Saw Black Knife lead 16 players in front of him.

Both Steve and Greif were a little surprised.

"HIM got involved?!"

"These 17 people are probably all sent by HIM... This battle is difficult to fight..."

Both of them did not expect that the remaining 17 people actually belonged to the same front.

Naturally, Steve and Greif both knew Black Knife.

Black Knife is a zombie player who was given power by HIM after Peng Peng.

But his popularity is not lower than Peng Peng, and there is gradually a trend of surpassing Peng Peng.

Mainly because of the good technique of the black knife.

While operating the top, it is also empowered by HIM.

When Black Knife was still a zombie player, he made many master players deflated.

As long as he is on the battlefield in the zombie camp, it can be described as devastating.

Basically, the ultimate goal of the zombie players is to become the next black knife.

It's enough to see his status in the eyes of zombie players.

Steve and Greif had never fought the Black Knives before.

But as top players, both of them have more or less understanding of Black Knife.

Naturally, they also knew that the black knife was HIM's person.

But what they didn't expect was that Black Knife actually became a player.

However, since the black knife appeared in the Divine Domain Competition, the two of them naturally understood what he was giving up the many attributes he had accumulated before and giving up the power given to him by HIM.

The purpose of the Black Knife is obviously the same as that of Steve and Grevor.

The reason why he is here is for the ultimate reward.

Steve and Grave were thinking as several arrows whizzed towards their location.

Steve immediately took a pressure plate out of his backpack and blocked it in front of him.

Grevor, on the other hand, quickly placed two blocks in front of him to dodge.

The situation at the moment is not rosy for Steve and Grevor.

They don't know who is under the Black Knife, but both of them know the Black Knife's technique.

Black Knife's skills are on par with Steve and Grave.

The Black Knife is already a formidable enemy, and Steve and Grave together can almost deal with him.

But the premise is that the two sides are equal in materials.

Let's not talk about the skills of these people under the Black Knife.

Even if they are like dogs, with them, it will be difficult for Steve and Greif to defeat Black Knife.

These 16 people, even if they don't use it, they still have 16 backpacks.

Even if they don't do anything and just stand by and watch the black knife fight, it is estimated that it will be difficult for Steve and Grave to win.

After all, in the case of equal strength, the comparison is the number of materials.

Obviously, in this regard, the black knife already has an infinite advantage.

Steve and Greif clearly understand the situation.

After the two got acquainted with each other, Steve said.

"This situation can't be fought!" Greif

nodded when he heard Steve's words.

After a moment of hesitation, as if he had made a decision, he looked at Steve and spoke.

"Go to the forest where we met before, the terrain is more favorable to us!" Steve

was thinking, only to see an ender pearl fall not far in front of him.

Steve immediately pulled out the flint and steel from his backpack and lit it to the spot where the ender pearl fell.

He pulled out a fishing rod from his backpack and threw the hook in the direction of the forest with a sharp force.

Then quickly put away the line.

The body instantly flew in the direction of the hook with the traction of the fishing line.

Steve didn't have time to think about it, and responded to Grave as he operated.

"Okay! let's fight over there!" Seeing

this, Grave threw an ender pearl at Steve's side.

After landing, he immediately ran towards the forest with Steve.

"Follow along!" Seeing

this, the black knife immediately led the players to follow.


Steve and Greif both ran in S-shaped curves all the way.

While fleeing for their lives, the two of them were not idle.

From time to time, Steve lit the ground that had passed by with flint and steel.

Grave, on the other hand, occasionally lays various blocks on the ground he passes by.

The two of them naturally did this to slow down the speed at which the black knife could catch up.

Along the way, it's like staging a life-and-death movie.

The black knife everyone chased after them, and they didn't stop in their hands.

Keep shooting arrows at Steve and Grevor.

But these two are like loaches, and they move extremely enchantingly.

Not only do they always use the S-position, but they also change the way they move all the time.

When you predict that he is going to go to the right next, he goes to the left.

When you anticipate his next move to the left, he goes straight.

There is no pattern to their movement at all.

From this alone, you can see how strong these two people are.

After about five minutes of chasing, Steve and Grave finally reached the edge of the forest.

The two of them did not hesitate for a moment, and immediately got inside.

Steve and Greif had only arrived on the front foot, and the Black Knife had arrived on the back foot.

Seeing the dense woods in front of him, the black knife couldn't help but frown.

"What two old foxes!" In

the forest terrain, the advantage of being overcrowded can be said to have been cut in half.

Add to that the fact that there are various trees to cover it, and the hit rate of ranged weapons is even lower.

The Black Knife thought for a moment, then immediately deployed the personnel.

"The 10 of you continue to follow, and when you encounter them, you will use fireworks to signal them in advance!" "

The remaining 5, follow me up the tree!"

"Remember, don't scatter!" The

reason why the Black Knife is deployed like this is also to entrap Steve and Grevor.

He knew very well that Steve and Greif had entered the forest to try to spread out their formations and find opportunities to break them down one by one.

That's why I specially instructed the players.

After the black knives were deployed, everyone immediately divided into two lines and continued to hunt down Steve and Grevor.


After Steve and Greif entered the forest, Steve was about to run west, but was stopped by Grevor.

"Don't go that way!" Steve couldn't

help but wonder after hearing Grave's words.

"I remember it was a bit denser and more suitable for tug-of-war.

After hearing Steve's words, Greif shook his head and said.

"You're mistaken, the woods are denser to the east!" said

Grevor, but Steve was adamant.

"I can't be mistaken!" Greif

saw this, and grabbed Steve's hand in a hurry.

"It's really the east!" the

two argued, and their pace slowed down a lot.

This also brought them closer to the Black Blade's men.

When Steve saw this, he immediately felt that something was wrong.

Just as he was about to say something, Greif finally compromised.

"Okay, okay, I'm mistaken, it's

the west..." "Let's go!"

Grave glanced at the Black Knife's men behind him, and then immediately accelerated towards the west.

Steve was also left behind by him.

Seeing this, Steve immediately followed.

"His actions ... It's kind of weird!".

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