There is also a point in choosing tame monsters.

Xu Yuan hadn't understood what was going on with the number of nearby monsters in the taming system.

Later, I asked the system and learned that the number of the original monster was the number it was born with.

For example, Zombie 001, that is, this zombie is the first zombie to refresh in this world.

Although there is also the possibility that monsters can be refreshed at the same time.

But this number is accurate to hundreds or even thousands of decimal places.

It may seem like it was refreshed at the same time, but it wasn't.

In other words, Zombie 001 and Zombie 100 may seem to be zombies that spawn at the same time.

However, there is a difference in the time they spawn.

After understanding this information, Xu Yuan also knew how to choose the monster to tame.

It's definitely better to pick the higher-numbered monsters.

Although these monsters are not conscious, they are numbered so high but they are not dead, probably because of luck.

But many times, luck is also a symbol of strength.

That's why Xu Yuan chose the monster with the highest number.

With Xu Yuan, their luck buffs can also be stacked again.

After walking around the grassland, Xu Yuan also collected a lot of players who were preparing for the overlord meal.

There are Zombie No. 007, No. 88 Blackie, No. 101 Spider, No. 520 Zombie, and No. 233 White.

Originally, Xu Yuan didn't expect to encounter a little zombie, after all, the refresh probability is relatively low.

Fortunately, Xu Yuan had unlocked the control of spiders, little blacks and little zombies before, and after encountering them, they were directly absorbed.

These monsters Xu Yuan is currently only preparing to control 1 per species.

The main thing is that Xu Yuan doesn't know which monster's comprehension will be higher.

So first tame one per species to test the waters.

Of course, Xu Yuan would definitely not choose creepers to tame.

Although the creeper's attack power is very strong, this thing is a one-off!

(Creeper: I didn't deserve it.)

After selecting these seeded players, Xu Yuan controlled some zombies, creepers, and Xiaobai.

These monsters are the equivalent of death squads.

In a moment, they will cover these seeded players for a happy overlord buffet session.

After the preparations were ready, Xu Yuan also used his clone to observe the movements of the players near the station.

At the moment, players are working in groups of four, enjoying the fun of pedicures.

One by one, they turned into pedicure masters, slashing hard, not to mention how hard they worked.

After the players experimented with themselves, they also completely let down their defense.

The pedicure shed is indeed safe, and they don't have to have any scruples.

Seeing this, Xu Yuan was also ready to go.

"It seems that we can start a meal~"

Before leaving, Xu Yuan also spent 150,000 deterrence to upgrade the monster control range to 45X45.

I have to say that this deterrent power is consumed fast enough, and the more than 150,000 deterrent power saved in a day will be used up again after upgrading the control range.

After increasing the control range of monsters, Xu Yuanneng also controlled more monsters.

In this way, it is also better to cover those seeded players.

After preparing these, Xu Yuan controlled the clone and moved to a commanding height.

The doppelganger's vision is able to see the overall situation.

The main body is hidden under the rocks under the dirt.

After upgrading the concealment skill before, Xu Yuan was already able to walk among the stones.

It's also a lot more convenient.

Xu Yuan didn't have to show up at all to control these monsters.

And with the existence of clones, Xu Yuan doesn't have to worry about having no vision at all.

The doppelganger controls the overall situation by looking at the field of vision, and the body controls the monster.

Xu Yuan walked among the stones underground, while controlling the monsters to slowly approach the players' pedicure shed.

At this moment, the players are immersed in the fun of pedicure, and they are not aware of the danger coming...

"This pedicure shed is so cool!!This material is falling with a bang!

""I just had a lot of luck and burst an iron ingot!"If I brush it like this, I feel like I will be able to get together a set of iron sleeves in a few days!!""

With the pedicure shed, I don't have to worry about running out of arrows! There are still bones! When the time comes, a few wolf cubs will scare that white-eyed monster to death, hahahaha!"

The four players are in the pedicure booth, each standing and chatting while wielding the stone sword in their hand.

At this moment, one of the players with the ID named Li Tu is in charge of this side of the pedicure booth.

I saw a creeper slowly leaning over.

Li Tu didn't care, and was about to swing his sword and pedicure when he was about to do it.

I only heard a loud "bang".

Although the

creeper's explosion did not hurt Li Tu due to the blockage of stones, this sudden accident still scared Li Tu enough.

"Damn?!What's going on?!"

The other players in the pedicure booth naturally noticed the loud explosion.

Everything came unexpectedly, and they didn't have time to react.

I saw a group of zombies rushing in.

Several people were blocked in the pedicure shed in an instant.

As soon as the zombies entered, they began to attack the crowd.

Although Li Tu and the others were a little frightened, they did not forget to resist.

They subconsciously began to swing their swords and resist.

However, due to the fact that there were too many zombies coming in, several people worked together to kill two zombies, and they themselves were already bloody.

And in the mouth of the pedicure shed that was blown up, there was still a steady stream of monsters pouring in.

Just when Li Tu and the others felt that they were going to die.

Something weird happened.

The zombies suddenly stopped attacking.

Li Tu and everyone were a little stunned when they saw this.


" "What's the matter?!Why don't they move?!"

"Am I stuck or you are stuck, or are they stuck????"

Just as Li Tu and the others were stunned, a small zombie rushed in from outside the pedicure shed.

With a series of rapid attacks, several people were completely unable to parry, and all of them died in the hands of the little zombies.

Li Tu and the others couldn't figure out what had happened until they died.

Why did the creeper suddenly explode, why did

the zombies suddenly stop attacking?

Shortly after the death of Li Tu and the others, the same strange thing happened in the other pedicure sheds on the grassland.

These things have almost the same plot.

It's all creepers who suddenly explode, and then a horde of zombies or whites swarm in and attack the player.

However, instead of killing the player, they left a trail of blood.

After the players have no ability to resist, a monster will appear.

Or zombies, or white, or black, or spiders.

These monsters come in to wrap things up.

The grasslands are enveloped by the sound of explosions and the screams of players from time to time.

And at this moment, in the guild channel of the Triumph Guild, the players all exploded.

"Damn?!What the hell is going on

?!!" "Didn't you say that the pedicure shed was absolutely safe?!! why did the creeper explode inexplicably?!"

"It's just so weird, why don't those monsters kill us, but leave a trace of blood, and wait for that zombie to come and kill us?!"

"????? you died like this?!! so did we!Damn! We were hit in the knee by a little zombie jumping up!!

"" We are too!! we were killed by Xiao Hei!!"


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