"The tree you see in front of you can be said to be our ancestral land, a legacy of our last cosmic era. "

"And this is not just a place for us to live, as long as it exists, our race can reproduce faster and ensure the safety of the entire clan. "

As he spoke, the wings behind the Phantom Mantis King flapped, and directly sent Fang Qingyan and the three of them to the area in the middle of the tree.

In that place, Fang Qingyan saw a lot of built residences.

Although it may seem very simple, it can fully protect everyone's life.

The Phantom Mantis King stood outside a residence, his right limb gently tapping the tree in front of him, and as he struck, a stream of other frequencies spread throughout the tree.

The huge tree seemed to be echoed, and a gap suddenly appeared next to the place where it had been hit.

The Phantom Mantis King looked at the gap that appeared and said with a smile.

"Okay, you can stay here for a while, and then decide to leave when you're back from your injuries. During this time, I will also send my people to reconnoiter in the vicinity, and if I find anything unusual, I will immediately send someone to inform you. "

With that, the Phantom Mantis King jumped in place and slashed directly from the middle of the tree to the bottom.

Fang Qingyan and the three of them watched the Phantom Mantis King leave, and then directly entered the gap where the trees cracked.

He wasn't afraid that the Phantasmal Mantis would murder them, because if they had that idea, they wouldn't have sent them to this place.

The trio turned sideways into the gap and found themselves in what felt like they had entered another dimension.

The space inside the trees is huge, not to mention that the three of them live here, even thirty people live here.

Qin said in surprise: "I really didn't expect that the space in here is so large, looking at the structure of this tree, it is a bit like the building wood of the Oriental Immortal Domain, with the function of mustard seed Sumeru." "

Grand Elder Colin nodded, and also felt that Qin's analysis was very reasonable.

The World Chamber of Commerce has been operating in the Southern God Domain for so many years, and although he doesn't know much about things, he has been involved in everything, and the tree in front of him is also very amazing for Elder Colin.

By the time the three of them explored the space, the Phantom Mantis King had already found the badly injured Phantom Mantis.

The Phantom Mantis King said angrily, "My child, do you know how dangerous it is this time, if we arrive a little later, you may die at the hands of that group. How many times have I told you not to come into contact with those outsiders, why don't you listen to me?"

The badly injured phantom mantis, with its head down, listened to its father's words, not knowing what to say.

The Phantom Mantis King looked at his son's expression, and knew that his words might be too heavy, and his tone immediately changed from anger to softness.

The Phantom Mantis King said gently: "There was an agreement between our father and son before, and the agreement stipulated that you could not leave the three-kilometer range of the clan land, but you violated the agreement this time, so you can't leave the ancestral land again until your strength is improved." "

Hearing the Phantom Mantis King's words, the seriously injured Phantom Mantis immediately raised its head.

Angry, its body began to swirl with a cyan light, and when that light appeared, it seemed to resonate with the entire tree.

The entire tree began to tremble because of the cyan light, and all the phantom mantis in the residence were immediately affected and flew out of the nest.

The cyan glow emitted by the badly injured Phantom Mantis slowly turned into a beam of light, shooting straight towards the trees overhead.

The other Phantom Mantis seemed to have experienced this kind of thing, and they didn't seem to panic at all, still standing outside the nest and looking at the place where the cyan light came from.

The seriously injured phantom mantis said angrily: "Father, I don't accept you to restrict my freedom so casually, why can other people act at will, and I can only stay in this area?"

Hearing its words, the momentum on the Phantom Mantis King's body suddenly exploded, and there was a strong killing intent in this momentum.

The killing intent pressed on the badly injured phantom mantis, directly crushing it to the ground.

"Why do you tell me, if you don't have the hope of the whole race in you, if you don't have a special blood in you, how can I care about your life?"

"The whole clan is watching you, you don't want to shoulder such a mission, but the other clansmen want to have it, and you don't fail to see the envy in their eyes. "

The badly injured phantom mantis, holding on to its body, slowly rose from the ground.

It remembered the way its people looked at it, and remembered how the whole group had been here for so many years, the dark days, and the guilt suddenly flooded into its heart.

The badly injured Phantom Mantis said in shame, "Father, I know my mission, but staying in this place, there is no way to revive the entire race. "

"You also know that the clan has paid so much, and I finally broke through to the first main god, but in this cultivation, I have been staying for a long time, trying countless methods, and there is no way to break through to the next stage, if I want to revive the entire race, where is the hope?"

"Unless someone can take me out of here, only by going out from here can I reintegrate into this universe and improve my strength. "

The badly injured phantom mantis spoke for a long time, venting its inner dissatisfaction.

And at this moment, the Phantom Mantis King captured an important message from his words.

"Yes, there's no way to improve your strength if you don't get out of here, but if someone can take you out, you have a chance to revive the group. "

"Son, your idea is so good, why didn't I think of it?"

Thinking of this, an excited expression flashed on the face of the Phantom Mantis King, and it seemed to have thought of some solution, and the pair of wings behind it began to flap non-stop.

The badly injured Phantom Mantis didn't understand what was going on with his father, and only thought that his father might have been mentally stimulated by staying in the area for a long time.

"Father... Father, what the hell is wrong with you?"

After shouting many times in a row, the Phantom Mantis King came back to his senses from his excitement.

At that moment, the Phantom Mantis King had already thought of a solution, and also thought of what happened after his son went out, and even more about the entire clan fleeing from Senluo Vientiane Terrace.

The Phantom Mantis King smiled and said, "Son, maybe we can really escape from here this time." "

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