If you want to trap the Ender Queen, you must put her in Xu Yuan's realm.

But the Queen of Ender is now able to explore Xu Yuan's realm, and the blue consciousness is slowly controlling her actions.

The blue consciousness body obviously knows the realm, so he definitely won't approach it easily.

So it was impossible for him to deliver it to the door himself.

Xu Yuan was tested just now, and he was also very vigilant, even if Xu Yuan attacked him, he would be able to rely on rapid teleportation to open the distance.

Although Xu Yuan can also teleport, his speed is not as fast as the ender queen at this moment.

A rash attack is certainly ineffective.

So now, if he wants to win, Xu Yuan can only bet on a poor information.

After thinking of this, Xu Yuan thought for a moment, and already had a plan in his heart.


At this moment, the ender queen is still a little frightened.

However, she was also secretly happy, but fortunately, her body had just been controlled, so that she did not enter the strange aura beside Him.

But in the fight just now, she also made a discovery.

What she could be sure of was that the aura around HIM was very powerful, and HIM, who was in those breaths, was invincible.

Even if she fused the power of the void herself, she couldn't hurt HIM in the slightest.

At this time, the situation is equivalent to a dead end, as long as there is a domain, the ender queen has no way to take HIM.

Thinking of this, the Queen of Ender looked at HIM with a solemn expression.

The Queen of Ender never expected that this glance would actually give her hope of defeating HIM.

When HIM teleported towards him just now, the ender queen really didn't react.

She subconsciously thought that the breath around HIM had been wrapping around HIM.

They also shift positions with the teleportation of HIM.

But at this moment, the aura around HIM, which had changed its position, was shifted.

The distance between the Ender Queen and HIM wasn't that far, so HIM didn't teleport that far.

At this moment, although HIM is still in the breath, the breath is not completely covered.

If you compare the breath around HIM's body to a cube.

Originally, HIM was in the center of the cube and was surrounded by breath.

But at the moment, due to the change of position of HIM, HIM is now located on the right edge of the box.

The position of the box does not change due to the movement of HIM.

The Queen of Ender was thinking about it, but she saw that the breath was slowly moving towards HIM's body.

Slowly, it was covered around HIM's body again, and HIM was once again in the center of that breath.

The Queen of Ender was overjoyed when she observed the change in the aura around Him.

This is a major discovery, and it is equivalent to a weakness of HIM.

"It seems that the aura is not always around him!" If

the aura around HIM's body can always move with his movements, then it will really be a dead end at this moment.

Because the Queen of Enders can't break the aura around HIM, she can't hurt HIM at all.

But judging from what he just discovered, it was clear that the aura around HIM had not been following him all the time.

In this way, the ender queen has a chance.

If HIM didn't control the distance of teleportation and accidentally

left the breath, the ender queen would be able to attack him! The ender queen was still very confident in her speed, as long as HIM showed a little flaw and accidentally left the protective circle of that breath, the ender queen would definitely be able to hurt him.

Although the Queen of Ender has sensed HIM's weakness.

But it won't be easy to win this battle.

If HIM had stayed still, the Queen of Ender would have been unable to do anything about him.

Thinking of this, the Ender Queen thought for a moment before deciding to use the "fishing" tactic.

The Queen of Ender could clearly see the aura that covered Him's body.

She also has an advantage in speed.

All she needs to do is frantically test the edge of her breath, trying to show her flaws to HIM and lure HIM to attack.

In this way, HIM will definitely not be able to help but act, and once he shows his flaws, it will be the turn of the Queen of Enders to counterattack.

Thinking of this, the Queen of Ender immediately approached HIM, and then began to teleport rapidly around him.

The Queen of Ender was close, but not so close.

It's always been at the level that it is ready to touch the breath around HIM.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for HIM to run out of patience.

He kept an eye on the Ender Queen's movements.

After predicting where the ender queen would appear next time, she appeared in front of the ender queen in an instant.

The Queen of Ender was also shocked when she saw this, she didn't expect HIM to actually predict her position.

Seeing that HIM was about to catch her, she immediately teleported away.

Not long after HIM's teleportation, the aura around his body began to slowly gather around HIM.

"There's a play!" In

turn, the Ender Queen's plan still worked.

As long as HIM can't help but come and attack, he is slowly exposing himself.

The gathering speed of that group of breath was not fast, and the ender queen only needed to pull a few more times, and she should be able to succeed!

Seeing that her method worked, the ender queen also took advantage of the victory to pursue.


The Queen of Ender is like a fly, constantly circling around HIM.

At this moment, HIM's face finally showed an irritated expression.

Before the aura could fully gather, HIM teleported again and came to the ender queen.

This teleportation has already put HIM at the edge of the breath.

Seeing this, the Queen of Ender pulled out of her position again.

"It's almost successful!!"

said HIM, but after teleporting, there was no further action.

But the Queen of Ender still saw hope.

Because HIM couldn't calm down at the moment, he had been completely distracted by the Queen of Enders.

As long as the ender queen came a few times, HIM would definitely be exposed to the breath!!

This time she was even bolder, and her whole body clinged to that breath, waiting for HIM to be exposed.

She was absolutely confident in her speed, and if HIM teleported again, that aura wouldn't be able to cover him.

That's the end of the Queen of Ender's attack.

The Queen of Ender teleported rapidly, fantasizing about severing HIM's head with the broken sword in her hand.

It was at this point that HIM once again predicted the trajectory of the Ender Queen's actions.

Teleported in front of her.

At this moment, the upper half of his body has been exposed outside the breath, and only the lower half of his body is covered by the breath.

"It's now!!"

Seeing this, the Queen of Ender did not dodge, picking up the obsidian greatsword that had been broken in her hand, and slashed towards Him's head.

Just as the obsidian greatsword was immediately close to HIM's head.

The unthinkable happened.

I saw the breath wrapped around the lower half of HIM's body quickly gathering.

The breath spread quickly, and in less than half a second, the Queen of Enders was completely encased in the breath.

At this moment, the Ender Queen's severed greatsword had fallen on HIM's neck, but it did not cause any damage to HIM.

The great sword shattered in an instant.

It happened so fast that the Queen of Ender didn't even know what was going on.

I'm already in the breath of HIM.


How can this be ?!!


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