Knowing that he was being calculated by the Dreadlord, the Blighting King couldn't hold back any longer.

With a flap of his wings, he flew up to the Dreadlord and grabbed him by the neck with his hand.

"You traitor

!" "You're harming your people

!" "Don't you feel a little guilty about them?!"

"This is the land where you were born and raised!!Do you just want it to be ignited by war again?!! "

The Blighting King has experienced war.

The piles of bones, the cries and screams that permeated everywhere...

He will never forget those pictures in his life.

He certainly didn't want the war to happen again, and he didn't want his people to suffer anymore.

But the arrival of the Dread Demon King has shattered the peace of this world.

At this moment, he really wanted to strangle the Dread Demon King in front of him.

But he couldn't.

When he was king, he made an oath.

In any case, his hands will never be stained with the blood of his kindred.

After hearing the Blighting King's words, the Dreaddemon King shook off the withering King's hand that was holding his neck, and smiled disdainfully.

"Ignited by

the flames of war?" "Look at the situation here, is there any need to be ignited by the flames of war here?"

"It's hot enough here!It's

time to cool off the soldiers!" "Are you willing to stay in the ground all the time?!"

Although the Dreadlord still looked so dismissive.

But what he said was to expose his inner thoughts.

He is actually holding injustice for his own people.

After hearing the Dreaddemon King's words, the Blight King couldn't help but be stunned.

He thought he had misheard.

He never thought that the traitor who was despised by the clan would actually say unfair words for the clansmen.

After three divisions of the world, although the withered clan gained the place of the nether.

But compared to the End and the Overworld.

The living environment here is the worst.

It's full of red-hot magma, and the entire Nether is a giant furnace.

Living here, you have to endure a heat wave every day.

Not to mention the soul sand that exists everywhere.

In that piece of soul sand, there are dozens of dead souls hidden.

They were all soldiers of all races who died on the battlefield.

You can even see the faces of the dead in the sand.

They shouted, cried, screamed...

The soul sand, which can be seen anytime and anywhere, also awakens the memories of the people in the Nether Realm about the tragic war at any time.

Although there is no war, it is really not a good place to live.

Generations of people have gradually adapted to this environment and made it their home.

But it's not the home of everyone's dreams.

It's just a place where they live and survive.

If there was a better place to live, who would want to stay in such a place

, even if they were not satisfied with the house, but they did not want to break the agreement of the tribes.

The hardships of the clansmen, the withering king naturally understood.

What he didn't expect was that the Dreadlord would be able to experience this.

Thinking of this, the Blighting King suddenly couldn't figure out the thoughts of the Dreaded Demon King.

He was also a little confused at the moment, what was the position of the Dreaded Demon King.

Was he on the side of the End, or was he in the Nether

? What was the reason for his reluctance

? If he really betrayed his people, why did he subconsciously say those words that stood on the side

of his people? Was it just to coax himself to join him?

After seeing the expression of the Blighted King, the Dreadlord realized that he seemed to have slipped his mouth.

He looked around in a panic, as if he was afraid of being heard.

He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the scene of the Nether around him.

However, his knee-jerk reaction just now betrayed him.

The Blighting King also saw all of this.

The Dreadlord's performance was undoubtedly unusual.

The Blighting King didn't know what had happened to him.

But what is certain is that the Dreadlord should not have rebelled.

It is the knee-jerk reaction that reveals the truest thoughts.

The words of the withering king just now obviously stimulated the dreaddemon king.

Although he was not shocked on the surface, what he said betrayed his performance.

The reason why he hides his thoughts is probably because he is afraid of something.

The Blighting King thought for a moment when he thought of this.

Then he finally nodded.

"Okay, I'll join. "

What do you want me to do?"

Hearing that the Blighting King had agreed to join the gang, a satisfied smile finally appeared on the Dreadlord face.

"Cooperate with me to gain strength.

"And then destroy our

common enemy!" the Dreadlord didn't say who the common enemy was, and the deceptive nature of the sentence was quite strong.

It's clear that there's something in the words.

But the withering king didn't understand this sentence, and he directly ignored it.

"How do you gain power?"

the Dreadlord saw that the withering king didn't understand, and said no more.

Say a lot of mistakes, and when you are done, everything will be clear.

"Fear is my source of strength.

"I'm sure you've also felt another breath that doesn't belong to this world. "

That breath belongs to the "player" race.

"Most of them live in the Overworld.

"They are the most suitable race to provide me with power!" Hearing

this, the Blighting King also understood what the Dreadlord meant.

"You mean to attack the Overworld?"

the Dreadlord nodded, recognizing the Blighting King's concerns.

"Don't worry, the Overworld is not like it used to be.

"The only powerful ruler in that place right now is the breath you feel.

"We just need to get me more power quickly before he finds out about us.

"With the strength of the two of us, this battle will be nine out of ten. "

The Dreadlord is still very confident in his own strength.

His strength comes from fear.

And that group of races, called "players", is large in number and weak.

It is just the right source of strength to provide him with a steady stream of strength.

As long as there is enough fear power, he is invincible.

After hearing the Dreadlord speak, the withering king pondered for a moment.

Then he finally nodded and agreed to the Dreadlord's proposal.

"I hope you don't disappoint me,"

he said silently in his mind.

In fact, he has an element of gambling in this battle.

It's not about betting on winning or losing this battle.

It's a bet on which side the Dreadlord is on.

He never wanted to believe that his former idol could become a traitor.

Seeing that the wither king agreed, the Dreadlord immediately began to prepare a plan to invade the overworld...

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