Hearing what the black knife said, Xu Yuan subconsciously took a look at the black knife's equipment.

At this moment, the black knife already has a full set of nether alloy enchantment sets.

This is also his equipment when he was a zombie player.

Although he became a zombie player later than Peng Peng, his strength was there.

All kinds of burning, killing and looting of the player's camp, coupled with their own efforts, soon came up with a graduation outfit.

With top-notch equipment and top-notch technology, it's no wonder that Black Knife is eager to try.

Xu Yuan was thinking, but he was disturbed by the commotion on the grassland.

I saw that on the grassland where there was a big scuffle, the crowd suddenly dispersed.

The place in the middle of the prairie was vacated.

Two players stand in the middle of the prairie and face each other.

Both players are also top-notch in terms of equipment.

All are full sets of enchanted diamonds.

One of the players is even more extravagant, armed with dual swords.

These two swords are also enchanted diamond swords.

Both gasped and looked like they had been fighting for a round.

Judging by the results, the two sides should not be able to distinguish between the two sides.

Around these two players, there are various drops from the players after they die.

From the number of messes all over the ground, you can see how many "innocent" unlucky players have been affected in the battle between the two.

This is also the reason why the players around them have consciously made room for these two people.

"It's really good, these two people are just immortals fighting..."

"I was by their side just now, and I was almost affected, but fortunately I flashed fast!!" "

These two people's operations are too smooth, right? Is this the gap between people..."

"Who are these two?Look at the union of the two of them, it doesn't seem to be a big guild?

"??? Boss Steve and Greifor you don't know ?!!

" "Popular science is coming, Guy Steve often posts various strategies on the forum, and is deeply loved by players, Greif... emmm, it's hard to evaluate, it's also very strong, but it's not very good, especially like PVP, most of his equipment and materials are looted


Of the two players, the one holding the dual sword is Graveor.

And across from him was Steve.

Grave saw that the players had automatically made room for the two to fight, and his arrogance became even more arrogant.

"Steve, I couldn't tell the winner last time, but this time it's just me, you don't want to enter the God's Domain Competition!" Listening to

Grevor's meaning, it shouldn't be the first time the two have fought each other.

Steve, who was on the other side, didn't seem to hear Greif's words clearly after hearing Grevor's words.

He leaned closer, tilted his head, put his hand behind his ear and said,

"What did you say?"

"If you don't kill you today, you will rest and enter the God's Domain Competition?"

"Hahahaha, I didn't expect Guy Steve to be so humorous. "

It's really relieving, this Greif is so annoying, the player's living environment is very difficult, and he sucks the blood of the players in various ways, no wonder he is not welcomed!"

"Big Steve! We support you!!Grevor!!"


who can make people like Steve yin and yang can imagine what the ingredients are.

Steve also really can't get used to Grevor's actions.

The main thing is that Greif's position is really strange.

Either you become a zombie player, just like those infected players.

This way you go against the players, and the players won't say anything.

Either you can live in peace with the players and work together to make progress.

But Grave is the type who doesn't want to see anywhere.

He didn't want to be a zombie player and go against them.

It is precisely because of the emergence of his forces that the player camp is restless.

What's even more infuriating is that the group of people under Greif operate very well.

Most players can't beat them at all.

In addition, since the last update of the game, it has divided into very many PVP locations.

Many PVP areas have become their bases.

They will set all kinds of traps in those areas to surprise the players.

The players are miserable by them.

Because of this, the players also gave Grevor's team a nickname.

"Rat poop".

Originally, they were originally nicknamed "Stirring Sticks", but to say so they were scolding the players themselves.

That's why it was replaced with "rat droppings".

Hearing the commotion of the players, Greif glanced around.

When the players in the outer circle saw his eyes, they all shut up instantly.

Seeing the players' reactions, Greif's face finally showed a satisfied expression.

He looked at Steve defiantly.

"I'd like to see if you have a stiff head or a stiff mouth!" Greif

raised his hand and threw the diamond sword in his right hand at Steve.

The Diamond Sword slammed into Steve's face.

Steve's quick eyes dodged Grave's attack with a single dodge.

"That's how you use the Diamond Sword?" said

Steve, dodging Grevor's attacks as he kept his mouth shut.

Steve was only able to gain his footing when he saw Grave rushing towards him through the gap in his dodge.

With just a dodge, Grave had already closed the distance and rushed to Steve's front door.

The diamond sword in his left hand was already slashing towards Steve!

Steve didn't panic, and immediately raised his hand and swung his sword to meet Grevor's attack.

Unexpectedly, Grave just flicked a shot, he quickly withdrew his diamond sword, and raised the iron shield on his right hand above his head to block Steve's attack.

In his left hand, he quickly switched an iron sword and stabbed it towards Steve's waist.

Steve's reaction was also quick, and in the face of Grevor's unconventional attack, he immediately pulled out a rough stone to block the attack that stabbed him in the waist.

"You haven't made much progress after all this time, so don't you have any other tricks?" Steve

taunted Grave, but his hand didn't stop.

By this time, his left hand had switched to flint and steel, and he quickly set the grass beneath Grave on fire.

The two have already fought once, and they have a certain understanding of the routines of both sides.

Grevor's attack was defused by Steve, but Greif didn't panic.

"How many times are you going to use the flint and steel scene? I don't have to think about it to know you're going to pull out such a thing!" Greif

replied to Steve, and the iron sword in his left hand switched to an ender pearl again.

Grave immediately threw the ender pearl in the direction of the diamond sword he had thrown behind Steve.

The ender pearl landed on the teleportation, and Greif also teleported over.

Without the slightest movement, Grave picked up the diamond sword and drew a perfect arc backwards without looking back.

"That's how I use a diamond sword!" Steve

was still facing away from Greif at the moment.

Seeing that Grevor's diamond sword was about to slash Steve.

I saw a huge enchanted door in front of Steve!

The speed of the two sides fighting each other was less than 2 seconds, and the props in their hands were not the same.

It's gotten to the point where your hands are faster than your brain.

The battle between the two was a judgment made entirely by instinctive reactions.

Originally, the players on the side had occasionally made a sneak attack on each other before.

But after the two went to war, they all stopped what they were doing.

"Damn??This is how this diamond sword is used?!!

"Grave doesn't talk about martial arts!!Actually engaged in a sneak attack

!!!"I have come to the conclusion from this battle, both of them have been single for a long time..."

(The author is not very good at writing fights.,I'm studying lately.,Maybe it's not very good to write.,Everyone's considerate Ha QAQ.,There's a party today.,First change here.,If you come back early in the evening, you'll have another chapter.。 )

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