The reason why the Queen of Ender didn't fight Li Yuan again was because of the moment she accidentally touched Li Yuan.

She sensed the strong ender dragon aura emanating from Li Yuan's body.

That aura wasn't something he had contracted when he killed the ender dragon.

Rather, it emanates from within!

It's like the ender dragon has been reborn in his body!

This is also the reason why the Queen of Ender escapes back.

At this time, the dancers on the side couldn't help but sneer when they heard this.

"Have you started to find a reason for the mutiny now?!"

Although the dancer and the ender queen have been friends since childhood, the dancer cannot accept the defection of his best friend.

As the Queen of Ender, Ceris would be rejected by all end creatures if she betrayed her territory!

The Dragon Prophet heard the Ender Queen's words, thought for a moment, and then asked.

"Are you sure that wasn't the breath he left behind from slaughtering the ender dragon?"

The Dragon Prophet didn't think the Ender Queen was lying.

He also knew the character of the Ender Queen, and anyone in the ender clan could rebel, but she wouldn't.

The Queen of Ender nodded, her eyes resolute as she looked at Long Xian.

"I'm sure, it's coming from his body, belonging to the ender dragon..."

"No... A breath more powerful than the ender dragon..."

When the Dragon Prophet heard the Queen of Ender's words, he fell into confusion.

"It's an ender dragon, but it's more powerful than an ender dragon..."

Even beings like the Dragon Prophet couldn't understand what this was like.

"It's like... He was able to incorporate the ender dragon into his body and make it stronger..."

"I can't tell what it is... But I'm sure it exists!! "

The Queen of Ender didn't know what it was, but she was sure of her perception.

Hearing this, the Dragon Prophet nodded thoughtfully.

"Maybe that's why..."

When the dancer heard this, he looked at the dragon prophet in disbelief.

"Dragon Prophet, how can you defend her?!!"

"She's going to follow the traitor who killed the ender dragon!!"

"What ender dragon's breath... Now even the ender dragon is gone! What else is there?!! "

The more the dancer talked, the more excited she became, but in fact she was also worried about the End.

She knew that the Ender Queen was the strongest end ruler, but she also knew that the Ender Queen would leave and follow the man.

So where does the End go when she's gone?!

She was so excited, in fact, she just couldn't accept that the ender queen was going to leave one day.

It's just a knife-mouthed tofu heart.

The Queen of Ender knows the dancer's personality and knows why she is the way she is.

Rather, her words seemed to wake up the Queen of Ender.

"The ender dragon, it doesn't seem to be dead..."

As soon as the Queen of Ender said this, the dancer sneered.

"Don't forget, you're not alone in sensing the presence of the ender dragon."

At this time, even the Dragon Prophet shook his head and said.

"I know you have feelings for it, but try to accept it..."


"What I said is true."

"After the ender dragon died, he got a dragon egg."

The Queen of Ender appeared because of the dragon egg.

At this time, the dancers and dragon prophets were a little stunned when they heard this.

"Dragon eggs?!"

"How is that possible?!"

In all of the End, there is only one ender dragon, and it is always the guardian of the end creatures.

Only if it is defeated will the passage to the end city be opened.

So, the ender dragon is like the patronus of the End.

The Queen of Ender is the patron saint of the entire end city.

As soon as she was born, she knew that the ender dragon guarded their territory.

When she became queen, she had a bond with the ender dragon.

So, the Queen of Ender didn't know there was such a thing as a dragon egg.

Unbeknownst to her, ender dragons hatched from dragon eggs.

Because no one told her about the concept.

She said the word because she saw it.

She cared because she knew the egg was related to the ender dragon.

So, when she said the word, the dancer was confused.

But the Dragon Prophet felt incredible.

The Dragon Prophet naturally knew the origin of the ender dragon.

But he also knew that the Queen of Ender was unknown to all of this.

So, this also makes the ender queen's words more convincing.

The Dragon Prophet looked at the Ender Queen, thought for a moment, and then fell to one knee in front of her.

"You are the queen of the End, and we have no objection to any decision you make."

As he spoke, the dragon prophet pulled the dancers on the side to kneel down together.

He knew that the Queen of Ender wanted to figure it out.

He also knew that the Queen of Ender could not give up on the Ender Dragon.

Seeing this, the Queen of Ender was silent for a moment.

"I'll find out."

Without saying anything more, she picked up the obsidian sword and left.

For the Queen of Ender, Li Yuan's appearance has changed her life.

She was even a little curious about the man now.

There was so much in that man that she couldn't understand!


At this time, Li Yuan had already left the End.

