The discovery of Notch by the zero-value NULL still had some impact on Li Yuandu to a greater or lesser extent.

Originally, Li Yuan thought that after the previous painful news had passed, he would finally be able to stabilize for a few days.

But I didn't expect to meet Notch.

Notch, as the creator god of the previous MC, naturally has unrivaled power.

After all, the MC in the previous life was created by him.

Now the only thing Li Yuan can conclude is.

Notch is supposed to be not on the side of the command world.

Command the world side of the game, Minecraft, a game created by the stars.

The boss is always Mr. Zhang, and Mr. Zhang doesn't have an English name.

So Notch certainly doesn't belong to the world of commands.

As it stands, there is a good chance that Notch will come from the mod world.

After Li Yuan thought of this, he suddenly realized a problem.

After going through so many things, Li Yuan's strength is already very strong.

And as long as he has enough faith power, Li Yuan can roam freely on the Internet.

However, at present, what Li Yuan can control seems to be all the data of the command world!

Whether it's the Peace Elite of the painful news or other games, or even the browser that Li Yuan activated before.

These things, it's all about the world of commands!

And Li Yuan doesn't seem to know anything about the MOD world!

In the MOD world, the game has been on service for so long, and Li Yuan has added mods and dungeons.

In the MOD world, there is not even a single manager who has appeared!

And, judging by the number of players in the mod world alone, Minecraft is not that niche game.

In the MOD world, Minecraft is definitely well-known.

But why is there no management assistant for such a well-known game?!

Not even the various updates to the game.

This is also unscientific!

After Li Yuan thought of this, he suddenly felt as if things had become complicated.

The command world is similar to the previous life, which is a real world where the game industry is relatively developed.

1. Li Yuan's current strength, commanding the world, Li Yuan can control it now.

After all, so many icons in the void represent the various channels of network big data.

Li Yuan only needs to have enough faith power to activate them all and control the entire network.

However, Li Yuan doesn't know anything about the current MOD world!

Li Yuan was born in the mod world.

And many things in the mod world are different from the command world.

Although there are also players in the MOD world.

But the monsters in the MOD world have become conscious under the influence of Li Yuan.

Moreover, there are so many legends in the MOD world.

Like HIM's Undead Legion, Ender Queen, Dancers, and more.

Are these characters really because of HIM?!

I'm afraid not.

For example, Zero NULL, Dreadlord, and One-Eyed are indeed the three of them because of the existence of HIM.

But Entity 303 can't say for sure.

Even Entity 303 exists because of HIM.

The Ender Queen, the Dancer, and the Dragon Prophet certainly didn't exist because of HIM.

Li Yuan vaguely remembered that when the void was strange, he asked the ender queen.

At that time, the void had not yet been opened, and Li Yuan did not know that there was a command world.

Li Yuan only felt that the void was not simple.

So Li Yuan asked the Queen of Ender when the Void was abnormal.

And the answer that the ender queen gave to Li Yuan at that time happened to be when Li Yuan was just born in the game.

And this answer also shows that the ender queen existed a little earlier than Li Yuan!

This also shows that the Queen of Ender does not exist because HIM exists!

This undoubtedly adds a lot of mystery to the mod world.

Why do these people who were born into games but have a sense of autonomy exist?

After Li Yuan thought of this, he also realized a problem.

Although Li Yuan can now change the game data at will.

But Li Yuan can't change the kill value of players in the mod world, nor can he change the kill value on his side.

The power of faith is the same.

This shows that these things in the mod world exist independently of the game.

Li Yuan seems to have dominated the entire game.

But in fact, Li Yuan only led some of the data-based things in the game.

There are still many things that Li Yuan can't touch now.

After Li Yuan thought of this, he suddenly felt a sense of disparity.

After settling the matter, Li Yuan felt that he was already able to be called the title of Creation God.

But now it seems that Li Yuan still has a long way to go.

Li Yuan still doesn't know what kind of world the mod world is.

What about the creation of God?

After Li Yuan thought of this, he couldn't help but think of Notch.


"Could it be that Notch is the creator?!"

Li Yuan couldn't help but wonder if it was Notch who created the mod world.

However, if Notch had created the world, there was no reason for him not to bother with the game.

And Li Yuan feels that today's zero-value NULL meets Notch, and there is a high probability that it will be a chance encounter.

If it is really as Li Yuan guessed, Notch is the creator god.

Notch's desire to find Li Yuan was simple, and he probably wouldn't use this kind of chance encounter.

And Notch still encountered zero-value NULL, not Li Yuan.

The huge amount of information gave Li Yuan a bit of a headache.

This game is just too complicated.

There are still many puzzles about the MOD world, and Li Yuan can only solve them slowly on his own.

The appearance of Notch also gave Li Yuan a wake-up call.

Now is not the time to relax.

Li Yuan does not know exactly what Notch's identity is.

And it is also not clear what the strength of Notch is.

It's not even clear whether Notch is friend or foe.

If we look at the situation of the MC in the previous life, the relationship between Notch and HIM is hostile.

But this life is very different.

Because everything HIM does in this life is for the game "Minecraft".

He's saving the game.

So what kind of relationship is between Notch and HIM in this life, no one can say.

"Forget it, let it be..."

Li Yuan shook his head and stopped thinking about these tedious things.

There will always be a reasonable explanation for everything, and what Li Yuan has to do now is to strengthen himself.

In this way, even if there is a battle with Notch, he will have the capital to fight.

But at present, Li Yuan is more distressed that he knows very little about Notch now.

Even if Li Yuan wants to improve his strength, he doesn't know where to start.

After Li Yuan thought of this, he suddenly remembered someone.

"Maybe the Dragon Prophet will know something!"

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