It has to be said that the gains on the battlefield are still huge.

No wonder the ancients liked to feed their wars with war.

In this battle, Li Yuan did not have any losses except for the loss of some creepers.

These players don't have any ability to resist at all.

However, such a crushing massacre is estimated to be the only one.

Players will also develop quickly after experiencing this carnage.

So Li Yuan can't be taken lightly.

Freedom itself is strong enough to be fearless of anything.

Looking at the more than 200,000 kill values, Li Yuan opened the system mall with a smile.

"I don't know if more than 200,000 is enough to buy a mod?".

For Li Yuan, the killing value of more than 200,000 is already very much.

After all, on the first night, Li Yuan's hard work only had more than 20,000 kill points in the middle of the night.

When he opened the MOD category bar in the system mall with joy, he couldn't help crying and laughing when he saw the kill value required for the MOD to be opened.

The cheapest mod, Twilight Forest, requires more than 2 million kills!

"That's too expensive, isn't it?!".

While it's true that there are a lot of kills required to activate mods, it's reasonable.

If you can open a mod casually, it will affect the balance of the game.

"It seems that MOD should not be thought about for the time being, and it is better to improve your strength first. "

Li Yuan understands a truth very well, he is the most reliable when he is strong.

Although Li Yuan is now called the Demon King by players, Li Yuan knows that he has not yet reached that level.

The other demon kings are all calling for wind and rain, and the sky is falling apart with a wave of their hands.

On the other hand, Li Yuan is indeed a little insufficient.

Although Li Yuan already has a lot of skills at present, the lethality of those skills is not great.

Moreover, Li Yuan didn't even have group attack skills except for a creeper's self-detonation!

Creeper's self-explosion is still a melee skill, and at present, when Li Yuan does not show up, this skill has become an ornament.

After Li Yuan thought of this, he opened the column of his own gain.

In this column, you can exchange for some skills.

When Li Yuan opened this column, he found that there was a list in this column.

Only a few of the icons are lit, and the others are all dark.

"Self-detonation, potion mastery, teleportation....."

Seeing these lit icons, Li Yuan reacted.

These lit icons are skills that you have already learned.

And these skills can be enhanced with kill points.

"So that's how it is..."

In other words, at present, in terms of skills, Li Yuan can only be obtained by taming monsters.

However, once you have acquired skills, they can be enhanced here with kill points.

At present, Li Yuan's skills are: self-detonation, teleportation, potion mastery, infinite arrows, clones, and flying eaves and wall walkers.

Li Yuan opened the enhancement column of each skill separately.

[Self-Explosion Lv2: Remove Self-Explosion Blood] [Kill Value: 20000].

[Teleport Lv2: Can drive the teleportation of creatures in the area (current range 3x3)] [Kill Value: 50000].

[Potion Mastery Lv2: You can increase the type of potion you can use by yourself (currently you can increase it by 1)] [Kill Value: 50000].

[Infinite Arrow Lv2: Range Increase] [Kill Value: 10000].

[Clone Lv2: Can be actively released (one clone is obtained for every 10% HP sacrificed)] [Kill Value: 30000].

[Cornice-walking Lv2: Speed Increase] [Kill Value: 10000].

When Li Yuan saw the enhanced bonuses of these skills, he was overjoyed.

These skills are all upgradeable!

And a lot of skills are already very powerful at just two levels!

After the self-explosion skill is upgraded, the blood loss is directly removed, which can be said to be a lot stronger.

In the future, Li Yuan will be able to use this skill without injury or consumption.

Speaking of teleportation, the enhancement of this teleportation is simply the standard configuration of the Demon King!

It can teleport creatures within the radius, and it looks like the range can be expanded!

It's so much more convenient that way!

You must know that Li Yuan was heartbroken in order to gather the monsters he slaughtered today.

The monsters walk slowly, and undead creatures like Xiaobai will spontaneously combust in the sun.

In order to escort those Xiaobai, Li Yuan directly sent them a group of witch support teams.

I've been throwing potions and adding blood to them.

can exhaust Li Yuan.

With the enhanced version of teleportation, it's different.

Just imagine, the army of thousands of monsters is not walking, but suddenly teleported to them like a ghost, what kind of expression will they have?!

There is also the enhancement of potion mastery is also very powerful, and it can increase potions on its own, that is, as long as the potion mastery is raised to a sufficient level, all the potions Li Yuan can use in the future!

There is also a doppelganger that is actively released, although it needs to be deducted blood, but Li Yuan feels that after this skill is upgraded, it may also be able to remove the blood deduction like self-detonation.

In this way, the doppelganger skill that was originally just a life-saving will have a qualitative change!

After Li Yuan saw the enhanced version of these skills, he became more and more excited.

These skills don't seem to be that powerful at the moment.

But as long as you grow up, each of these skills is devastating!

"That's right, it's a bit of a demon king!".

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