The reason why he let the ender queen go, and was so sure that she would come for her, was also because of the ender dragon egg in his hand.

The ender queen and the ender dragon are bound.

Whether out of revenge or out of a desire for dragon eggs, the Queen of Enders will take the initiative to find Li Yuan.

After leaving the End, Li Yuan teleported to the Demon King's Palace.

When the monsters in the palace saw Li Yuan come back, they all rushed up.

These little ones are safe in the Demon King's Palace now.

But for them, it's like going to jail here.

Although they didn't have much free time when they were outside before, at least they were able to follow Li Yuan.

As long as they can follow Li Yuan, they will be happy.

But now not only is the range of activities limited, but also unable to follow Li Yuan.

One by one, they were all idle birds.

Li Yuan saw the monsters gathered over, and a smile also appeared on his face.

"Witch, you're bullying slimes again today?!"

"Creeper, how's your meditation going?"

"Xiaobai, I know you're not afraid of fire, but you shouldn't always grab the magma pool with the striders!"


"Hey, why does Xiao Hei look so haggard lately? Look at your dark circles..."

One monster after another looked over, and Li Yuan seemed to feel as if something was missing.

After half a ring, he reacted, and it turned out that the one-eyed and broken arm were not there.

"Huh? What about one-eyed and severed arms? "

After hearing Li Yuan's words, the witch walked up to Li Yuan, and then pointed at slimes and Xiao Hei.

I saw the slime come to Xiao Hei's side one by one.

Then Blackie raised his hand and lifted the slime up.

Then teleported out.

After a while, Xiao Hei teleported in with the slime again.

When Li Yuan saw this, he seemed to understand.

"Xiao Hei took them out?"

After hearing Li Yuan's words, the witch nodded.

"No wonder Xiao Hei has been so haggard lately...."

"What are they doing out there?"

When the witch heard this, she shook her head, indicating that she did not know.

Li Yuan was about to ask something more, but saw Xiao Hei teleporting out again.

After a while, I saw him come back with a broken arm in his arms.

After letting go of the one-eyed, he immediately teleported out again.

Looks like I'm going to pick up One-Eye.

After coming back from the broken arm, when he saw Li Yuan coming back, he immediately lowered his head with a weak face.

"Come here!"

Li Yuan scolded.

Seeing this, the broken arm didn't dare to raise his head and walked to Li Yuan's side.

At this time, Xiao Hei also came back with One-Eye.

One-eyed saw Li Yuanhe standing in front of Li Yuan's gray broken arm.

I immediately realized the seriousness of the problem.

He leaned over immediately, too.

"Why go out?"

Li Yuan asked directly.

Li Yuan built the Demon King's Palace in order to protect them from harm.

The one-eyed and broken arm slipped out, and Li Yuan would naturally be angry.

Seeing that Li Yuan was angry, One-Eye took a few steps back.

Then he took out the sword in his hand and began to gesture in front of Li Yuan.

The one-eyed gesture immediately attracted Li Yuan's attention.

To say that this one-eyed is really not blind.

Not only does he know how to use some simple tricks, but he also knows how to use the SA who draws his sword!

At this time, the one-eyed is like a master of the essentials of drawing a sword!

"So, you're out here to practice this?"

Li Yuan saw One-Eye's performance in front of him, and he also knew the purpose of the two of them.

It is estimated that during this time, they all sneaked out to practice.

One-eyed came to Li Yuan's side and nodded, confirming Li Yuan's guess.

Seeing this, Li Yuan didn't say anything anymore.

It's good that One-Eye and Broken Arm want to be stronger.

If only all monsters were like them, they had this mind.

Li Yuan doesn't have to worry about them anymore.

After thinking about it, Li Yuan teleported to the warehouse and took out two sets of nether alloy sets.

After enchanting them all, they were then thrown to One-Eye and Severed Arm.

One-Eye and Severed Arm immediately picked up their new equipment and replaced their previous iron jackets.

At this time, the two of them were dressed in dark black nether alloy sets that shone with purple dark lines.

It looks mighty.

"Hmm... Yes, it's kind of a look. "

Then, Li Yuan threw the newly exploded Enma Knife to One-Eyed.

"You use this, and that one breaks your arm."

One-Eye and Severed Arm each picked up their own knives and held them in their hands.

At this moment, their eyes became more determined.

"Be careful when you go out later."

Li Yuan said as he turned his head to the other monsters.

"You can go out later."

"One-eyed severed arm, protect them and yourselves."

(Note: Killing the ender dragon will drop the broken Enma Blade, but since it is the first kill, it will drop the Enma Blade.) (Dog's head saves)

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