Xu Yuan has been very busy these days.

There is basically no free time.

When the ability to control the infected can be used, use the player's vision to find out where the player's guild is stationed.

When the skill is cooling, he still wants to carry out his own fake village plan.

Thanks to Xu Yuan's efforts, the rate of gaining faith points has increased significantly.

Quickly accumulated enough kill value of 1 million.

Xu Yuan also directly unlocked the ability to invade the realm.

[Domain Invasion Lv1: Invasible Domain 1x1x1

] [Upgrade by consuming 100,000 faith points]

Seeing that the space for domain invasion also needs to be upgraded, Xu Yuan is actually not surprised.

Now Xu Yuan basically understands the urine of the system.

The ability given by the system is basically what you pay for.

For example, the skill that previously required 100E kills to activate the clone's advancement.

It is estimated that there is no need to upgrade, and the top configuration is given directly.

After all, the 100E kill value is there.

Skills like domain invasion are already very powerful.

It can be activated with 1 million faith points, which must be upgraded after activation.

With the skill of domain invasion, Xu Yuan's strength can be regarded as a higher level.

The skill upgrade of Domain Invasion is also 100,000 faith points at a time, and it is also an upgrade of one block size.

When Xu Yuan upgrades the transparent block in the future, it will be good to upgrade the skill of domain invasion by the way.


Xu Yuan's side is manipulating the clone to invade the three players' residences.

The doppelganger who remained on the shallow side saw that the zero NULL returned.

Fortunately, Xu Yuan is also used to multi-line operations, and it is still very smooth to change perspectives.

Before Xu Yuan could ask, the zero-value NULL said.

"My king, I have found it.

Xu Yuan nodded, and then asked.

"What does he look like?" Xu

Yuan was more concerned about whether that aura belonged to the Dreadlord Demon King, so he asked Zero NULL about his appearance.

When Zero NULL heard this, he immediately described his first impression of the Dreadlord.

"A bone draped in nori. Hearing

the description of the zero-value NULL, Xu Yuan almost laughed.

But his description really gets to the point.

Through the description of the zero-value NULL, Xu Yuan was also able to determine that the aura was the Dreaddemon King.

Now that it has been determined that it is him, Xu Yuan is bound to subdue him.

The Dreadlord must have known a lot about the Void.

After thinking of this, Xu Yuan asked the zero-value NULL.


is he?" NULL has no way of knowing the exact coordinates of this world, but he is able to describe the direction and distance.

After some description of the zero-value NULL, Xu Yuan also determined the approximate coordinates of the Dreaddemon King.

Xu Yuan was about to manipulate the clone to find the Dreadlord when Zero NULL continued.

"My king... Sorry, I was caught tracking him.

"But I didn't disobey you, I didn't fight him. "

And... I could see through the fear in his heart, and strangely... In the picture in his heart, there is actually a figure similar to you..."

After hearing the words of the zero-value NULL, Xu Yuan couldn't help but be a little puzzled.

"Similar to my figure?...... "

Xu Yuan has never seen the Dread Demon King before, the fear in his heart shouldn't be Xu Yuan, right? Or, because the Dread Demon King

needs to absorb the power of fear to become stronger.

And the fear power in this world is caused by Xu Yuan, so he is afraid

of Xu Yuan? Thinking of this, Xu Yuan also raised his chin and motioned to NULL to talk about more details.

The zero-value NULL also immediately told Xu Yuan all the pictures he saw.

Then, as if thinking of something, he added.

"Also, I perceive that he is composed of two forces, one part is the same fear power as me, and the other part of the power belongs to that void..."

NULL says that there are two plates in the Dreadlord's mind, one of which contains a vague figure that resembles himself.

Later, it was said that the power of the Dreadlord was made up of two forces, one from the Void and one from the power of fear.

The Dreadlord himself is able to absorb the power of fear, so that part of the power of fear is made up of his own power.

And the power of that void also exists in his body.

Does this prove that the plate in his mind, which only has one picture, actually comes from

the Void? If this is the case, then it means that the existence of the Void is afraid of a figure similar to Xu Yuan's body in his heart.

Xu Yuan didn't personally investigate the heart of the Fear Demon King, so Xu Yuan had no way of knowing whether that figure was himself or not.

But the zero-value NULL, as the shadow of Xu Yuan, knows Xu Yuan best.

Even he said that the figure was just very similar to Xu Yuan.

He didn't say that it was Xu Yuan.

Therefore, it is very likely that that person is not Xu Yuan himself.

Moreover, those beings in the void had no communication with Xu Yuan before.

Again, when Xu Yuan and the zero-value NULL stepped into the void, the zero-value NULL also said.

The existence in the void was much more powerful than Xu Yuan.

Inferring in turn, it should not be Xu Yuan who is afraid in their hearts.

"Could it be... What they are afraid of is the real HIM?......"

Although Xu Yuan is the HIM of this world, he is not the real creator god HIM.

Although his abilities are all developing towards the creator god HIM.

But he's not really HIM, or rather, he's not really HIM.

So, is there a real HIM in this world?

NULL also said that the breath in the void is very old.

Much older than Xu Yuan's breath.

That is, they have lived in this world for a long time.

Something must have happened in this world.

There may have been a real HIM in this world.

Therefore, the existence of the void will have fear in his heart for people who are the same as Xu Yuan's body.

"This world is really complicated..."

, but these are just Xu Yuan's conjectures.

It's hard to figure this out.

Because the zero NULL said, the figure in the picture is very blurry.

That means that the Dreadlord has never seen it.

Although that image was in his subconscious, he had never seen it.

Just like the various patches of color that appeared in the ender dragon brain before.

But no matter what, the Dreadlord was still able to provide Xu Yuan with some clues and information.

After thinking of this, Xu Yuan said to the zero-value NULL.

"Let's go, meet him. "

Xu Yuan also learned from the mouth of Zero NULL that the Blighting King was also with the Dreaddemon King.

This is also the reason why Xu Yuan brought a zero-value NULL.

NULL can't always do some tailgating work, you have to let him have a good time fighting.

The withering king is definitely not the opponent of zero-value NULL, so Xu Yuan does not have to worry about the safety of zero-value NULL.

Hearing that Xu Yuan was going to fight, the zero value NUL was not to mention how excited.


Xu Yuan took the zero value NULL and teleported to the grassland where the Dread Demon King and the Withered King were located.

At this moment, the Dreadlord and the Blighting King are letting their monsters clean up the players of the Dragon Pattern Guild.

The source of the Dreadlord's power is the power of fear.

He does have the ability to kill players in an instant, but that way he gains too little power of fear.

It must be tortured slowly.

The Dreadlord was enjoying the screams and wails of the players when he suddenly felt a familiar aura coming from behind him.

"He's coming!".

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