After the Drowning King finished speaking.

The drowned corpses in the sea have changed from the previous chaos to order.

Because of the wave of random shooting of the Summer union just now.

About 30% of the drowned bodies in the sea have been removed.

However, compared to its huge number, it is still very dense.

At this time, among the drowned, the drowned corpses holding tridents swam closer to the coast.

And the drowned, who had no weapons, were pushed to the rear.

Seeing this, Sun immediately guessed the intention of the Drowned King.

"It's trying to get those drowned bodies to throw tridents at us!"

After all, drowned bodies can go ashore though.

However, if they are in close combat, they occupy the high ground on the shore, and the advantage is very huge.

If those drowned corpses dare to go ashore, it is guaranteed that there will be no return.

This situation was directly denied by Sun.

The reason is also very simple.

Because he has already seen that the Drowned King is not a brainless boss.

On the contrary, it's smart.

In this case, the other party will definitely not let his subordinates die in vain.

Because that doesn't work at all.

Then the rest of the battle, naturally, is to learn the player's long-range archery, and in turn throw the trident at them.

"Hurry up and defend with a shield in the front row!"

"The others in the back, immediately set up their shields in the air!"

At the sound of the order, all the members of the Summer union immediately carried out the order.

It's just a matter of seconds.

This army of players has become an impregnable wall.

The shields in their hands have bound them tightly.

Seeing the battle of the players, the Drowned King, who was half-floating in the seawater, did not give up his plans.

"Attack me!"

After hearing his order.

Countless drownings, throwing out the trident in their hands.





The metallic texture of the trident, and the sound of the shield clashing, kept ringing.

After the attack is over.

Sure enough, as Sun expected, almost all attacks were blocked.

The losses on the side of the Summer union were in the single digits.

And they are all in the front row, the result of being attacked too many times and being broken.


"Awesome, awesome!"

"The president of this Summer union has very strong command skills!"

"I think it's the Drowning King's not very smart brain. "

"Haha, I think so. "

"After all, it's just a stupid monster, and you still want to kill HIM?

Seeing the absolute defense on the side of the Summer Union, the players in the live broadcast room spoke one after another.

They all felt that in terms of the ability to command monsters, the Drowned King was far worse than HIM!

I remember when HIM was calculating them.

That layout, that strategy.

Simply so!

The level of the Drowned King is at most about the same as that of the Dreadlord King.

It's just going to send your men to death!

This makes players completely ignore him now.

The members of the Summer union, after two huge gains, were a little floating.

They all felt that this drowned king didn't seem to be a big deal.

As long as they attack and defend well, the drowned don't even have a chance to get close!

"Is this the power of a well-developed union?"

"It's really strong!"

Many casual players who were watching were amazed.

Compared to the big guilds that just started into the game.

To this day, the Summer union, which can still maintain the tenth place in the world, is much stronger overall.

With such a lineup, players feel that except for the Demon King HIM, there is no boss that they can't retreat.

"Stupid outsiders, you are so naïve!"

"I'll be merciful and show you my true strength!"

Seeing that his subordinates' attack failed, the Drowned King not only did not panic, but became more arrogant.

It was as if everything was in his hands.

"Hmph, that's so arrogant!"

"Ah, this guy is not strong, but he pretends to be a good one!"

"I can see that my hateful teeth are itchy, as if how can I break it if I beat it violently?"

"Anyway, just look at it, sooner or later, the Drowned King will be defeated by the Summer Guild. "

"That's right, how arrogant will that guy be when the time comes?"

The player doesn't believe what the Drowned King says.

Today's battle is a big battle between the two sides.

Obviously, the Summer union has integrated offense and defense, advancing and retreating freely.

On the side of the drowned, they can only passively withstand the attack.

There is simply no way to carry out an effective counterattack.

It is already clear who wins and who loses.

You drowned king alone, you want to make waves?

"Power it up, Thunderbolt Trident!"

Just as the players were relaxing, the Drowned King opened his mouth and let out a loud shout.

I saw him holding the thunderbolt trident in both hands.

Subsequently, the thunderbolt trident was filled with electric sparks.

Then, to the disbelief of everyone present, a scene occurred.

The tridents that had been thrown far away by the drowned into the ranks of the Summer unionists.

At this moment, they all moved!

Then, all of them flew in the air.

In an instant, they became weapons that seemed to be wielded in their hands, attacking the members of the Summer Union.

Due to the suddenness of the attack, many players were hit by the trident.

In just a short period of time, the number of players dying reached nearly 100.

However, Chairman Sun also immediately made a decision and began to command the union members to arm.

"Everyone, put up your shield and block it!"

Able to stay in the top 10 guilds in the world, members of the Summer Guild.

They are all professionally trained.

So even if I was a little caught off guard at first, I reacted immediately.

Immediately formed a shield wall and temporarily blocked the attack.

Looking at the crowd in the player's camp, they looked embarrassed.

The Drowned King continued to speak:

"I can't think of it, I can control all the tridents!"

"Power them all up, and defeat these outsiders!"

After the Drowned King continued to shout.

All the tridents in the audience also emitted blue electric sparks. Zira~



In an instant, the entire area became a minefield.

It's like the god of thunder descending into the world!

And the members of the Summer union, they all collapsed at this time!

Because the weapons in the hands of many people, even shields, are actually electrically conductive!

Then, the electricity passed through the weapons in their hands and into their bodies, wreaking havoc.

One by one, the players became EDM people at this time.

The whole body was covered in thunder and lightning.

Just in the blink of an eye, the three thousand members of the Summer union.


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