All the players saw was a huge fish head swimming towards it.

This salted fish is incompatible with the whole "fairyland".

It is no exaggeration to say that the grade of "Wonderland" was instantly lowered by this salted fish.

"I'm not mistaken, right??!!! it's

a salted fish swimming over?" "Usually there will be a messenger before this kind of copy starts, don't TM tell me, this TM is the messenger ?!!!

" "?!Isn't the Divine Domain competition already started?!This salted fish shouldn't have come to eat us?!!!


appearance of this salted fish also brought a lot of commotion.

At a glance, you can see who is working on the link here...

After a while, Salted Fish came to the players.

It was only when the salted fish got closer that the players finally saw what it looked like.

It looks the same as a normal salted fish, but its two eyes look at each side separately.

He looks wise...

The players were about to complain, but the salted fish finally spoke.

"Warriors... Welcome to the God's Domain Competition!"

After saying this, the salted fish seemed to have suddenly forgotten the words, and picked its head with its fins in embarrassment.

Then he made a strange noise.




" "What is it talking about??"

"TMD! Talking to people!!"


hearing a few random words that the salted fish didn't understand, it returned to normal again.

"Okay! The game begins!" Salted

Fish finished speaking, and before the players could react, they slipped away with a "boom".

Leave the players with a bewildered face.


" "Did you forget the words and say a few words to fool us

?!!!" "Damn!!, you can tell me the rules of the game?!!!

" "I heard that this God's Domain competition was completed by Notch and that "wise" GM rookie... It seems that this salted fish came from him..."

"No wonder... It's very likely that he doesn't even know what the rules of the game are..."

"Notch, won't you check it when the God's Domain Competition is made!!!Someone is fishing, hey!!"

"This is inevitable... It's too abstract, isn't it?!!!!!


players were complaining, but they saw the huge salted fish suddenly appear in front of them again.

"There's a surprise in the box~"

After saying this, the salted fish disappeared from the players' field of vision again.

Seeing this, the players glanced at the chests scattered around the island.

Some players who were close to the chest immediately opened the chest.

When I saw the box full of salted fish, I fell silent...

Although the rookie is not reliable, Notch is still quite reliable.

The unreliable guide made by the rookie is also equivalent to a joke with the players.

Shortly after Salted Fish left, players received a system prompt.

[The Divine Domain Contest will officially start in 5 minutes!]

[You cannot bring any items in the Divine Domain, and the equipment and props held by the contestants will be temporarily stored in the system. 【

In the Divine Domain, everyone is equal!Everything starts from scratch!】

【Winning Rules: Live to the End

!】【Countdown begins!




After the system introduced the rules of the

game, the players breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that the pattern of the God's Domain Contest and the Wake-up War is similar.

When entering the game, everyone is equal, and there is no such thing as an equipment advantage.

There should also be a lot of supplies and equipment for players to collect in the God's Domain competition.

The rules of the game are also very simple, and the one who lives to the end is the winner.

As soon as the players learned the rules of the game, they began to team up.

"Scattered people ask for a strength group, first unanimously with the outside world, and then each with their own ability

!!" "Have you ever gotten up to fight in the top 100 in the war?" Hurry up and enter the group!!"


players set their eyes on Steve and Grave while asking for a group.

Obviously, players are very clear about who needs to be solved first after entering the God's Domain Competition.

There are also some players who want to be in a group with Steve and Grevor.

But they were rejected by the two.

The two of them are already a thorn in the side of this group of players, and those who want to be in a group with them are nothing more than trying to engage in a sneak attack.

Steve and Greif could see through this, of course.

I saw that the players were all in groups.

Grave glanced at the few people standing behind him, and suddenly felt a lot of pressure.

Greif also brought a lot of players over, but before these people died in the previous melee, and later in order to cover Greif into the God's Domain competition, many people died.

The one who led to enter the Divine Domain competition now is only 5 people, including him.

When Grave thought of this, he glanced at Steve.

Steve and his situation are similar.

Slightly better than him, Steve's side counts him, there are six people.

Seeing this, Greif thought for a moment and then looked at Steve.

"Let's make an alliance first. "

Grave and Steve don't have a deep hatred, it's just that they don't compete with each other.

The two didn't have any holidays before.

At present, both of them are thorns in the side of players, and if they want to survive in the God's Domain competition, an alliance between the two is the best choice.

After hearing Grevor's words, Steve thought for a moment.

Although he was not accustomed to what Greif was doing, Grevor's proposal did benefit both parties.

Thinking of this, Steve also agreed.


Steve and Grevor's actions also fell into the eyes of the black knife who had been observing them not far away.

Seeing the two forming an alliance, the black knife frowned.

The strength of the Black Knife is about the same as that of Steve and Grevor.

If the two of them had acted alone, Black Knife would have been able to outwit them.

But at this moment, after the two form an alliance, I am afraid it will be a little difficult.

"This battle is hard to fight..."

Somewhere in the game world, there is a plain.

A raging fire broke out on the plain.

The flames melted everything they touched.

The flames soaked through the dirt, stones, and iron until they reached the ground!

There was no life in sight of the plain.

The monsters hiding in the mines are also not spared.

I saw only a man in a white cloak and a scythe in his hand, standing in the flames.

Close your eyes and feel this feast of fire.

At that moment, he suddenly opened his eyes.

The bright red eyes revealed a deep sense of excitement.

"It's a player...",

"That's a lot of players!!" he

seemed to sense something.

Fly north.

And the direction in which he left was the direction where the entrance to the Divine Domain Competition was located!

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