The Queen of Ender looked incredulous when she thought of this.

She never imagined that she would submit to someone.

With her nature, it is almost impossible to completely surrender to a person.

The first is that the Queen of Enders is already arrogant, and then she is in a high position as one of the three major observers of the End, and she also has supreme rights.

Even if she had just met such a powerful HIM, the Queen of Enders had no intention of surrendering.

But with the fragments of the images in her mind just now, the Queen of Ender was sure that she was indeed kneeling in front of Him.

And it is a spontaneous will, not forced.

Thinking of this, the Queen of Ender slowly calmed down and began to slowly analyze the possibility of her voluntary submission to HIM.

After thinking about it for a long time, I only came to one conclusion.

That is, the end suffers from a crisis, and only HIM can save them.

Only then will the Queen of Ender voluntarily submit to HIM.

Having come to this conclusion, the Queen of Ender shook her head desperately, trying to remember more.

But it didn't help, and the memories in my brain were too cluttered and messy.

Every time I start to remember, it's like several electric drills drilling my brain at the same time.

The pain made it impossible for her to think and recall.

At this moment, she was sweating profusely, and she could no longer bear the pain brought to her by forced memories.

Seeing this, the Queen of Ender had no choice but to give up.

The fragments in my memory just now, although they are all intermittent.

But the words of HIM in my memory seem to verify the authenticity of what HIM said in front of him.

The "seal" corresponds to the state of the Void's consciousness at this time.

They must have been sealed in the void.

As for the "key", just like HIM in front of him, he and the ender dragon are the keys to open the void and the main world.

Ever since the Queen of Ender woke up, her subconscious mind had been telling her that the ender dragon was important.

But she didn't know why the ender dragon was important.

That way, everything makes sense.

Thinking of this, the Queen of Ender raised her eyes to look at HIM in front of her.

At this moment, the appearance of HIM in my mind gradually overlapped with the HIM in front of me.

To the ender queen's surprise.

The HIM in front of me is exactly the same as the HIM in my head.

But it always gives people a feeling of being like something else.

It's a subtle feeling, and the Queen of Ender can't say it's good.

It's like you've met two people who look exactly the same.

Two people give you different feelings, but you feel that these two people are one.

Although this situation makes the Queen of Ender a little unpredictable.

But what she can be sure of is that the HIM in front of her is not her enemy.

The fragments of those memories just now, and all the things that happened after she woke up.

All prove that the Void Consciousness is the hostile side.

The Queen of Ender is not sure if the HIM in front of her is the HIM who once made her submit.

But what is certain is that at this moment, the two have a common enemy.

Thinking of this, the Queen of Ender glanced at the Dragon Prophet.

The Dragon Prophet also sensed the Ender Queen's thoughts.

At this moment, the ender queen looked at herself, afraid that she couldn't make up her mind.

The Dragon Prophet pondered for a moment, then communicated with the Ender Queen with his mind.

"Staying with him for now is the best solution!" It

was clear that the Void Consciousness was using the Queen of Enders.

The Queen and Dragon are the keys to the Passage.

The Queen of Ender also narrowly missed, but fortunately she encountered HIM, separating her from the Void's consciousness.

If the Queen falls into the hands of the Void again, the Void gets the key to the passage.

Then they will invade the Overworld.

The End is not immune.

The Queen of Ender cares most about her people.

If her people were slaughtered because of herself, she would never forgive herself.

Thinking of this, the ender queen also made a decision.

She looked at HIM, but she didn't know how to speak.

The Dreadlord had persuaded the Queen of Ender to surrender, and she remembered what she had said.

"Your nether realm tends to be inflammatory, flattering and flattering, and we in the end can't follow suit. "

I don't have allegiance to anyone in the Ender!" "Now, though the Ender

Queen is not allegiance to HIM.

But he was also seeking refuge in him.

She didn't expect the slap in the face to come so quickly.

While the Queen of Enders was thinking, she sensed a change in the aura around her.

Although the Queen of Ender no longer has the ability to survey the realm, she can roughly sense the breath.

The change in the aura around her body, at this moment, she could sense that she was already outside the breath wrapped in HIM.

The Queen of Enders was a little stunned, and was about to say something, when she heard HIM say it.

"I don't kill women.

"You go.

Hearing HIM's words, the Queen of Ender was stunned.

"Whew... What?......"

She thought that HIM, knowing her importance, would offer to keep her.

But he didn't expect him to give an eviction order.

Obviously, HIM just said that the ender dragon and himself are the key to unlocking the passage from the void to the main world.

Even if the ender dragon was already in his hands, he should do double insurance, and it stands to reason that he should keep himself.

But HIM in front of him didn't seem to care about himself at all.

Thinking of this, the Queen of Ender panicked instantly.

She had thought that the relationship between the two sides was mutually beneficial, but now it seemed that HIM didn't need her at all?

HIM's sentence you go, it's like unilaterally announcing a breakup.

The blow to the Queen of Ender is undoubtedly enormous.

Seeing the ender queen's look of bewilderment, Xu Yuan was still very satisfied.

He naturally needs the Queen of Ender, but he won't show it.

It looked like he was in a hurry.

Again, the ender queen made a big fuss here, if Xu Yuan opened his mouth to keep her, then where was the majesty of HIM?

Xu Yuan also knew very well that the ender queen was aware of the current situation.

She has recognized who the enemy is, and she has also recognized the importance of her "key".

After recognizing this, as long as you are not a fool, you know that staying by HIM's side at this moment is the best policy.

Xu Yuan had already grasped the psychology of the Ender Queen, so he deliberately said this.

He just wants the ender queen to recognize his status, and it is the ender queen who needs him, not him who needs the ender queen.

If she wants to get Xu Yuan's protection, she must let go of her arrogance and ask Xu Yuan in person.

Hearing HIM's words, the Queen of Ender thought for a long time about how to open her mouth so that she could not lose face and stay.

After half a ring, she finally spoke.

"The ender dragon is still here... I...... I can't go..."

After saying this, the ender queen no longer dared to look directly at him, and continued with a straight face.

"I'll leave when the ender dragon leaves

...""If the ender dragon doesn't leave, I won't go either..."

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