The mouthparts in the phantom mantis's mouth kept shaking, as if it was about to say something.

Hades watched the phantom mantis's movements, and felt extremely nervous in his heart.

At this moment, the phantom mantis in the lead actually emitted a human voice, and although the frequency of the sound was a little different from that of humans, it was still able to make everyone understand its words.

The phantom mantis at the head said hoarsely: "Human, I am the king of this race, I don't care what your purpose is to enter here, but I want to tell you that this is the territory of our race, and you are not allowed to go wild." "

"If you don't want to die, let my people go, or when we catch you, we will let you know what the pain of soul annihilation is. "

Speaking of this, the tentacles on the top of the Phantom Mantis King's head moved slightly, and the wings behind him began to flap at ten times the usual speed.

The other Phantom Mantises, sensing their king's wrath, also began to raise their claws between their hands, ready to attack the group of humans.

The group of people behind Hades felt the wrath of the Phantom Mantis, and subconsciously began to move backwards, wanting to get out of the attack range of these Phantom Mantis.

However, the number of phantom mantis was too many, and the movement of these people alone attracted the attention of several phantom mantises.

The moment those people retreated, these phantom mantis immediately flashed and teleported behind the group of people, blocking the escape direction of these people.

Seeing that the retreat behind them was blocked, the group took all their resentment on Styos.

In their opinion, if Hades hadn't tempted them into this area, they wouldn't have encountered these Phantom Mantises, and they wouldn't have been in such danger.

Hala, who has always been timid, looked at the phantom mantis flashing in the sky, listened to the buzzing around her, and scolded directly at Stydos angrily.

"If you hadn't brought us to this place, how would this happen? How would we have escaped from here now that there are so many things? You know, who one of the people who came in here didn't carry the hope of the whole family?"

"Our group was able to enter this Senluo Vientiane Terrace with great difficulty, and now I am the only one of the three people who have entered. "

Hala's words seemed to resonate with the others, and the hatred in everyone's hearts immediately shifted to Hades.

Hades was not afraid, he had the seriously injured Phantom Mantis in his hand as a hostage, and he was not afraid of other Phantom Mantis attacking him at all.

Hades said angrily: "Don't scare me with this, your people are here with me now, I don't believe that you dare to attack us, if you dare to do something to us, I immediately learned about its life." "

The Phantom Mantis King roared angrily when he heard Hades' words.

Its whole body sped up, and rushed directly in front of the Phantom Mantis, and the Pluto did not show weakness, the cage that trapped the Phantom Mantis was placed directly in front of him, and the thunder and lightning laws in the body poured into the cage, constantly hitting and burning the Phantom Mantis's body.


The pain caused by the blow caused the phantom mantis inside the cage to scream continuously, and the miserable scream also stopped the phantom mantis king's movements.

The Phantom Mantis King said angrily, "Human, let my people go, I can promise you to leave here safely." This is also my final bottom line, otherwise if you really go to war, I will definitely make you feel more pain than death. "

When Hades heard the Phantom Mantis King's words, the worries in his heart finally let go.

Stydos smiled and said: "Don't worry, I don't have much hatred with your clan, what happened here is just a misunderstanding, as long as you can spare us people, I will definitely return your clan back to you." "

The Phantom Mantis King looked at the somewhat miserable clansmen in the cage, thought about it carefully, and decided to agree to this condition.

In fact, the Phantom Mantis King doesn't care much about his own people, after all, to be the patriarch of a race, he still has to have the ruthlessness he should have.

But the people in this cage are different from the others, they are the sons of the Phantom Mantis King, and they have a stronger bloodline of their clan.

After being trapped in the Senluo Vientiane Observatory for so many years, the entire race began to wonder if their race could return to the universe, after all, it was dark here, and every time it was opened, it would take many years to wait.

Just when the whole group doubted their lives, the birth of the Phantom Mantis changed their minds.

In the last cosmic era, the contemporary patriarch of the Phantom Mantis clan had spent a lot of money to find the great prophet of the time.

The patriarch at that time wanted to know the future fate of the entire Phantom Mantis clan through the prophecy of the Great Prophet, and the Great Prophet at that time only gave him a sentence after the prophecy.

"Subvert the catastrophe after the upheaval, and the fate of the return of blood. "

And this sentence is to say that the entire Phantom Mantis clan will experience a catastrophe, and this catastrophe will cause the entire Phantom Mantis clan to withdraw from that cosmic era.

The Great Prophet's prophecy was very successful, and the entire Welcome Mantis clan was sealed into the Senluo Vientiane Observatory by an inexplicable cosmic powerhouse in the last cosmic era.

The fulfillment of the prophecy in the first half of the sentence made the entire Phantom Mantis clan stay in the Senluo Vientiane Terrace.

But even if they stayed in the Senluo Vientiane Stage, the entire Phantom Mantis clan had to face a lot of inexplicable dangers, they could not improve their strength, and they could only maintain the strength of the primary main god.

It is precisely because of the inability to improve their strength that the entire Phantom Mantis clan has to face more dangers in the surrounding area, although there is a narrow place in the Senluo Vientiane Terrace.

Repeatedly, the patriarch of the Phantom Mantis has been waiting for the second half of the prophecy to come true.

It wasn't until the appearance of his son that the Phantom Mantis King finally saw the fate of going out of here.

In order to show his sincerity, Hados withdrew the electricity released in the cage.

The Phantom Mantis King looked at the heir whose breath was gradually calming down, and the worry and anxiety in his eyes began to slowly decrease.

"Hum. "

The mouthparts in the Phantom Mantis King's mouth made a peculiar sound, and under that sound, the surrounding Phantom Mantis seemed to have received instructions and began to slowly retreat backwards, leaving a path for these people.

"I have also expressed my sincerity, you can rest assured, as long as you can release my people, I will promise you to leave, and I will not let my people attack you. "

Hados smiled, and did not answer the Phantom Mantis King's words, but only summoned his companions behind him to start evacuating, away from this area as soon as possible.

The rest of the people, as if reborn after the catastrophe, immediately began to flee into the distance.

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