burst out of the rubble and shot a finger of ice flames towards Ling Tianfeng. Then without looking at Ling Tianfeng, Xiao Mian's body was filled with red and blue streams of light. In a flash, he disappeared into the air. When he reappeared, he was already behind Lu Yunxi. Without saying a word, he raised his fist and Xiao Mian smashed it down.

There was a clang sound, and Xiao Mian's fist was blocked behind Lu Yunxi.

Lu Yunxi's face changed drastically after receiving this punch. With the impact of Xiao Mian's fist, Lu Yunxi flew away without looking back.

Xiao Mian looked at the layer of cloud that appeared next to Lu Yunxi and thought to himself that it was bad luck!

It was clearly a mid-level defensive magic weapon of good quality. Obviously, Lu Yunxi seemed careless, but in fact he was more cautious than Ling Tianfeng.

Without this defensive magic weapon, Lu Yunxi would definitely follow in the footsteps of his predecessor who was defeated by Xiao Mian with one punch...

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