With the official launch of the game, a large number of players poured in in an instant.

After a short period of character pinching, players finally officially entered the game.

As soon as they entered the game, the players were confused.

"Where is this...?There is no newbie village in this game?!".

"Why don't you even have an NPC around?!!


"There are only coordinates, not even a map?

"There's no newbie quest either..."

"Didn't you notice? I can't even choose a career. "

"No newbie outfits, no weapons, nothing in the backpack..."


It can be said that the entire game world is full of players' doubts and complaints.

Because this game is not at all the same as the games they have been exposed to before.

The previous games at least had a main line, a straight line, a variety of NPCs, and a novice village.

At least there is a direction for development.

And this game, as soon as you come in, you can see nothing except flowers and trees, rivers and mountains, and some small animals.

Not even a monster was seen.

The players were suddenly a little overwhelmed.

At this time, Li Yuan is the same as these players.

When he saw the message of [Kill Mode On], he was stunned for a long time before he came to his senses.

"Could it be... The player is already logged in?!".

There is only this reasonable explanation in front of us.

Li Yuan needs to kill players to get kill points, and now that the kill mode is on, it just means that the players have logged in.

Thinking of this, Li Yuan checked the details of the killing mode.

[Kill Mode].

[Faction: Monster].

[Opposing Faction: Humans].

[Cumulative Kill Points: 0].

[Cumulative Kill Value of Opposing Faction: 0].

[Note: Kill points can be exchanged for goods in the system mall].

[When the enemy faction's kill value reaches the target, the buff mod will be automatically activated!].

After Li Yuan saw the details of the kill value, he already had a general understanding of the entire game environment.

This is equivalent to Li Yuan being PK with the players, who kills more, who is stronger.

Li Yuan can rely on the kill value to strengthen monsters, strengthen himself, and open powerful monster mods.

Players, on the other hand, can accumulate kill points by continuously killing monsters, so that they can open mods that are beneficial to them.

It's like drawing a sword mod, an industrial mod or something like that.

And these mods will be actively turned on when the cumulative kill value is reached.

In other words, as long as players continue to kill monsters, they will be able to become stronger.

Li Yuan is the same.

But Li Yuan's pressure is much greater than that of the player.

Because Li Yuan's cumulative kill value is much slower than the player's cumulative kill value!

Maybe in the early stage, when players don't know how to play, Li Yuan will take the lead a little.

But in the later stage, players know how to play, so it's hard to say.


Because after players are familiar with the game, they can accumulate kill points through various monster farms.

And what about Li Yuan? Could it be that Li Yuan can be a player monster farming tower?

He can only rely on the monsters he has tamed to kill the players one by one.

And the player base is very large, and the speed at which they accumulate kills is definitely fast.

When Li Yuan thought of this, he couldn't help but feel a lot of pressure.

"It seems that we still can't relax..."

Although the current strength of Li Yuan can be regarded as a small boss.

But we still can't let up.

Li Yuan must quickly harvest the kill value and develop before the players research the monster farming tower!

"Looks like we're in a hurry. "

Li Yuan thought of this, and after turning off the killing system, he immediately opened the taming information.

Tame Info

[Tame Species: Witch].

Taming Progress: 30/30 (Tamed).

[Acquired Skills: Potion Mastery, Magic Damage Resistance 85%].


"All the skills have been inherited?!".

When Li Yuan saw the skills he had obtained, he almost didn't jump.

Originally, Li Yuan didn't report much, hoping to inherit all the skills of the witch.

After all, for the early stage of the game, witches are still very powerful.

And, this is still in the case that the witch is just a string of data and has no thinking.

And now, Li Yuan has inherited the skills of a witch.

Fire resistant, accelerate, dive, self-milk, poison, weaken, slow down, and instantaneous high damage.

Plus Li Yuan's eight years of gaming experience.

The current Li Yuan is definitely a bit of a demon king.

"Hurt, self-preservation..."

"There's still a displacement missing..."

Li Yuan will naturally not be satisfied with the status quo.

Generally speaking, when it comes to HIM, the deepest impression is that it is ghostly and kills people invisibly.

appeared in front of the player in a blink of an eye, and after quietly taking away the player, it disappeared again in a blink of an eye.

That's what makes him scary.

Therefore, the standard teleportation of the Demon King must be indispensable.

If you want to learn teleportation, you must find Xiao Hei.

Before killing the witch, Li Yuan actually thought about taming Xiao Hei.

After all, the skill of teleportation is still very useful.

But at that time, he thought that all the monsters he tamed were based on the number of kills, so he dismissed the idea.

But now it's different.

Taming Blackie may be the same as a witch, and doesn't require a number of kills.

Li Yuan soon had a plan for the next step.

And just when Li Yuan was planning everything.

His "junior barracks" welcomed the first "sightseeing groups".


Start updating !!

Routinely find the !! of the wave data

Ask for a monthly pass, ask for flowers, ask for a reward~~~!!!!

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