As more and more

void forces appeared in front of him, Xu Yuan also realized more and more that it would not be his own battle in the future.

The Dreadlord once said that there are countless consciousnesses in the void.

Xu Yuan's previous conjecture was that after the battle between HIM and the Void, HIM sealed all the hostile forces.

Every consciousness in the void was once a living being.

But when I think about it later, this idea seems to make some sense.

HIM's strength should be equal to that of the strongest consciousness in the Void, the consciousness of the red level.

Since HIM can seal the consciousness bodies of the red level, aren't those consciousness bodies under the red level just cutting melons and chopping vegetables for HIM?

After such analysis, there is another possibility.

Maybe the void is really alive, and the conscious consciousness is only the red level.

The consciousness of the red level is very powerful, and those consciousness bodies of other levels are very likely to be created by them!

Like the Dreaddemon King, the consciousness body that exists in itself should be in the minority.

The Dreadlord had also said before that the Void needed to absorb power in order to materialize.

This is similar to Xu Yuan's materialization of zero-value NULL.

Xu Yuan needs fear to materialize the zero-value NULL, and the Void needs the power to kill the living beings to create those consciousness bodies.

If it is really what Xu Yuan guessed, as long as the red consciousness body is still there.

If there is a supply of power, they will be able to materialize the consciousness of various levels all the time! As long as there is a steady stream of power, then there will be a steady stream of soldiers

in the void! If this is really the case, then the future battles will definitely involve large-scale battles in the entire world and all camps!

The consciousness

bodies of the void are pervasive and have been trying to gather strength.

Xu Yuan couldn't completely restrict the Void's plan.

What Xu Yuan can do now is to try to keep all the camps in this game world in his own hands.

Try not to give the void a chance to take advantage of it.

After thinking of this, Xu Yuan roughly estimated the various camps in the current game world.

The known factions now include the player camp, Xu Yuan's undead army and zombie camp, the Biological Association, and the villager camp.

Xu Yuan's undead legion and zombie camp must be loyal to Xu Yuan.

Xu Yuan, the player camp, didn't think about it, after all, the player's obedience was too poor, and the player's strength was relatively weak, and the void should not consider connecting with the players.

Now it's time to start thinking about the Biology Association and the villagers.

The Biological Association currently has Eddie, and Xu Yuan can be regarded as online.

The next thing to do is to see how to subdue the Biological Association.

It seems that the villager camp has already connected with the Void, and to find out their current progress, they must first find Wasabi.

After Xu Yuan clarified his thoughts, he immediately switched his vision to the ontology of the shoal.


The Ender Queen, the Dragon Prophet, and the Last Dancer are just getting in.

But the three of them immediately adapted to the current environment.

The Queen of Ender stood beside the Execution Dragon, looking left and right.

Occasionally, I couldn't help but reach out and want to touch the dragon of execution, but I was glared back by the dragon of execution.

"You... Can't you possess something else?......

" "This is the last ender dragon in the world..."It

can be seen that the ender queen still feels sorry for the ender dragon.

The dragon of execution was obviously a little speechless about the ender queen's actions, but she couldn't say anything either.


The Dragon Prophet and the Last Dancer, as well as Add, the three endermen, were quite able to talk.

The three of them sat in the corner of the shallows, talking and laughing.

"You're a good crown! Borrow me to wear it, I'll exchange it with a pumpkin head

!" "Go, go, this is pure gold! A symbol of strength!"

"Are you an albinist? It's weirdly white, it's weird good-looking. "

Oh... I like to take a bath, and you can wash it eight times a day as white as me~

" "Wow 0. You're not afraid of water, cow!"


After Xu Yuan switched his vision to the shallows, he immediately called Eddie over.

"Is there any news from the Biological Association lately?"

Eddie shook his head and said after hearing Xu Yuan's words.

"There are very few animals in this shoal, and it is very difficult to get news here. Hearing

Eddie's words, Xu Yuan thought for a moment and said.

"Then you go out and find out about the progress of the Biological Association. "

Find a way to find the Blue Devil and the Pufferfish.

Eddie nodded and was about to leave, but was stopped by Xu Yuan again.

"The Biological Society's messaging is based on the animals, right?"

said Add, nodding.


"Can those animals learn the news from the villagers?" Xu

Yuan also just saw the grassland, and those villagers riding sheep.

Since the Biological Association relies on animals to deliver information, it may be able to obtain information from the villagers.

After hearing Xu Yuan's words, Eddie thought for a moment and said with some uncertainty.

"The animals used by the villagers don't belong to the Biological Association..."

"If you want news from the villagers, it's not impossible. "

There is no conflict between the biological association and the villagers, so the villagers will not guard against the animals.

There is still a way to get information from the villagers.

After hearing Eddie's words, Xu Yuan nodded.

"Then you have to find a way to check the news from the villagers.

After receiving Xu Yuan's order, Eddie didn't dare to delay, and immediately left the shallows.

Seeing that Xu Yuan had arranged so many tasks for Eddie, the Ender Queen, the Dragon Prophet, and the last dancer all stopped what they were doing and came over.

The Dragon Prophet was the first to speak.

"My King—

" "Is there anything we can do?" The

people on the shallows have their own things to do, and the three ender queens don't want to be idlers.

Seeing this, Xu Yuan thought for a moment and looked at Long Xian.

"You're trying to help the Queen of Ender recover her memory. "

At present, some of the things about the void that Xu Yuan knows are all guessed by himself.

The Queen of Ender's memories are erased by HIM, so she is the closest to the truth.

If she could remember what had happened before, Xu Yuan would also be able to understand the Void better.

After hearing Xu Yuan's order, the three of them also nodded in response, and then went their separate ways.

After arranging the things here, Xu Yuan also cut the perspective to the grassland side again.

At this moment, the grassland ushered in a big commotion again.

And this commotion was naturally caused by a group of zombie players such as Necromantic Knight and Peng Peng.

"??? Necro Knight is here too?!!!

" "This... Could it be that HIM is also here

?!! "I'm not mistaken??!! Necro Knight is carrying a player

from the zombie camp "I'm going?!, the player from the zombie camp is ?!!! by HIM


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