Hearing Entity 303's words, Xu Yuan wanted to blurt out.

"Our goal is to fight against the void of those who exist. But

the words came to his lips but did not come out.

At present, Xu Yuan's goal is indeed to fight against those beings of the Void.

Xu Yuan wanted to confront the Void, but only because the Void threatened him.

Therefore, everything at present is for myself to be able to survive in this world.

But what about in the future, if Xu Yuan defeats the existence of the void.

What is his goal after his life is no longer threatened?

Xu Yuan believes that what Entity 303 wants to ask himself must not be the current goal, but the future goal.

As for this question, Xu Yuan at this moment has no way to answer Entity 303.

Because he never thought about it.

From the beginning to the game, until now.

Xu Yuan has always been pushed forward by various factors.

When he first entered the game, Xu Yuan just wanted to live well.

After seeing himself appear in the image of HIM.

He has been working hard to become a real HIM.

Work hard to acquire the skills of various monsters, and work hard to collect the undead legion of HIM.

Trying to survive and fight against the Void.

Xu Yuan has done so many things, it seems that he is working hard to become a real HIM.

Because the appearance of this body is HIM.

So Xu Yuan felt that he had to make it worthy of its name.

HIM's forcing style, HIM's skills, HIM's undead legion.

Xu Yuan had to perfect these things in order to make himself worthy of the name HIM.

All his thinking, all his judgments revolve around HIM.

From time travel to the game until now, Xu Yuan never seems to have thought about what he wants.

What are your goals for the future?

All he wants is to fill in the existing HIM character.

But he knows very well that even if he has the system, he has the same skills as HIM, and he has the undead army of HIM.

But he's not HIM.

Even if he improves his strength by two-thirds and has the strength of a real HIM, he is still not HIM.

He has always been Xu Yuan, even if he has copied all the appearances and abilities of HIM as they are.

He can't really be a HIM.

He is still Xu Yuan, and his core has never changed.

After thinking of this, Xu Yuan couldn't help but start asking himself, what exactly did he want?

, "Do I want to be real?...... "Do I want to be real?"

After this question appeared in his mind, Xu Yuan immediately knew that the answer to this question was no.

Xu Yuan didn't want to be a real HIM.

HIM is HIM, and he is unique.

No one can truly be him and take his place.

Just like there can't be two identical people in this world.

Xu Yuan just wants to be himself, a better version of himself.

Rather than being a stand-in for HIM.

After figuring out the answer to this question, Xu Yuan couldn't help but start thinking about the question of Entity 303.

"What are the goals for the future.

After thinking for a while, Xu Yuan already had the answer in his heart.

Among the many fanworks of the MC, each HIM has its own goals.

Some are unifying the Overworld.

Some hope for world peace.

In this world, Xu Yuan, who is HIM, does not have such great ambitions.

He did not want to unify the world, nor did he expect peace in the world.

He only hopes that this world can always exist.

I can fight with Necro Knight, Bug, Zero NULL, Dreadlord, Entity 303, Ender Queen, The Last Dancer, Dragon Prophet, Add...

There are also those 520 little zombies, 101 spiders, and so on who have never met.

Even all the people who exist in this world, such as the villager kingdom, the biological association, the animal association, and the players, who have not joined Xu Yuan's camp, go together to preserve the way this world should be.

Even if Xu Yuan can defeat the Void in the future, Xu Yuan will not interfere with the process of this world.

He will not engage in any dictatorship, he will let the world develop.

It will not interfere with any action, of course, provided that it does not threaten the behavior of the world.


though this world is so chaotic, the people of all camps have always stuck to their own camp and position, promoting the development of this world.

That's how the world should be.

Because it's Minecraft, it's not a world of one person, it's a world of all.

Every person, every camp, has a reason for his existence.

There may be wars, there may be partings, but in the end, there will always be a balance.

Therefore, Xu Yuan's goal is not complicated.

He just thinks about this world, and never wants to stop one day.

Although this simple thing is a simple thing, it may be difficult for this game world.

Maybe after many years, the game will lose its popularity.

Maybe years from now, the game may be closed.

Maybe years later, no one even remembers having this game.

But no matter what, Xu Yuan will work hard to achieve his goals.

Even if the game is closed, Xu Yuan will find a way to maintain this world in his own way, or rebuild this world.

MC is a game that never ends.

Xu Yuan also hopes that this game world, like the MC, will never end.

He probably won't be HIM.

But he's going to be a part of this game.

He will surely strive to be the eternal guardian of this world.

Forever guard this world, guard every plant and tree in this world, and protect all in this world.

After thinking about this, Xu Yuan let out a long breath.

It was the first time since he entered the game that he asked himself what he really wanted.

He didn't expect that he already had the answer to this question in his heart.

Clear, accurate, and unchanging.


Entity 303 saw that HIM had not answered himself for a long time, and he immediately regretted asking this question.

I was about to make an excuse to slip away, but I found that HIM at this moment was a little different from before.

Entity 303 can't say exactly what has changed.

But at this moment, HIM gives people a sense of indifference and transparency.

Seeing such a HIM, Entity 303 had only one word in his head to describe his current state.


Entity 303 is not a Dimensionalist, nor has he ever believed in God.

But for some reason, the word suddenly popped into his mind when he saw HIM at this moment.

Entity 303 was thinking about it, and HIM finally spoke.

"You shouldn't ask me what my next goal is.

Hearing HIM's words, Entity 303 couldn't help but get nervous, and he thought that he had made HIM upset by saying the wrong thing.

Just as he was about to explain, he saw HIM reach out and point his index finger to his chest.

"Ask yourself. "

What's your goal?"

Entity 303 pondered after hearing HIM's words, only to be interrupted by HIM.

"You just said that you don't belong to this world.

"It shows that you have always regarded yourself as an outsider.

With that, HIM looked meaningfully at Entity 303.

"When you stop thinking of yourself as an outsider, you can really understand what you really want. "

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