I saw that Li Yuan did not immediately start attacking after discovering the ender dragon.

He first dug a hole.

Then, near the pit, pile two pieces of obsidian together.

Two blocks of obsidian are exactly the same height as the character.

"What is this doing, big guy?"

Some players asked the doubts in their hearts.

Many people can't understand what Li Yuan is doing.

It stands to reason that the boss has been found, shouldn't you start fighting the boss?

"The big guy should be setting a trap. "

"That's right, the big guy fights the boss, and it's definitely different from our ordinary people fighting the boss, people are technical streams. "

A lot of players guess so.

The reason why they think this way is mainly because the identity of the first person in Li Yuan's game is there.

A person who can come and go freely even in the Demon King's palace can't defeat the ender dragon?

They do not believe.

Although they didn't understand Li Yuan's intention in doing what he had just done, it didn't prevent them from blindly trusting and worshipping the big guy.

However, this speculation was scoffed at by players who were familiar with the Sky Island dungeon.

They all thought that Li Yuan was holding up the big and wanted to pretend to be forced.

Ender dragons aren't that easy to fight!

Be careful of capsizing in the gutter at the end, then it will be laughable and generous.

"I want to see if this Li Yuan is so powerful?"

"Looking at his confusing behavior of playing the Sky Island Survival Copy, I guess the technology is like that. "

Many players who are not used to watching Li Yuan have not left the live broadcast room.

They waited here just to see his joke next.

There are also some high-level players who are dissatisfied with Li Yuan's being called the first person in the game, and they are also observing his strength.

If Li Yuan didn't live up to his name, they wouldn't mind helping him take off this title.

Comparatively, many gamers still pay a lot of attention to fame.

For those high-level players, how many don't want to be the number one god of the game?

If the title is taken away by other well-known players who are familiar with it.

They may not be convinced, but they are not as angry as they are now.

Can anyone get this honor, but why should an unknown person who no one knew before today take this honor?

For the various thoughts of the players, Li Yuan, who is in the dungeon, of course, has no time to pay attention.

He just started a live stream and wanted players to see him speed through the Sky Island Survival dungeon.

Then worship Him and increase His Worship Value.

He wasn't trying to interact with the players.

So there are a few players who taunt and smear in the live broadcast room, and he doesn't care at all.

He didn't even watch the barrage, so how could he care?

After he was ready to slay the dragon, he looked at the ender dragon flying in the air not far away.

Its huge body, its dark skin, and its deafening cry were enough to show its strength.

This is Li Yuan's second battle against the ender dragon.

The first time was outside the dungeon, as the Demon King HIM, a one-hit kill.

This time, though, he's playing as a human player.

The ender dragon in the Sky Island Survival Dungeon didn't know Li Yuan, and it hovered in the sky, seemingly looking for an opportunity to prepare for an attack.

It seems that here, the audience in the live broadcast room is holding their breath.

They all knew that the battle was about to begin.

The battle between the first person in the game VS the ender dragon should be extremely exciting, right?

But to everyone's surprise, Li Yuan actually placed a bed beside him!"What is the big guy doing?" Many players looked confused.

Even if they know how to make up for it again, there is no way to make a reasonable excuse for Li Yuan now.

Be aware that the bed in this game is different from the setting in the original Minecraft.

It currently only restores the player's fatigue and does not have the ability to quickly survive dangerous nights.

Therefore, players usually only put a bed in the "home" to recover from fatigue after a long game game, and rarely carry it with them.

Therefore, it is not known that the bed will explode in the End and Hell.

Perhaps a few players have stumbled upon it.

However, they did not think of using this phenomenon as a weapon, so they did not pay much attention.

This can be seen from the fact that there are no related posts on the game forum so far.

So they couldn't see what it was for Li Yuan to put a bed out at all.

They all felt that Li Yuan was just doing meaningless things again.

"Haha, is he going to vacation in the End?"

"Poof! Is it a casual way to survive on the empty island?"

"This idea is amazing!"


There are many players who can't help but laugh.

Originally, I heard that Li Yuan cleared the Demon King's Palace and escaped from the hands of the Necromantic Knight, thinking that he was a technical boss.

I didn't expect to meet as famous.

The other party's behavior in the live broadcast made them all feel a little unhappy.

The high expectations in their hearts and the huge contrast between reality make them feel cheated.

Once the big guy fell off the altar in his heart.

Some people who originally blindly admired Li Yuan now want to ridicule them to hide their "stupidity".

Those players who were not optimistic about Li Yuan from the beginning shook their heads.

As veteran Sky Island survival players, none of them understood his operation.

That must be Li Yuan's meaningless nonsense.

In this situation, the happiest people are naturally those who play.

They are just waiting to take off Li Yuan's title of first person in the game.

"Look! he's attacking the ender dragon!"

A barrage quickly appeared in the live broadcast room.

Everyone quickly broke free from their thoughts and watched the picture in the live broadcast room.

I saw that Li Yuan did not hesitate, and directly pulled his bow and shot arrows.

An arrow hit the ender dragon with unmistakable accuracy, causing it to scream in rage!

"Well, that's not a bad shot. "There are player reviews.

It's accurate, but it's just good.

Basically, for the game's top players, 100 shots and 100 hits are already basic operations.

Li Yuan's arrow was beautiful, hitting the head of the ender dragon.

But since this arrow is the most ordinary arrow, the bow that shoots the arrow is only the most ordinary bow.

So the damage is really, really low.

Hitting the ender dragon's body can be described as painless, and it doesn't hurt much at all.

But for Li Yuan, that's enough.

His purpose was simply to attract the hatred of the ender dragon so that it could come within exploding radius.

Sure enough, his purpose was achieved.

The ender dragon's icy eyes stared at the tiny figure below, and in a roar, it made a dive and rushed towards Li Yuan.

I want to annihilate the outsiders who anger me!

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