Seeing Xu Yuan's serious face, Eddie knew the importance of this mission.

He also nodded hurriedly and agreed.

"Don't worry, my king, I will definitely complete the task!" After

Eddie finished speaking, he glanced at his pumpkin head that Xu Yuan held in his hand with some reluctance, and left.

Seeing the back of Eddie's departure, Xu Yuan was a little worried.

Xu Yuan wasn't afraid that Eddie would mess up this matter, but was mainly worried about his safety.

Although Add has grown very strong, this time he will face the ender queen and the Void beings.

If it is exposed, it is still very dangerous.

However, Xu Yuan can't help it, he will definitely expose his whereabouts if he goes to the End.

Letting Add go is the best solution at the moment.

After Eddie left, Xu Yuan also found a place to sit down, and slowly began to sort out the order of what to do next.

At present, the biggest threat to Xu Yuan is the void.

The key to unlocking the passage to the Void and the Overworld is the Ender Queen, in addition to the Dragon of Execution, which is possessed by the Ender Dragon.

Xu Yuan had already sent Eddie to find the whereabouts of the Ender Queen, and Xu Yuan couldn't rush this matter, so he could only wait for Eddie's news.

Although he can only wait for news, Xu Yuan can't do nothing.

Xu Yuan must prepare for the worst.

That is, the Void found or controlled the Ender Queen one step earlier.

If that's the case, then the Void also has the key to the Overworld.

When the time comes, a big war is inevitable.

However, the Void is not expected to come out of the nest, after all, the Dreadlord said that they need to gather strength to gain parasitic abilities.

The stronger the person, the more power they need to gain.

In a short period of time, the Void should not be able to gather the power that can make the Red Level gain parasitic abilities.

So Xu Yuan still has a lot of time to prepare.

Although there is still time, Xu Yuan has to start thinking about preparing for war.

There are many consciousness bodies in the void, not three or two people.

And the lowest level of consciousness is an existence of such strength as the Dread Demon King.

If there is a next action in the void, it is estimated that it will not be invaded one by one like now.

Next time, it is very likely that the entire purple level will pour out of the nest, or it will send a higher-level existence to invade.

The existence of the purple level Xu Yuan can deal with it, but those above the purple level, Xu Yuan has no score in his heart.

So, the next thing to do is to be strong yourself.

Again, Xu Yuan still has to train these people under him.

This battle could never be a battle for Xu Yuan alone.

If the Void sent many people to attack, although Xu Yuan could handle it himself, he couldn't take care of these people under him.

Each of these men is faithful to the Lord.

If they do fight, they will definitely not be left alone, and they will inevitably join the fight.

Xu Yuan naturally didn't want the members of the undead legion he had worked so hard to collect to die at the hands of the Void.

So they have to be trained so that they can take charge of themselves.

After thinking of this, Xu Yuan glanced at his subordinates on the side, and they could be described as "happy" with each other.

007 was wagging his tail and happily gnawing on the Dreadlord's right arm.

The Dreadlord of the Demon King, the Withered King and the zero-value NULL have been chatting for a long time, and they seem to be chatting very "happily".

The dragon of execution was a little quieter, sunbathing and taking a nap on the side.

Seeing that they didn't have a sense of crisis at all, Xu Yuan couldn't help but support his forehead.

He also instantly understood the difficulties of the head of the family.

All the burdens fell on Xu Yuan's shoulders alone.

However, this is also a disguised illustration that Xu Yuan, the boss, is competent, and it is precisely because of Xu Yuan's strength that they can be so carefree.

But if you want to live a truly carefree life, you must solve the troubles of the void.

It's not hard to train them.

The sources of power for both NULL and Dreadlord are the Power of Dread.

The fear points obtained by Xu Yuan can be transformed into the power of fear and given to them.

However, they still have to enrich their actual combat experience, which is also easy to do.

Xu Yuan decided to adopt a reward system.

NULL and Dreadlord can practice with each other.

The winning side, Xu Yuan, will reward him with the power of fear, which will promote their growth.

Compared to them, the execution dragon is much more worry-free, she can slowly recover her strength on her own, and she does not need the assistance of external forces.

What makes Xu Yuanyuan more painful are 007 and the withering king.

The two of them belong to the Wolong and Phoenix Chicks.

007 has been by Xu Yuan's side for so long, and the main thing is to be a companion.

Now there is one more withering king who is the same as him...

Xu Yuan estimated that the strength of the withering king and 007 should be equal.

Or that the wither king should be slightly better than 007, after all, people can fly.

Xu Yuan also thought about it for a long time, and on the side of the Blighting King, Xu Yuan decided to let the Dreaddemon King train him.

After all, they are of the same clan and know each other, so they should be able to find a way to make the Blighting King stronger.

007 here, Xu Yuan after a long period of consideration.

It was decided that 007 should lead the team of the zombie player Peng Peng was on.

007 is still in advanced consciousness.

If he can achieve self-consciousness, it is estimated that his strength can be even higher.

To reach Consciousness, you need to kill 1,000,000 players.

It just so happens that Peng Peng and they often invade the player's station, and those who are willing to be infected will be infected by Peng Peng.

If you don't want to, just let 007 kill it.

In addition, if 007 follows Peng Peng and them, he can also help find out all kinds of news about the players.

Xu Yuan is also equivalent to an additional channel for obtaining information.

After thinking of this, Xu Yuan got up and came to everyone.

When the subordinates saw Xu Yuan coming, they all stopped fighting.

Xu Yuan also told his subordinates about his plan.

After hearing Xu Yuan's plan, at this moment, everyone in the Immortal Legion can be said to be happy and worried.

Zero-value NULL and the Dreadlord are naturally happy.

The two have long been fighting each other openly and secretly.

They have long been unhappy with each other.

When we met by chance before, NULL didn't fight with the Dreaddemon King because of Xu Yuan's words.

Now I can compete with him openly, and if I win, I can also get Xu Yuan's reward.

The two of them are naturally happy.

When the withering king heard the news, he was also in a good mood, although he couldn't get used to looking at zero-value NULL, but after the last fight, he also knew that he couldn't beat zero-value NULL.

He is also full of energy to improve his strength, and with the assistance of the Dread Demon King, his strength should improve quickly.

It's that 007 is a little unhappy, after all, he has been following Xu Yuan for so long.

This time there will undoubtedly be another separation.

However, he also knows very well that his strength is at the bottom.

has been with Xu Yuan for so long, and Xu Yuan has basically never sent him a mission.

He himself is eager to grow.

After all the subordinates heard Xu Yuan's order, they did not have any objections.

They all knelt in front of Xu Yuan.


"Rest assured, our king, we will train hard!".

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