At this moment, the players in the live broadcast room were a little disappointed with Steve after seeing this scene.

"Understood, the meaning of the artifact is not a weapon that can slaughter a god, but a weapon of a god, right? This will be handed over to HIM?!"

"Anyway, why doesn't Steve have any intention of attacking?

Not to mention killing HIM, even if you do it with him, you have to think clearly about what the price is, and I believe that as long as you are not stupid X in this game, you can figure out the stakes.


players were disappointed by Steve's inaction.

But no one condemned Steve for anything.

Everyone knows in their hearts that doing something with HIM is completely a long-term behavior.

Even if this artifact can really slaughter gods, no one will really dare to do it, at least no one in the player camp will dare.

After all, no one would do anything that would be worth the cost.


I saw the God of War Blade break free from his hand and fly into HIM's hand.

Steve was also a little stunned.

"I'll go, this binding curse is an ornament?!"

It will automatically despawn until the player dies or the equipment durability is exhausted.

Although Steve knew that HIM had a domain, he didn't expect that the domain could be operated against the common sense of the game.

Although the God of War Blade that he fought so hard for was taken away by HIM so easily.

Although Steve was a little unwilling, he also knew very well that he did not have the strength to be unwilling.

Thinking of this, Steve couldn't help but smile wryly.

"I would have known that I would have let Black Knife win the game..."

After Xu Yuan took the blade of the God of War in his hand, he looked at it carefully.

After seeing those attributes of the God of War Blade, I was also a little surprised.

"Looks like there's something about this thing. "

The three attributes of unknown, error, and god's blessing attached to the blade of the god of war should be the essence of this weapon.

I just don't know what kind of power it can exert.

Xu Yuan was thinking about it, and the blade of the God of War in his hand suddenly trembled.

At this moment, a deep voice suddenly appeared in his head.

"You're a strong man. The

voice undoubtedly came from the blade of the god of war in his hand.

Hearing the voice in his head, Xu Yuan looked at the God of War Blade with interest.

"The self-aware God of War Blade?

Xu Yuan was thinking about it, but the voice in his head sounded again.

"My mission is to follow the strong, and only in the hands of the strong will I give full play to my greatest value.

After hearing the words of the God of War Blade, Xu Yuan was a little surprised.

The meaning of the blade of the god of war seems to mean that you want to follow yourself.

"Could it be that the blade of the god of war in this world belongs to me?" Xu

Yuan was thinking, and the voice in his head interrupted his thoughts again.

"You are indeed much stronger than the previous master, so to speak, you are not at the same level at all.

"But I'm not going to follow you.

After hearing the words of the God of War Blade, Xu Yuan was a little curious.

"Isn't this a contradiction?"

replied after hearing Xu Yuan's words.

"You are indeed strong.

"So strong that you don't need me at all.

"So, if I follow you, I will only be an ornament, and I will not be able to give full play to my value. "

I'm a knife, and I need bloodlust to grow.

"You might be able to keep me looking new forever.

"But then I lose my meaning as a knife.

After hearing the words of the God of War Blade, Xu Yuan finally understood what it meant.

Indeed, as the God of War Blade said, with Xu Yuan's current strength, he really can't use the God of War Blade.

Although the God of War Blade has three peculiar attributes, even if Xu Yuan gets his hands on it, he will not have the heart to study these three attributes.

Not to mention growing up with the blade of the god of war.

There is a high probability that it will always maintain its new appearance, as the God of War Blade said.

Xu Yuan would never let the God of War Blade exert its maximum value.

Therefore, the blade of the god of war is not suitable for Xu Yuan.

However, Xu Yuan did not mean to snatch the blade of the god of war.

He just took a look at it out of curiosity.

After thinking of this, Xu Yuan asked the God of War Blade in his mind.

"Is there a weapon that belongs to me in this world?"

This question has been haunting Xu Yuan's mind since the God of War Blade came out.

Perhaps the God of War Blade can provide an answer to this question.

After hearing Xu Yuan's words, the God of War Blade didn't even think about it, and immediately replied.

"There will be.

Seeing that the God of War Blade answered so simply, Xu Yuan always felt that it seemed to be fooling himself.

He was about to say something, but the God of War Blade continued.

"Although there are no weapons suitable for you in the current item dimension.

"But for some reason, I have a strong directness that it will definitely come about.

"That's why I'm sure I don't belong to you. "

The setting given to the blade of the god of war is to follow the strong, and when it is strong, it will be strong.

It stands to reason that at present, this world excludes the existence of the void, and Xu Yuan is the ceiling of combat power.

After meeting Xu Yuan, although the God of War Blade was very excited, there was a voice in his heart that told him that he did not belong to Xu Yuan.

In other words, he is not worthy of Xu Yuan.

Because Xu Yuan is so strong that he doesn't need to rely on it at all.

If the God of War Blade followed Xu Yuan, then it would lose its meaning.

After hearing the words of the God of War Blade, Xu Yuan was in a good mood.

If it is really as the God of War Blade said, then this world may really have an exclusive weapon that belongs to Xu Yuan.

Its strength is definitely much stronger than the God of War Blade.

Xu Yuan is also a little looking forward to what form his monopoly will take.

All the questions that should be asked are finished, and Xu Yuan is not ready to leave the God of War Blade behind.

Just as he was about to return it to Steve, the voice of the God of War Blade sounded in his head again.

"If you can return me, I'm willing to help you keep an eye on your weapons!" The

God of War Blade seemed to be afraid that Xu Yuan would forcibly keep it by his side, so he gave this quid pro quo.

After hearing the words of the God of War Blade, Xu Yuan also immediately agreed.

"Deal. "

After all, the God of War Blade has already mentioned the item dimension just now.

It means that now that the item dimension has appeared, Xu Yuan estimates that the item dimension should appear with the appearance of the God of War Blade.

So there should be very few items for awakening consciousness at the moment, or there are no yet.

Slowly, as time passes, or as a result of the second Divine Domain Contest, the item dimension will gradually be filled with all kinds of conscious weapons, items, and blocks.

Maybe at that time, his own monopoly will also appear.

After reaching an agreement with the God of War Blade, Xu Yuan also pushed his hand and sent the God of War Blade back to Steve.

As soon as he saw HIM take away the God of War Blade, Steve was already dead.

At this moment, seeing HIM return the God of War Blade, he was stunned.

"What's going on... Could it be that he thinks the God of War Blade is too weak?......


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