As soon as Ah Yu said this, all the team members gasped.

"Shhhhh Brother Yu, don't scare me...."

"Yes . . . That's right, Brother Yu, these are just data..."

"Harm... We're new to the game, we don't know anything, maybe it's just a little copy..."

"Don't... Stop it... Let's go quickly..."


Ah Yu's words can be said to make all teammates think about it carefully.

Because after watching the scene just now, if you think about Ah Yu's words, it really has that meaning.

Although everyone is scared, they are still comforting themselves, these are some game data.

"Let's go, go straight back to the station. "

"The situation here must be reported to the president in detail!"

Seeing this, Ah Yu didn't stay here for long.

If these monsters are really controlled by something more powerful, as they say they are.

Then this thing must have already discovered them.

So it's better to get out of this infiltrating place as soon as possible.

And just when Ah Yu's team was about to leave, Li Yuan happened to come back.

Li Yuan only approached the cave when he sensed the breath of Ah Yu's team.

In MC, monster AI will have a finding mechanism.

At a certain distance, if a player is present, the monster will sense it and will automatically find its way.

Although Li Yuan is a BUG, he is also a monster.

So there is also such a sensing ability.

After sensing this group of players, Li Yuan immediately controlled the single eye in the cave and looked around the cave.

Soon, Li Yuan used his one-eyed perspective to see a player's foot exposed in the gap on the east side of the cave.

Just when Li Yuan manipulated the one-eyed to look at the cave.

Ah Yu and the others were also ready to leave.

Before leaving, Ah Yu leaned over again to take a look at the situation in the cave.

And when Ah Yu looked over, he was just staring at the one-eyed gaze.


Ah Yu gasped, and the whole person was stunned in place.

The one-eyed eyes gave Ah Yu a huge impact.

Although Ah Yu didn't know what all this was all about, his instincts told him.

The powerful thing that controls these monsters has already discovered them!

"Quick... Run..."

Ah Yu almost squeezed out these words from his throat.

Seeing this, the team members immediately began to retreat.

They all retreated to the mouth of the cave as if they had gone mad.

After coming to the mouth of the cave, the sun shone on everyone's faces, and everyone finally felt at ease.

"It should be safe now... If they chase them out, they will die. "

"This cave is so eerie, why don't we tear this place down?"

"Yes, it doesn't matter what kind of sacrifice it is, let them see what it means to be full of Buddha's light!"


The team members are now full of revenge, they have just been scared enough in the cave, and now they want to find the field.

At this time, Ah Yu had a gloomy face.

His mind kept thinking about the zombie's eyes.

Actually, it's not scary for a zombie to look at you.

The scary thing is that it looks at you without making any movement.

If it's an ordinary zombie, then when you find yourself, you will definitely rush over.

But it doesn't, it just looks at you with its eyes.

Ah Yu had never seen a zombie have that kind of look.

I felt that on the other side of my eyes, a powerful force was driving.

That look seemed to tell me.

"I found you, you can't run away. "

At this time, Ah Yu was full of that look, and he didn't care about what his teammates were doing.

At this time, his teammates were making tools to tear down the cave.

At this moment, everyone suddenly heard the sound of a glass bottle shattering.

Everyone didn't pay much attention to it at first.

It wasn't until one player bottomed out and fell to the ground that everyone reacted.

When everyone saw the corpse of their teammates, they were all stunned.

"???? what the hell is going on?!!!


"Why did he die all of a sudden?!".

"Is there a monster attacking somewhere?!!!


"What was the sound of that glass bottle shattering...?!!



When everyone was panicking, there was a "click" sound of broken glass bottles.

Another player has fallen to the ground!

Seeing another teammate fall to the ground, it was just a matter of an instant.

The mood of the crowd changed from bewilderment to panic in an instant.

"!!, what the hell is going on?!!!


"Who the hell is attacking us...?!!!".

"This game... Is there a ghost?....



At this time, Ah Yu, who saw all this, seemed to understand something.

He walked up to his teammates with a desperate look on his face and said with a wry smile.

"We've been targeted..."

"I can't run away..."

"That look... Just tell me..."

"You can't run away..."


Update!!Seek wave data pull~~

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