Steve and a few friends know a lot more about the White-Eyed monster than the players.

That's why only a few of them feel wrong.

Steve saw that his friends looked as puzzled as he was, and asked everyone.

"Do you see something is wrong?"

the friends nodded when they saw this.

"It's really normal for monsters in the game to have weaknesses, but monsters like him, even if they have weaknesses, they won't show it so easily!"

"Yes! And he has the ability to think, even if he is afraid of the wolf species, with his strength, he can kill these wolf cubs effortlessly, why run away?!".

"Anyway, I will never believe that he is afraid of wolves, and I don't know if you have noticed it, that is, when he attacked the city before, he thought of blowing up the city wall from four places, why didn't he think of attacking it from four directions?

"Yes, I also noticed what Xiao Wu said before, it was my negligence before, I forgot to defend on all sides, I thought that maybe he was also negligent and didn't expect to attack on all sides, but now it seems that the article is big!"

Before, he only thought that it was possible that the white-eyed monster was negligent.

But judging from the fact that he saw the wolf running away, it was probably not his negligence that happened before

! It was probably intentional!

And if the white-eyed monster really wanted to win.

The most appropriate way is to attack with the monsters.

Anyway, the players couldn't find his whereabouts at all, and with monsters as cover, the players were all in a hurry.

This will allow you to destroy players faster.

But instead of doing it, he let the monsters in first, and then came in himself after the players had destroyed the monsters.

This thinking logic is too unreasonable!

When Steve thought of this, he suddenly became a little unpredictable.

"With his strength, he can definitely destroy us without much effort, why did he make such a big detour and deliberately lose?"

all the friends also shook their heads.

"I don't understand

...""Do you think it's to make a person extremely inflated before suppressing them

?"Is this necessary? We can't pose a threat to him at all, why does he go to such great lengths


and his friends pondered for a long time, but they still couldn't figure out what medicine was sold in the gourd of this white-eyed monster.

But one thing they can be sure of is that they didn't win this battle.

If they really want to win, this battle was deliberately let by

the white-eyed monster! They have never taken the initiative in this battle, and the initiative has always been in the hands of the white-eyed monster.

He wants players to win, so players can win.

As for why he let them win, Steve and they still couldn't figure it out.

You can only take one more step and look at one step.

If this is the white-eyed monster on purpose, then he will definitely have a new move next.

After thinking of this, Steve also told his friends what he thought, and then asked everyone.

"I'm still going to stay and see what the hell is going on.

"Why don't you go somewhere else to grow?" Steve

knew that escaping this place now was the best way to go.

Because no matter what, the final result of this group of people will still be planted in the hands of the white-eyed monster.

Regardless of the purpose of the White-Eyed Monster doing this, it will not end in favor of the players anyway.

So get out of here quickly so as not to limit your development.

But Steve didn't want to leave.

Because he knows that if he escapes for a while, he can't escape for a lifetime.

Even if he leaves now, since this white-eyed monster exists in the game world, there will always be a day when he will encounter it again.

It's better to find a way to deal with him now, when you don't have to worry.

Steve also took into account the development of his friends before proposing this.

He certainly wouldn't ask his friends to do the same.

When their friends heard Steve's words, they all shook their heads.

"We've been together since the beginning, you still want to fly solo?!"

"Brother, you also know my curiosity, if I don't figure out what he wants to do, how can I have the heart to develop?" "

I can also develop here, it's a big deal that the materials are buried in the ground, it doesn't matter!"


all the friends so affectionate and righteous, Steve was also very moved.

"Okay, then let's just wait here and see what play he's singing!"

At this moment, within the city walls, I'm afraid there are only a few sober people like Steve and his friends.

The rest of the players were all basking in the joy of victory.

"What a white-eyed monster

, a few wolf cubs scared him away! Next time he dares to come, let's let the wolf cubs gnaw on his bones!" "In the future, there will be a goal! Kill Xiaobai to collect bones and train wolves

!" "Do you think he will be scared and not dare to come in the future? Then we won't lose a lot?!" "If he doesn't come, we'll

take the wolf cubs to find him! Anyway, I'm going to decide the supplies on his body!"


this moment, the players in the live broadcast room are also excited.

", I didn't expect such a strong monster to be afraid of wolves?......

" "I always feel a little wrong, wolves are not aggressive, right? It's a neutral monster..."

"Cats are even less aggressive, and it's normal for monsters to have natural predators

when they see it, and it's normal for monsters to have natural enemies!" "I thought this monster was so godly, that's it?!"

"Brothers, let's not talk about it, I'm going to go to Steve's side to get together!".

"Hurry up when it's dawn!Killing this monster is estimated to yield a lot of good things!"


At this moment, there are still a very small number of players in the live broadcast room who feel that something is wrong with the whole thing.

But those voices were quickly silenced.

Most players only believe what they see with their eyes.

After all, they haven't met with white-eyed monsters, and more often than not, they are in the live broadcast room or have heard descriptions.

Although so many people say that this monster is so godly, players still don't believe it.

Or rather, they don't want to believe it.

After seeing the white-eyed monster scared away by the wolf, many players were also moved by compassion.

Now that the monster's weakness has been found, it is only a matter of time before the monster is killed.

This white-eyed monster, although it has weaknesses, is not weak in its own strength.

I guess the things that break out will also be very good.

Again, everyone has heard that he has a mind.

Maybe his lair has a lot of good things in it.

For a while, there was a wave of suicide frenzy in the game.

When the players died, they all chose coordinates near Steve's station.

One by one, they all rushed to the station.

The players in the station saw that so many players in the live broadcast room wanted to join them.

Naturally, they were happy, after all, the stronger the team, the better.

"Brothers, come here!Let's develop together, slaughter the white-eyed monster together!

""So many people are coming, our city wall has to be expanded again

!" "Let's say okay first, when the time comes, you will have your own ability to meet the white-eyed monsters, don't grab the supplies!"


this moment, the players didn't realize that the wall had ears.

Their words were all heard clearly by Xu Yuan, who was hidden in a stone block inside the city wall.

After Xu Yuan left the city wall, he didn't leave at all, and hid directly in the city wall.

Naturally, it is also to understand the feelings of this group of viewers.

So far, the response has been very good.

At least from the players' mouths, it is clear that many players are rushing towards this side.

"It seems that this game of chess is a game~".

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