The Dreadlord was actually appointed on an ad hoc basis.

At that time, the Void was aware of the order given after the portal to the Overworld had been opened by the ender dragon.

The Dreadlord didn't know why he was chosen.

But based on his understanding of the Void over the years, he summed up these two points that the Void would choose itself.

What the Dreadlord can be sure of is that if the consciousness bodies of the Void want to gain parasitic abilities, they must absorb a certain amount of power.

Those consciousness bodies are like containers, and the stronger the consciousness body, the more power it needs to absorb.

There must be a reason why they didn't end up in person.

It is estimated that the reason for the lack of power to absorb is the reason.

After hearing the words of the Dreadlord King, Xu Yuan also summarized the information given by the Dreadlord a little.

That's what we've learned so far.

There are seven levels of power in the Void, which are red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, and purple.

The existence of these levels is still ideological.

They are only able to obtain entities through parasitism.

However, the ability to acquire parasitism requires the accumulation of power, and the stronger the consciousness body, the more power it needs to accumulate.

Moreover, parasitism is conditionally limited.

The only information known so far is that they cannot parasitize on endermen.

Furthermore, they probably won't be able to enter the Overworld through the nether portals that players have opened.

Otherwise, the Void wouldn't have waited until the ender dragon opened the air portal before being given the task.

Also, the Dreadlord came to the Overworld through the portal that the ender dragon spawned into.

Therefore, the ender dragon is equivalent to those consciousness bodies of the Void who go to the Overworld to find the key to parasitism.

In other words, the powerful consciousness in the void wants to gain a body.

Two conditions must be met.

1. Accumulate enough strength to gain parasitic ability.

2. Parasitize in the Overworld through the ender dragon's teleportation channel.

Only when these two conditions are met, then they can really threaten Xu Yuan.

After thinking of this, Xu Yuan still had a question.

"Can't you parasitize players?" after

the game was updated, players noticed that ender pearls were very useful.

Many players go to the End to farm endermen.

Xu Yuan is also worried that there will be a situation where players will be parasitized.

After all, if it's a parasitic player, those beings in the Void don't need to look for ender dragons.

Players can access the Overworld through nether portals.

After hearing Xu Yuan's words, the Dread Demon King shook his head and said.

"No, they don't belong to this world.

"We can only parasitize on the creatures of this world. After

the Dread Demon King finished speaking, Xu Yuan understood.

If this is the case, Xu Yuan is also a little relieved.

In other words, Xu Yuan is currently holding the keys to the main world of those beings in the void at hand.

As long as the ender dragon is protected, then Xu Yuan will not have to worry about the existence of the void invading for the time being.

In this way, Xu Yuan would have enough time to develop and strengthen himself.

When the time comes, when you have enough strength, you will be able to open this door with the key.

I have to say that the Dread Demon King did provide Xu Yuan with a lot of useful information.

Although Xu Yuan still didn't know what the void was, he at least had a general understanding of the void.

After thinking of this, Xu Yuan continued to ask the Dreaddemon King.

"Do you know why they are jealous of me?" After

hearing Xu Yuan's words, the Dreaddemon King shook his head.

"I don't know..."The

Dreaddemon King's answer Xu Yuan was not surprised.

After all, he was only at the purple level, and all he touched was the furnished things.

Xu Yuan looked at the Dread Demon King kneeling in front of him.

He said so much about the Void, which proved his loyalty.

After thinking of this, Xu Yuan looked at the Dreaddemon King and raised his hand.

"Get up.

After hearing Xu Yuan's words, the Dreadful Demon King finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that HIM should have accepted himself.

The Dreaddemon King got up and glanced at Xu Yuan, with some hesitation in his eyes, as if he wanted to say something.

Xu Yuan also immediately saw through the mind of the Dread Demon King.

"Say it. I

saw the Dreadlord glance at the withering king, and then turn to look at the soldiers in the nether realm.

He just got up and knelt down again.

"My king..."

"No matter what happens in the future, I will follow you."

"I have a small request, can you think about it?"

As soon as the Dreadlord spoke, the zero-value NULL on the side was a little unbearable.

"My king has given you strength, do you still have requirements?!"

"I advise you not to know what to do!" Hearing

the words of the Zero NULL, the Dreaddemon King's face also seemed to be a little unbearable.

He also knew that HIM had helped him free himself from the Void's grip and accepted him, and he was already grateful to Dade.

But this is a request that he must make.

After hearing the words of the Dreaddemon King, Xu Yuan raised his chin and said.

"Tell me about it. Seeing

that Xu Yuan was willing to listen to his conditions, the Fear Demon King was also overjoyed.

After sorting out his emotions, he said solemnly.

"Please protect the people of the Nether, protect the Nether

...", "They have already endured too much

...", "If something irreparable really happens at that time, at least give them a place to stay..."

The reason why the Dreadlord would say such things was also because he knew it very well.

The world is bound to lead to a great war in the future.

It's like a long time ago when there was a big war before the three parts of the world.

It's just that the next battle will be a battle between the Void and HIM.

This battle is bound to affect a lot of things.

He is willing to follow HIM, and he is willing to work hard for HIM.

But only if HIM can protect the people of the Nether from the pain of losing their homes again.

The Dreaddemon King had just finished speaking, and the Blighted King on the side was stunned when he heard his words.

He didn't expect the Dreadlord to say such a thing.

That traitor who has been scolded by the Nether and the withered clan for many years will actually think about the Nether and the people of the Nether.

Hearing the Dreaddemon King's words, the Blighting King was overwhelmed with emotion.

It seems that he made the right bet, and the Dreadlord is still the hero he used to be.

He has never changed.

It was only for some reason that he left the Nether Realm and was trapped in the Void.

The Dreadlord has always been tasked with protecting the people of the Nether.

It was, and it is.

But at this moment, he began to seek HIM's help.

The Blighting King didn't know what was going to happen in the future, but after hearing what the Dreadlord had said about the Void.

The Blighting King also had a premonition that there might be a world-class war in the future.

With the Dreaded Demon King and his own strength, there is absolutely no way to protect the people of the Nether.

Thinking of this, the Blighting King took a deep breath and flew straight in front of HIM.

He slowly descended and stood beside the Dreadlord.

Then, like the Dreadlord, he knelt in front of Him.

"I'll always be with you, too.

"Please agree to his request and protect

the Nether!" As soon as the Blighting King finished speaking, he saw that the monsters of the Nether behind him also knelt down in unison.



"Boom... The

monsters all squeezed out their voices from their throats, echoing the withering king's words, as if seeking refuge from HIM.

These monsters were not controlled by Xu Yuan, but they did it spontaneously.

At this moment, the players in the live broadcast room only felt their scalps tingle when they saw this scene.

"It's... What is going on?!

" "All of them have turned against each other?!!!"

"Hiss... Is this the face of the Demon King?......


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