Seeing this, the players all felt like they were suffocating.

This analysis post is so convincing that they simply can't refute it!

In other words, when Li Yuan met the Necromantic Knight, he didn't suffer any damage at all?

Or maybe even the Necro Knight can't help him?!

Once the idea is in the minds of the players, it lingers.

Soon, a piece of news spread throughout the game:

Li Yuan was the first to face the frontal attack of the Demon King's men, and he was able to survive intact!

"Did you hear about it? Li Yuan is the big guy who cleared the Demon King's Palace, and even the Necromantic Knight is not his opponent!"


"Of course it's true, there are analytical posts about the big guys on the forum, which are well-founded. "

"I'll see!"

This happens all over the game world all over the place.

Countless players have opened the forum to view the analysis post.

The post that was already highly followed suddenly became even more popular.

Forced by the increasing comments, it was pinned to the top of the front page of the forum.

In just ten minutes after the post was published, the number of comments has exceeded 9999+.

"The cow is so big that even HIM's subordinates are not afraid!"

This is the direct feeling of many people after reading the post.

Who is HIM?

It's the Great Demon King, and it's invincible!

HIM's subordinates are also boss-level beings who can bring fear to players!

But today, they actually witnessed the birth of a miracle!

A player boss who can survive HIM's subordinate Necro Knight!

This is really something that everyone admires.

Li Yuan, this is a player ID that no one has heard of before today.

But today, he set two records!

The first player to play through the Demon King's Palace!

The first player to face the undead of Necro Knight!

These two firsts are shocking in themselves.

In addition, they are also associated with the Great Demon King of HIM, which is even more surprising.

It is precisely because of this that it will be discussed by players in full swing.

There were also objections in the forum.

"Li Yuan is very good at being able to clear the Demon King's Palace, this is indeed a real skill, and he didn't get black. "

"However, to say that he is stronger than the Necro Knight is a fantasy. "

In the face of explosive news, many players are irrational and often follow the crowd.

But there are still a few sane players.

After careful analysis, they immediately denied the remarks that Li Yuan could defeat the Necromantic Knight.

"However, Big Guy Li Yuan, he was not killed in the Demon King's Palace!"

"The player breaks into the interior of the Demon King's Palace, and the Necromantic Knight will politely let people go when they encounter it?"

Immediately someone refuted it.

Even the monster that appeared next to HIM was self-aware.

But monsters are monsters.

They are always hostile to the player.

Even HIM, in the early stages of the game, will slaughter players for no reason to improve their own strength.

Creating fear in the hearts of players.

How would HIM's men be so merciful?

Although they rarely take the initiative to kill players now, but you have run away from the Demon King's lair to go wild, will people not be angry?

This is also the key point why these players believe that Li Yuan can defeat the Necro Knight.

Only the Necromantic Knight can't help Li Yuan, so he will let him go!

"You have all forgotten one thing, this Li Yuan, he can clear the Demon King's Palace with his bare hands, he must be a technical boss. "

"I'm just saying he's not as strong as Necro Knight, but I'm not saying that his skills are the same as those of ordinary players. "

"Being able to retreat from the Demon King's Palace, what kind of technical methods did Big Brother Li Yuan use, and he may have escaped the pursuit of the Necromantic Knight. "

In the face of the doubts of many players, the sane player still expressed his opinion in an orderly manner. Upon hearing this, the players also calmed down.

Because it makes a lot of sense.

Although many players admired Li Yuan after hearing about the record he had created, they admired him.

But most people don't worship blindly.

They still retain a shred of sanity.

At first, they read the posts of players who doubted Li Yuan's strength, and thought they were deliberately smearing.

But after looking closely, they know that the other party is a rational analysis party.

It's just a normal question, and most players can still accept it.

If you think about it, the basic attributes of players are all the same now.

As for the bonus of equipment, although Li Yuan is wearing a set now, it is difficult for ordinary people to get the exact same set.

But if you just get together equipment with similar attributes, it is not difficult for many high-level players with the support of big guilds.

With the existing attributes, everyone knows that it is impossible for a single person to compete with the Necro Knight.

But in this way, it made the players admire Li Yuan even more!

With the equipment you have, you can deal with the Necro Knight.

Moreover, if you can escape from the opponent's hands, it will be even more powerful!

The player's ideas are simple and straightforward.

If a person relies on the advantage of various equipment attributes to win the PVP, they will definitely not be convinced.

Because everybody thinks it's unfair. And when players play games, most of them like fairness and justice.

It's like the first player to come to the mod world before.

He relied on this unfair advantage to make the players indignant.

Everyone thought he was despicable, and no one adored him.

If Li Yuan relied on the equipment attributes beyond many players, thus making the Necromantic Knight jealous, then the players would only be curious and surprised for a while.

When the heat passes, maybe you will step on it in reverse.

Say something like, "I don't think it's a big deal, with this attribute and equipment, I can do it too."

But now it's completely different.

Li Yuan's attributes and equipment have been stripped of by the analysis emperors.

The strength of the root and the Necro Knight is no longer the same dimension.

In this way, they can escape from the Demon King's Palace, and the players are only left with a capital Mobi!

No matter what methods and techniques are used, if you can do this, you are strong!

There are even many players who believe that Li Yuan is actually the first person in the game.

These words also caused a small dissatisfaction in the hearts of some high-level players.

It's not compared, how did you come out with the first person in the game?

But when they were not convinced, many players immediately ridiculed:

"If you can clear the Demon King's Palace and get out of the hands of the Necromantic Knight, we can also say that you are the first person in the game. "

"That's right, it's the mules and the horses that come out to slip around. "

As soon as these words came out, those high-level players who originally had opinions immediately obediently shut up.

In this way, in less than half a day's effort, Li Yuan was the first person in the game, and it spread all over the world.

But Li Yuan doesn't know all this yet.

The group of players around him blocked the road.

All kinds of strange questions and requests made him ready to slip away.

He still has to earn worship points, but he doesn't have time to chat with these people.

So, he opened the system interface and went directly to the Sky Island Copy.

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