Nava's four hands stretched out in an instant, like four long snakes spreading through the air.

The four hands attacked from four directions, as if blocking the escape route of Hades, and the target was directly aimed at the Molten Blood Returning Grass in the purple light cluster in his hand.

Hados looked at the four arms that flew towards him, and he didn't dodge at all, just quietly watched the other party's attack.

When those four arms were about to attack Hades, four figures suddenly appeared around Hades, blocking the attack.

The four figures flew out of the ranks, armed with four identical knives, and slashed directly at Nava's four arms.

"When, when, when, when."

Only four sounds of gold and iron were heard, and sparks appeared in the direction of the impact of the demon knife and arm.

The four of them held long knives and tried their best to resist the impact of their arms, but the impact was too strong, and it only knocked the four of them away in an instant.

Nava's surprise attack was stopped, and the others reacted as well, quickly blocking Hades' way of preventing him from being attacked again.

Nava watched his attack blocked, and felt a little angry in his heart, after all, it was such a good opportunity just now.

The dog-headed man Hala also reacted at this time, but his strength was weaker and his personality was more timid, so he could only stand behind Hados and shout.

Hala said angrily, "Nava, what did you just want to do?" With so many people here, you dare to openly rob things, and really don't take us people seriously? "

The same thought was evoked in the hearts of those standing around when they heard Hala's words.

These people had seen the changes in Nava's body, and they already knew the effect of the Molting Blood Atavistic Grass, how could they be willing to snatch such an important thing from Nava.

Nava watched so many people staring at him, and knew that he could not resist the attack of so many people with his four hands alone, and he stood still for a moment and didn't know what to do.

Just as the two sides were anxious, Hados pushed aside the crowd and walked in front of Nava.

Hados laughed and said, "I can understand your actions just now, after all, the Bloodshed Ancestral Grass is such an important thing. "

"I believe that everyone has seen the changes you have just made, and I won't say much about the effect of this blood atavistic grass, you should be able to see the changes in Nava alone."

"This Blood Returning Herb can not only awaken the power of your ancestors, but also help you wash away the impurities in your body, making the power in your body more pure."

After saying that, Hados's right hand began to change, and he saw a dark purple light cluster appear on his hand.

The moment that dark purple light cluster appeared, all the surrounding thunder and lightning forces were pulled and quickly rotated around this dark purple light cluster.

Hadesus said regretfully: "Although the power of the Bloodshed Ancestral Grass is strong, it has no great effect on me. "

"Tracing back to the roots, I don't have the power left by my ancestors in my body, so even if I devour this blood atavistic grass, it can only make the power in my body more pure."

When everyone heard the news, they immediately had an answer to the question in their hearts.

They had also doubted why the three of them had stayed until now since they had such a powerful genius earth treasure, but when they heard his answer now, this suspicion disappeared in an instant.

Nava smiled and said, "Since this Blood Returning Grass has no effect on you, brother, then give it to me!" "

Nava was cheeky and ready to snatch the Bloodshed Grass from Hades's hands.

But Hades was not worried, the condensed dark purple light cluster blocked the front, and the thunder and lightning spread to the four arms, directly screaming Nava in pain.

It took a lot of effort for Nava to break free from the shackles of the thunder and lightning.

He lay on the ground and looked at Hados standing in front of him, fear in his eyes for the first time.

The others, after seeing the marks of lightning burning on Nava's body, also had a solemn look in their eyes.

Stydos slowly raised the Bloodshed Ancestral Grass in his right hand and shouted with a frantic expression.

"This thing is of little use to me, if you want it, help me catch those three people, so that I can avenge my third brother, as long as anyone can catch those three people, I will give him the blood atavism grass in my hand."

"I hereby make an oath that I will never repent, and if I break it, I will be punished with no return."

As soon as he finished speaking, a flash of lightning suddenly crossed the sky, and the color of the lightning was different from before, as if it had a blood-red light.

Looking at the appearance of this set of blood-red thunderbolts, everyone knew that the heavens had engraved the oath of Hados in the long river of time and space.

Everyone thought quietly for a while, and the reason in their hearts was gradually suppressed.

Hara, in particular, watched the changes in Navah and remembered the glory of his ancestors, and greed gradually filled his eyes.

Hala roared, and her limbs immediately touched the ground, and the energy of her body slowly gathered on her feet, and she flew out directly at an extremely fast speed.

The others didn't dare to show weakness, and all of them took vigorous steps, and began to chase after Fang Qingyan and the three of them at three times the previous speed.

Everyone chased after each other, and finally chased the traces of Fang Qingyan and the others again.

And Fang Qingyan relied on his own perception and found that the group of people began to chase them again.

Fang Qingyan was a little puzzled, not knowing what had happened to the group of people behind him, and why he had started chasing them again.

Fang Qingyan cursed secretly in his heart, and began to reach out and take out the artifact from the storage space.

But after touching for a long time, there are only ten artifacts left in the storage space, and even these ten can only briefly block the other party for a while.

Qin was next to Fang Qingyan, and he also saw the change in the expression on Fang Qingyan's face, and immediately asked worriedly.

"Husband, what happened? Something is not quite right with your face. "

Fang Qingyan shook his head and stretched out his hand to point in the direction behind him.

"The group is chasing after them again."

When Jean and Grand Elder Colin heard this, the pupils in their eyes immediately slowly narrowed, and the pace under their feet began to slowly quicken.

Shen Duosi led the crowd, quickly chasing Fang Qingyan and the three of them, while examining the situation on the ground.

After experiencing a few small traps, everyone's inner worries were slowly put down, and the morale of the battle in their hearts reached its peak at this moment.

Stydos also took advantage of this opportunity to directly take out the Blood Returning Grass.

Looking at the Molting Blood Returning Grass in the Thunder and Lightning Light Cluster, everyone began to roar again, and their strength also rose by two percent out of thin air on the original basis.

Fang Qingyan and the three of them listened to the roar behind them, and their hearts began to become anxious.

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