Just as Steve thought, Grave had already been plotting a way to deal with him.

Naturally, Gretford observed it as well, and Steve observed him all the way.

Along the way, although he said that he was not good at planning personally, he was lucky.

They had encountered a group of players on the desert side of the forest to the west.

After the group of players got into a fight, they basically retreated towards the forest.

Grave also noticed why they were running this way.

It turned out to be an attempt to lead them into a trap.

After all, Grave himself knows a lot about redstone, after all, he used to rely on various redstone traps and traps to deal with players.

So I saw the problem at a glance before.

Grey was ready to let the group of trap-making players suffer the consequences.

But I didn't expect that they were too weak to hold up to the place where the trap was set.

It is also because of the coincidence that the two sides encountered that it led to such a result.

After the group of players died, Greif deliberately hid the trap from Steve's others.

In order to keep Steve from triggering the trap, Grave also deliberately told them that the forest vision was too poor and too dangerous, and suggested that everyone should return to the desert.

Thankfully, Steve listened to Grevor's advice.

Everyone returned to the desert terrain the same way.

That's what keeps the trap alive.

Greif had been thinking about how to bring Steve into this trap since that time.

There had never been a good time, so Greif had been waiting silently.

By the time he saw Black Knife appear with 16 men, he knew that the trap was finally going to work.

Grave also has a big heart, and he wants to make the most of that trap.

I want to kill everyone in the Black Knife along with Steve.

So as soon as he encountered the Black Knife people, Greif proposed to run to the forest on this side.

I deliberately misremembered the location and stopped to eat, just to close the distance between Steve and the Black Knife's men.

so that they can be caught in the net.

Unexpectedly, Steve actually noticed it, and threw the ender pearl at the last moment to save his life.

Naturally, Greif knew that his plan couldn't hide from Steve, and the kick he gave him in the end could be regarded as completely shattering the previous false state of peace.

Gretford didn't want to pretend either.

Greif looked at Steve with a playful expression, he thought that Steve would lose his mind and fight him directly.

only to find that Steve didn't rush this way.

Steve glanced at Grevor, then immediately pulled out the ender pearl and threw it into the pit.

Seeing this, Greif was stunned.


"I really underestimated him!" Although

Steve's own movement of jumping into the pit was a little strange, Greif naturally knew that Steve's move was to grab the materials dropped by those players in the pit after they died!

Maximize your earnings.

If it were Graves, he would definitely not be able to bear it himself.

Even if you endure it and are calculated, you can't bear the kick in the back.

Seeing Steve's actions, Greif didn't dare to slack off, and also ran towards the pit.

After the two met in the pit, there was no head-on confrontation.

These 10 people still dropped a lot of supplies, and the two of them can fill their backs without scrambling.

Again, both of them knew that now was not the time for them to fight.

Because the external problem has not been completely resolved.

They had already noticed that the Black Knife was not following, and that the number of people following them had decreased.

Although Greif and Steve don't know where Black Knife and the rest of the people are at the moment.

But what is certain is that they must have heard the explosion just now.

They're definitely coming up right away.

After quickly picking up the supplies they needed, the two of them immediately left the pit.

Before leaving, Steve also directly ignited the remaining materials in the pit.

When the two were about to part ways, they found that Black Knife and the remaining 6 people had already appeared in front of them.

Seeing the black knife appear so soon, both of them were also a little surprised.

After glancing at the hollowed out leaves above his head, he realized that Black Knife had been on the tree with the rest of the people!

Black Knife only glanced at the deep pit behind Steve and Greif that was burning with flames, and then shifted his gaze to Steve and Greif.

"I'm well fed and drunk.

"It's time to hit the road. "

Black Knife didn't expect any of his men to kill Steve and Grave.

It's also to blame his own negligence, if he was the leader of the Black Knife, he would definitely be able to notice these little tricks of Grevor.

It was also a mistake, in order to prevent the group of people who followed them from being broken one by one, the black knife specially instructed them not to be left alone.

It is precisely because of this that he was beaten a grand slam.

But if they had stood a little scattered, they would not have been completely destroyed.

At this moment, the black knife also understood that most of the materials on these people should have reached the hands of Steve and Grevor.

The resource bank that originally belonged to him was taken advantage of by Steve and Grevor.

Although it has not yet officially played each other, it has already lost 10 people.

But the black knife was not impatient.

Since being empowered by HIM, his temperament has unconsciously become much calmer.

I have become more rational in thinking about things.

Black Knife said as he waved his hand at the six people behind him.

After receiving the command, the 6 players behind him immediately withdrew a certain distance.

As early as when they were in the tree, Black Knife had already told them about their next mission.

They don't need to be close to Steve Greif, they just need to interfere with Steve and Gretford remotely.

Just spend as much of their supplies as you can.

With the strength of the black knife, with 6 people to interfere with Steve and Grevor, he didn't have much pressure to face Steve and Greif at the same time.

The six of them only need to save their lives and play backup.

Seeing the black knife's move, Steve and Grave glanced at each other.

Although the two of them are already incompatible, the strong enemy of the black knife on the opposite side still has his 6 mobile material reserves.

The two had to put aside their hatred and face the foreign enemy first for the time being.

Grave shrugged his shoulders and smiled shamelessly.

"Why don't I let you kick it, and the matter will be settled?" Steve

rolled his eyes at Grevor's words.

"Don't worry, I'll give you back that kick myself!"

the two said, looking at the black knife together, ready for battle...

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