When the enderman finished speaking, he saw that his eyes had changed from red to purple.

The Queen of Ender naturally sensed that the powerful consciousness body had disappeared.

After the red consciousness body left, Add slowly woke up.

When he saw the ender queen in front of him, he was stunned.

He hurriedly took a few steps back, then took a closer look at the Queen of Ender.


√ with purple hair", "a pair of √ with purple eyes",

"The weapon is an obsidian broadsword√!!!

"It's her!!It's her!!It's her!!It's her!!"

Although Eddie recognized the ender queen in front of him, he was a little dazed at the moment.

He didn't know what was going on, he just remembered that he seemed to be asleep and had a long dream.

When she woke up, the Queen of Ender appeared in front of her.

However, although Eddie has completed the task, he has not completed the task well.

Because HIM had told him to go back and report the news immediately when he met the Queen of Ender, and not to expose it.

But at this moment, the Queen of Enders was already on her face, and it was clear that she had been exposed.

Add glanced at the Queen of Ender, only to see that the Queen of Ender glanced at him before she stopped him.

Instead, he turned his head and spoke to the Dragon Prophet.

I saw the Queen of Ender hand the blue eye of ender that she had just gotten into her hand to the Dragon Prophet.

"Even though you told me that what he just said was true.

"But I still don't trust him. The

dragon prophet replied as he looked at the blue eye of ender in his hand.

"I know.

"If he goes his way, then there will be a war with Him.

"According to him, HIM's strength is not at its peak, and with this eye of ender, we should have the strength to fight.

"But... I don't think it's appropriate to go to war in uncertain circumstances. The

Dragon Prophet hadn't heard the strange enderman talk to the ender queen before he woke up.

But the Dragon Prophet was able to detect the ender queen's inner thoughts.

He knew that the Queen of Ender would not believe what the ender had told him about HIM slaughtering the people of the End without full evidence.

It's just that at present, it seems that it is difficult to confirm whether these things are true or false.

can only blame the dragon prophet for waking up slowly, otherwise he will be able to find out the truth of these words.

Hearing the words of the Dragon Prophet, it became clear to the Queen of Ender that he was thinking the same as herself.

It's not that the Queen of Ender is afraid of things, she's still very confident in her own strength.

If this had been confirmed, the Queen of Ender would have killed HIM with her own hands anyway.

But the matter is still inconclusive, and the ender queen's sixth sense is a little tired of that powerful aura.

So you have to think about it at this time.

"I just sensed that there was only one ender dragon left in the world.

"For some reason, after waking up this time, I always felt that the ender dragon was very important..."The dragon

prophet didn't care when he heard the ender queen's words.

"The ender dragon is the guardian of the End, so naturally it matters. "

Come on, you've always felt sorry for your pets.

"If you're not at ease, wouldn't it be nice to go to the end island and resurrect a few? Although

the Dragon Prophet didn't know why there was only one ender dragon left, he did know that the ender dragon could be resurrected with ender crystals.

Even if there is not a single ender dragon left in the world, it is still possible to resurrect them with ender crystals.

After hearing the words of the dragon prophet, the ender queen shook her head and said.

"I do feel sorry for the ender dragon.

"It is also known that it exists to protect the existence of the End.

"But this time I woke up and felt different.

"I don't think I'm sorry to say it, but I just know that it's very important, and its responsibility is not just to protect the Ender!" The

Ender Queen's memories were erased, so she couldn't remember many things.

But her subconscious was telling herself that the ender dragon was very important.

Even in her subconscious, the ender dragon was even more important than the dragon prophet and the last dancer.

The Queen of Ender would never have thought like this before.

After all, the ender dragon is only her own pet, and even if the ender queen pets it, it will definitely not be more important than the end observers.

Hearing the Ender Queen's words, the Dragon Prophet finally let go of the Eye of Ender in his hand, and then thought for a moment before saying.

"Let's go to the end island, then..."

The ender queen's instincts have always been accurate, since the ender queen thinks the ender dragon is important, and she doesn't want to go to war with HIM for the time being.

Then you can only go to the end island and try to resurrect the ender dragon.

"Good. Hearing

the dragon prophet's proposal, the Queen of Ender agreed without the slightest hesitation.

Add was eavesdropping on a conversation between the Ender Queen and the Dragon Prophet.

Seeing that they were about to leave, he was also ready to go back to report the news.

Eddie was afraid that he would be exposed, but found that the Queen of Enders was ignoring him.

So Add didn't leave, but eavesdropped on the conversation between the Ender Queen and the Dragon Prophet.

After learning that the conversation between the two was related to HIM, Eddie stayed behind and continued eavesdropping.

Trying to give HIM more leads.

Add was about to leave, only to find a swarthy hand on his shoulder.

When I looked up, it was actually a dragon prophet.

"Want to go?"

Long after the Red Consciousness Body left, the Dragon Prophet surveyed Add with the Prophet's Eye.

I don't know if I don't see it, and I'm shocked when I see it.

I didn't expect Eddie to be simple.

The Dragon Prophet knew that he would be able to help the Queen of Ender find HIM's whereabouts.

In other words, the enderman knows the location of HIM, and has an intersection with him.

Although the Queen of Ender is not ready to go to war with HIM at the moment.

But if the enderman had told HIM what he had just heard.

If HIM were to find her, the Queen of Ender would undoubtedly be in a passive position.

Naturally, the Dragon Prophet would not allow such a thing to happen.

Seeing this, Add immediately used teleportation to slip away.

I thought I had escaped the grasp of the Dragon Prophet, but I found that a white phantom suddenly appeared in front of me.

The speed at which the white phantom teleported was several times that of his own.

The reason why he is said to be a phantom is because his extremely fast speed makes it impossible to see his appearance at all.

Seeing this, Add fled quickly through the void.

But no matter how he escaped, the phantom could find him accurately and always remain in front of him.

Seeing this, the dragon prophet finally spoke.

"Alright dancer, stop playing. "

Catch him. It

wasn't until the Dragon Prophet spoke that the white phantom stopped moving.

Only then did Add see the white phantom.

It was a white enderman with eyes like HIM's.

That was the final dancer of one of the three observers of the End.

The last dancer teleported in front of Eddie and pinned him down.

Add was stunned.

The strength of these people is far above Eddie, and Eddie can't run away at all, it belongs to the suppression of strength.

After the last dancer controls Add, the Dragon Prophet explains to the Queen of Ender why he controlled Add.

Knowing that Add might have something to do with HIM, the Queen of Ender nodded.

"Let's go to the end first.

"If the ender dragon can't be resurrected

...", "This ender man may be able to help us avoid a big battle..."

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