Although Knife has never been in contact with HIM so closely, he has seen HIM before.

Although I saw HIM from afar.

But the knife could clearly feel that the HIM in front of him and the HIM he had seen before did not seem to be the same person.

Although there is no difference in appearance and voice between the two, the temperament they show is completely different.

Although the previous HIM was powerful, he basically didn't feel the tyrannical aura from him.

Except, of course, when he dealt with the Eternal Guild.

But that is also considered the Eternal Guild deserves it, and if it treats HIM's subordinates like that, HIM will naturally not let them go.

But then, HIM basically didn't give people that tyrannical feeling anymore.

But at this moment, the HIM in front of him, the anger on his body came to his face.

Just by facing him, the knife felt extremely suffocated.

It feels like he has a feeling that he will tear people to pieces anytime and anywhere.

Based on this alone, the knife was able to determine that the HIM in front of him might not be the same person as the HIM he had seen earlier.

And when HIM, who was in front of him, said the words "impostor", the knife was even more certain.

"Isn't it really HIM...?" After

thinking about this, Xiaodao felt that something was wrong.

"That's not right... The name HIM was obviously given to him by the player..."

From the beginning of his encounter with HIM, players have called him a white-eyed monster.

Later, the players felt that the white-eyed monster was ugly and difficult to read, so they spontaneously named him HIM.

In other words, the name is really just a name in the circle of players.

Until now, players have not known what HIM's real name is.

But just now, when the knife shouted the name "HIM".

The HIM in front of him said, "You know me?".

That is, he knows that his name is "HIM".

But it is clear that he was supposed to be born after the birth of the previous HIM.

Even before he got close to the knife, he shouldn't have known that there was another HIM in this world.

And after approaching the knife, the "impostor" he said should be referring to the previous HIM.

After thinking of this, Xiaodao was a little confused for a moment.

"What the hell is going on?...... "

Knife is also a mess in his mind at the moment, he knows that HIM has a doppelganger.

But this HIM in front of him is definitely not a doppelganger of HIM.

So who is

he? If he is HIM? Who is the "imposter" he was before? Obviously, the "imposter" he

is talking about is what the players define as HIM.

But the one in front of me who has only appeared now is still called HIM.

"Damn, it's a mess!!" Knife

thought about it, but couldn't figure out what was going on.

Just when he was worried, HIM in front of him spoke.

"You're lucky to have met me, not the impostor.

"I will grant your wishes.

As soon as HIM's words were finished, the knife felt black in front of him.

When he woke up again, he found himself still in that dark space.

HIM is still in front of him.

Just when the knife was a little puzzled, a mirror suddenly appeared in front of him.

When the knife saw his appearance in the mirror, the whole person was stunned.

At this moment, his whole body turned green, and he looked like a zombie.

Seeing himself in the mirror, Knife instantly realized what HIM meant by "fulfilling your wishes" just now.

Knife and his friends have always wanted to be zombie players.

After all, zombie players can get stat bonuses by killing players, and they also have a chance to be empowered by HIM.

It's just that they never had a chance.

I was going to rush to the Divine Domain to compete and try to take advantage of the chaos to let Peng Peng infect them, but I still didn't catch up.

Unexpectedly, by accident, this wish was realized.

Although Knife has been infected as a zombie player at this moment, it is not infected by the HIM they are familiar with.

It's not clear if the knife will make a difference.

Knife was thinking, and HIM seemed to see through his thoughts.

With a wave of his hand, the body of the knife was cut in half.

His blood level also bottomed out in an instant and fell.

After waking up again, the knife looked at himself in the mirror again, and then he understood the intention of HIM just now.

"I... Won't it change back again?......"

At this moment, his skin in the mirror is still green, which means that he is still a zombie player at the moment.

This is also what surprised the knife.

When a player infected by HIM becomes a zombie and dies, they will turn back into a player.

This also makes the error tolerance rate of zombie players much lower.

However, the decrease in fault tolerance brings with it a high attribute.

There are pros and cons to this.

There are also many examples of players accidentally dying after killing players to gain a lot of attributes, and all their efforts are in vain.

Although not being able to die is a disadvantage of zombie players infected by HIM.

But at the very least, players still have a chance to choose to change back.

The choice is in the hands of the players.

And the HIM in front of him can also infect players, and after the player he infects dies, he will not turn back into a player.

After being resurrected again, he is still a zombie.

It is equivalent to filling the gap that zombie players cannot die.

But it also deprives these players of the opportunity to choose.

Once he is infected, it seems that he can only go all the way to the dark.

The knife was thinking about it, but HIM in front of him gave a positive answer.

"Isn't this what you want?"

"There is never a way back in life, and if you choose a path, you must go all the way to the end." "

Since you have chosen the monster camp, you will always be one of us!" Hearing the

words of HIM in front of him, I saw HIM's fierce eyes.

The knife suddenly felt creepy.

The meaning of HIM in front of him is already very clear, and the knife should never become a player again.

Although Knife does want to join the zombie camp and wants to become stronger.

At this moment, the wish can be regarded as a fulfillment, and it is still a high-end version.

But the knife still couldn't be happy.

It feels like a strong buy and a strong sell.

Once the choice is made, there is no turning back.

If that's the case, Knife would rather choose to let the previous HIM infection.

Although you will lose everything you worked hard before after death, at least you have a choice.

Xiaodao was thinking about this, raised his eyes and glanced at HIM in front of him, and after his eyes met, the whole person trembled.

The eyes that emitted white light already revealed a strong killing intent.

Seeing this, the knife didn't dare to think about it anymore, and hurriedly knelt in front of him.

"I... I'm willing to follow you..."

Seeing the knife's reaction, the killing intent in the eyes of HIM in front of him slowly diminished.

"You can infect everyone, and the people you infect are also infected.

"The more people you infect, the stronger you will be.

"The world doesn't need duplicity, and it doesn't need imposters!"

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