"If he can complete the mission, let's consider wooing him again..."

, the enderman finished speaking to the Void, and his eyes returned to their original purple color.

It seems that it was just attached to the endermen that it had changed like this.

After Entity 303 returned to the Overworld, he didn't bother with the Yonghui Guild again.

At this moment, he only has one goal in his heart, and that is to kill HIM.

Upon arriving in the Overworld, Entity 303 appears to be guided by something.

Immediately, the wanton slaughter of all kinds of living beings began.

As each creature dies, Entity 303 can feel that the Eye of the Realm on its body has absorbed a piece of power.

He finally understood what the enderman meant.

With the Eye of the Domain, the main task now is to get it enough power to gain the domain itself.

In this way, there should be no problem with HIM in the game.


After Entity 303 left the Yonghui Guild Residence, the rookie did not chase after him.

Instead, he returned to Yonghui's station again, and turned on the scenic spot check-in and photo mode.

He was having a good time filming, only to find that the game was suddenly disconnected.

When I opened my eyes, it turned out that Lao Wu pulled him out of the game warehouse.

Lao Wu sent Mo Jiang back from the rental house, but he didn't find Mo Jiang.

Mo Jiang's rental house was covered with a layer of dust, but the game warehouse was still open.

This is already strange.

When Lao Wu was about to leave, he didn't expect to meet Mo Jiang's landlord.

The landlord said that he had been sending messages to General Mo to ask him to pay the rent these days, but he did not reply.

He had never defaulted on rent before, and the landlord was afraid that something would happen to him, so he came to the door.

The landlord's words also made Lao Wu feel even more wrong.

Lao Wu and the landlord called the police together and came back.

As soon as he returned, he found the rookie.

The reason why the rookie was forcibly pulled out of the game was mainly because there were too many doubts about this matter.

You have to ask the rookie to sort it out a little.

"Is Mo Jiang's matter solved?"

After hearing Lao Wu's words, the rookie blinked.

"Huh, what to solve?"

After hearing the rookie's words, Lao Wu didn't want to ask any more.

The rookie's idea has always been wild, and it is better to ask him so much than to take a look at his game records.

Lao Wu came directly to the rookie's game warehouse, and then began to watch all the records of his behavior after entering the game.

About ten minutes later, Lao Wu finally came out of the game warehouse.

At this moment, his face was much more solemn than when he entered the warehouse.

"It's... How is that possible?!"

After reading the entire record, there were two things that he couldn't figure out.

The first point is that Mo Jiang is not a data intrusion.

The reason why Lao Wu knew that Mo Jiang was not a data intrusion was because, after entering the game from a rookie, he encountered entity 303 for the first time.

He was scanned with data.

However, no data code was scanned.

It's like Mo will scan HIM before.

In other words, at this moment, Entity 303, like HIM, has become the product of the origin of the game!

How could it be the original product of the game?!

If that's the case, there's only one possibility.

That is, Entity 303 was sucked into the game...

But this may be a little ridiculous.

But the facts seem to be in front of him, Mo will be the scene in the rental house, coupled with his sudden disappearance.

The facts seem to be verifying this absurd possibility step by step.

In addition to this ridiculous thing, one thing that Lao Wu couldn't figure out was his apprentice.

Judging by his records, he is connected to the game, but not completely.

The entire neuron is in a state of flux.

Many of his behaviors are actually subconscious behaviors.

It's like the first encounter with Entity 303, which is the scanning of Entity 303 by his subconscious.

Then the act of pulling out a huge salted fish out of thin air is also a subconscious behavior.

It is precisely because of this state of the rookie that Entity 303 has no way to kick him out of the game.

What surprised Lao Wu the most was the picture of the rookie taking out a huge salted fish.

That's obviously something that can only be done by tampering with the game code, and it has to be done in the database.

But rookies can easily do this subconsciously in the game...

At this moment, Lao Wu was also a little confused.

For a moment, he couldn't even compare to either of these two things more outrageous...

After thinking of this, Lao Wu organized this matter into a folder, and then put the rookie's game records in the folder.

The folder was then sent to Notch.

Lao Wu is also smart this time, and those high-level executives don't understand data at all.

Even if Lao Wu told them about it, they would most likely not believe it.

Even if they did, they didn't know what to do.

Lao Wu simply bypassed them and told the news directly to Notch.

As the founder of the game, Notch naturally understands data programs better than those at the top.


At the moment, in a village in the game world.

The players of the Misty Guild have just finished sweeping a village.

After tying up a few villagers, it was time to return to the guild headquarters.

"Will this village still be refreshed?" I remember that there were no villages in this place before

?" "Maybe, whatever, isn't it good to refresh?"

"I had already torn down that village, maybe it could be refreshed again!"

The players of the Misty Guild discussed as they hurried.

This village was an accidental discovery of theirs, they had been here many times before, and they had never seen any village, but they didn't expect it to be a village today.

Everything is normal in the village, and the players are not too careful.

After looting the supplies, he returned to the guild headquarters with the villagers.

But not long after they returned, they found that HIM had actually appeared in the guild headquarters.

With a loud explosion, the outcome of the guild players can be imagined.

And they didn't realize that it was the village that suddenly refreshed that revealed their location.

Since learning about Entity 303 and the rookie.

Xu Yuan also did not dare to slack off.

During the cooldown of the skill of manipulating the infected, Xu Yuan also did not rest.

I've been using clones to shuttle through various areas, looking for where the players are stationed.

But it didn't work out much.

Basically, within the skill cooldown, you can find one or two guild stations.

That's just too slow.

However, Xu Yuan thought of a good way to deal with it.

Since you can't find the player, it's good to let the player come and find you.

After the game is updated, the only thing that can quickly promote the development of players is the villager trade.

The guilds will definitely look for villages and kidnap villagers to promote development.

Xu Yuan only needs to build some villages everywhere, and then catch some villagers to breed and put them in each village.

You will be able to wait for the rabbit.

Xu Yuan has been implementing this recently.

In many places, "fake" villages built by Xu Yuan have appeared.

Xu Yuan let the clone hide around the village.

As soon as a player steps inside, follow them to the guild headquarters to infect them.

In order to gain more faith points, Xu Yuan can be regarded as racking his brains.

Xu Yuan finished infecting the players of the Fog Guild.

From the view of the doppelganger on the shallows, I saw that the zero NULL had returned.

"Where is he?" "

The purpose of NULL Zero's outing was to find Entity 303, and Xu Yuan didn't expect him to come back so soon.

I saw that the zero value NULL shook his head and frowned.

"I don't know why, his breath suddenly disappeared..."

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