Players don't know what it will be like to clear the level.

But everyone understands that as long as the door of the room is opened, the scene outside is no longer a room, which means that the customs have been cleared.

After seeing this scene, the players were excited.

Originally, when Brother Wang started the live broadcast, they thought that they had already cleared the customs.

As a result, after Brother Wang explained, he learned that he had not cleared the customs, and everyone was still a little disappointed at that time.

didn't expect things to turn around so soon.

"Oh my God, I'm so excited, I actually witnessed the Demon King's Palace being conquered!!"

"I didn't expect there to be such a day, this big guy Li Yuan is just a bull!!"

"This big guy is a real dark horse, this first appearance, it was a blockbuster..."

"I'll go, this is really going down in history!!"

"Thank you Boss Li Yuan for telling us that there are a total of 100 rooms in the room labyrinth of the Demon King's Palace!"


At this moment, Brother Wang was also shocked by this scene.

He froze in place for a long time and didn't react.

Brother Wang didn't expect that there would be no room behind the hundredth room.

Brother Wang originally just wanted to record the hundredth room, but he didn't expect to record this scene of customs clearance.

At this moment, Brother Wang's heart can be described as extremely excited.

Although Brother Wang believed that Li Yuan would be able to take them through customs, he didn't expect the customs clearance to come so quickly!

Brother Wang was a little incoherent with excitement at the moment.

"Brother... Brothers!!"

"We've cleared the level!! hahahahahaha!!"

"I'm so excited!!"

"However, the live broadcast should be here, I have to go in!"

In fact, Brother Wang also wants to take players to see what it looks like after clearing the customs.

But this kind of thing Brother Wang can't do, after all, it was Li Yuan who took them through.

When the players saw Brother Wang say that they were going to pay attention to the live broadcast, they all panicked.

"Don't, Brother Wang!!Don't turn off the live broadcast!!"

"??? to hang our appetite?!! I won't take you to play like this!!"

"I'll go, let's see!!Don't turn off the live broadcast!!"

"You haven't seen what the final clearance is like!! don't close it!!"


Of course, players want to see what the inside of the Demon King's Palace will be like after clearing the level.

When Brother Wang saw this, he was also very embarrassed.

After thinking about it, Brother Wang asked Li Yuandao.

"Big guy Li Yuan... After this is cleared, can I continue to broadcast live?"

"Everyone wants to see what the inside of the Demon King's Palace is like after clearing the customs..."

Brother Wang still asked Li Yuan's opinion as usual.

Seeing this, Li Yuan shrugged his shoulders and said.

"I don't care, I'll leave after taking my things, you feel free. "

After Li Yuan finished speaking, he walked towards the door.

When Brother Wang saw this, he breathed a sigh of relief.

The players in the live broadcast room also heard the conversation between the two, and everyone was excited at the moment.

"WOW!!Big Guy Li Yuan agreed!!"

"Great!!Finally I can see the inside of the Demon King's Palace!!"

"I don't know what good treasures are available after customs clearance!!"

"It feels like it's going to be a dragon set... The best equipment at the moment. "


At this moment, after Brother Wang calmed down a bit, he finally walked out of the door.

Outside the door is a huge hall.

The floor is paved with a layer of transparent glass blocks.

And underneath the glass blocks, there are countless gold nuggets!

It looks majestic and extravagant.

In front of the hall, an entire wall is full of knife holders, and all kinds of drawn swords are placed on the knife holders!

In the center of the hall, there are countless treasure chests.

On both sides of the hall, rows of armor racks are neatly stacked.

Iron sets, gold sets, diamond sets, nether alloy sets, and even dragon sets, you name it.

The whole hall is simply a big treasure!

After Brother Wang and the others saw this scene, they were all stunned.

"I'm going... I feel like the treasure of One Piece is probably about the same..."

"This, this, this... Can we take all this?!!"

"This is the treasury?!!......"


Brother Wang is also a high-end player, and there are still some family backgrounds.

I've also seen a lot of guild warehouses.

But they were still shocked by what they saw.

The scene in front of me can only be described as dazzling.

And at this moment, after all the players in the live broadcast room saw such a scene, they all exploded.

"I'm going!! I've already been prepared, but I'm still stopped!!"

"It's outrageous... All the good stuff for the whole game is here?!!"

"Tears flowed down my lips..."

"Why haven't I met a big guy like Li Yuan?!!!"

"I can't wait to get through the screen...!!"

"This is the mountain of gold and silver..."

When the players saw this scene, they were all hungry.

If everything here were to be moved out, it would definitely be able to arm a First Guild!

In the live broadcast room at this moment, because Brother Wang changed the title before.

Many of the presidents of the big guilds have entered the live broadcast room.

When they saw this dazzling reward, they were all red-eyed.

At this moment, they all had Li Yuan's thoughts on it.

These things they naturally want, and only Li Yuan can clear them at present.

And they were also very keenly aware that Li Yuan had no guild, so a battle for people was launched in the live broadcast room.

"Brother Li Yuan, I see that you don't have a guild yet, our XX guild sincerely invites you to join!

"Brother, as long as you join our XX guild, the position of branch president is yours!"

"Big Brother Li Yuan, I don't know if you are interested in joining the world's second-ranked guild?


The guild leaders of these guilds naturally took a fancy to the things in the room of the Demon King's Palace.

If Li Yuan can be recruited, then everything in this room will become a guild's.

At this moment, after the players in the live broadcast room saw this scene, they all scoffed at the behavior of these guilds.

"You guys think well, cut off the beard?"

"Big guy Li Yuan has this room of things, and he will enter your broken guild?!"

"Yes, with these things, wouldn't it be fun for people to be their own guild president?!"

"Big guy Li Yuan, don't you consider opening a guild?!"


Today, I'm here first.,I've been a little busy lately, so I don't have much time.,But it's going to be busy soon.,It'll be back to normal updates after it's busy~

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