At this moment, this scene on the battlefield undoubtedly brought a huge shock to the players watching the battle.

"Didn't Entity 303 just leave, why did he suddenly turn back again?"

"Conquered by HIM's charm, you look at his lip shape, he must be singing "Conquest" (Dog Head). "

"I was conquered by you like this~ cut off all retreats~

" "Entity 303 has also been co-opted, and my king's charm is really great

...""I can only say, the incorporation is good!!, so that he shouldn't set fires everywhere in the future!!"

"I hope HIM will discipline him strictly, and don't let him come out and set fires again!


players are naturally happy to see the result of Entity 303 being co-opted.

After all, those powerful existences under HIM, after being absorbed by HIM, basically did not find the player's stubble.

Even if the Necromantic Knight had harvested a wave of players with the ender dragon before.

But they also killed people without destroying the player's resources.

Therefore, for players, HIM is the best solution for these powerful monsters.


Seeing Entity 303 kneeling in front of him following the Necromantic Knight and Peng Peng, Xu Yuan finally showed a satisfied smile.

In fact, Xu Yuan didn't really want Entity 303 to go, after all, subduing Entity 303 could provide Xu Yuan with invincible skills.

But after the last time he subdued the zero-value NULL, Xu Yuan also knew that this kind of thing could not be forced.

Entity 303 voluntarily surrendered to himself in order for Xu Yuan to gain his skills.

So Xu Yuan didn't take the initiative to leave him behind, of course, part of the reason was also out of face.

In fact, Xu Yuan also knew very well that Entity 303 would definitely surrender to him.

After all, the rest of the Undead Legion had all returned to their positions, and there would certainly be no surprises in subduing Entity 303.

Xu Yuan was thinking about it when the system prompt interrupted his thoughts.


Skill: Invincible] [Acquired Skill: Data Search] [Acquired Skill: Data Invasion

] [Acquired Skill: Flame Mastery

] [Acquired

Nemesis: Salted Fish] (joking~)

Hearing the system prompt, Xu Yuan almost couldn't hold back his laughter.

Even the system began to ridicule entity 303.

I'm afraid that his black history will never linger in his life.

Xu Yuan has obtained the skills of Entity 303, which already indicates that Entity 303 has completely surrendered to Xu Yuan.

There are no surprises in the skills acquired.

"I finally have an

invincible skill..."This invincible skill is really not easy to come by.

Many of Xu Yuan's previous battles were limited because he didn't have invincible skills, and the realm wouldn't follow his teleportation.

Now that you have an invincible skill, you can fill in the gaps in your own domain.

As for the four skills that Entity 303 provided to him, three of them Xu Yuan had no doubts.

Invincible naturally has nothing to say.

Flame mastery is supposed to be Entity 303's ability to play with fire.

Data intrusion is the same as zero-value NULL, except that the zero-value NULL intrusion will display a data error NULL.

Entity 303 is supposed to be, 303 is wrong.

However, Xu Yuan is not very clear about the role of data search.

After thinking of this, Xu Yuan also opened the skill introduction.

[Data Search Lv1: You can search for the player's location by ID, with a cooldown of 10 hours, and you can invade the game forum with a cooldown of 12 hours. [

Consume 1 million faith points to upgrade!]

"This skill is good!" With

this skill, Xu Yuan will be much more convenient in the future.

The fact that the player's location can be searched through the ID alone has helped Xu Yuan a lot.

In the past, when Xu Yuan needed to infect players to collect faith points, it was difficult to obtain the coordinates and locations of the players' stations.

Xu Yuan also racked his brains for this matter.

Now with this skill, Xu Yuan only needs to enter the player ID to find the location of his union station.

In this way, the infection efficiency will be much higher.

Faith gain will also increase by leaps and bounds.

Although the skill has a cooldown, it is much more efficient than before.

In addition, being able to invade the game forum is also very helpful to Xu Yuan.

What Xu Yuan lacks most at present is access to information.

The void had frequent movements before, and Xu Yuan didn't even notice it, it was caused by the blockage of the information channel.

If you can browse the players' forums every day, you will definitely be able to learn a lot of information.

It's like reading the newspaper news, and you can know what's going on in various places every day.

Moreover, this skill can still be upgraded.

Maybe Xu Yuan will be able to post or delete posts on the forum at that time.

If that's the case, it's equivalent to implementing the rumored scenes.

After learning about his newly acquired skills, Xu Yuan raised his hand towards Entity 303 and the Necromantic Knights.

Then the people stood up.

After everyone got up, Xu Yuan glanced at the players who were still watching the play in the distance, and then glanced at the Necromantic Knight.

The Necromantic Knight also immediately understood what Xu Yuan meant.

"My king, leave those men to us.

After hearing the words of the Necromantic Knight, Xu Yuan nodded, and then said.

"When you have finished harvesting, you can go. Hearing

Xu Yuan's words, Peng Peng was a little puzzled.

"Don't we have to wait for the God Domain Competition to end?"

Xu Yuan shook his head and said.

"No, I don't. "

The reason why Xu Yuan came here was to see what the artifact produced in the final output of the Divine Domain Competition was.

Now Xu Yuan has the skills to search for data.

When the time comes, whoever wins, Xu Yuan only needs to enter his ID to find his location.

You don't have to stay here at all.

Again, after the end of the Divine Domain Competition Dungeon, the contestants may not be teleported out in place.

So there's no need to waste time here.

After hearing Xu Yuan's words, Peng Peng was a little puzzled, but he didn't ask much.

He knew very well that it would be good to work under HIM and obey orders.

"Okay, we got it.

After Xu Yuan finished explaining to the Necromantic Knight and Peng Peng, he teleported to the shallows with Entity 303.

At this moment, when all the subordinates saw Xu Yuan coming back, they all surrounded him.

When Xu Yuan fought against entity 303 before, he was also in a hurry, and left without explaining to everyone on the shallows.

Although everyone on the shallows didn't know what was going on, Xu Yuan left so suddenly, everyone knew that something serious must have happened.

Although the zero-value NULL can sense Xu Yuan's location, he does not dare to go there without permission.

So during Xu Yuan's departure, everyone was always worried.

Seeing that Xu Yuan was back, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"My king, you're back!"

"Where have you been?" Usually you leave a clone here, no matter what, but this time you went in such a hurry

...""My king, during your absence, the old body wants to kill you!!"


everyone gathered around, they found entity 303 following Xu Yuan.

"Yo, there's a newcomer again?"

"It turns out that you are the guy who made us worry about our king for so long, hurry up and apologize to the seniors! At least three kowtows!!"

"New arrival, let's talk about our rules first, and pour tea and water for a week." "

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