As soon as everyone in the knife was combined, they all decided to join the new HIM camp.

Once a player turns into a zombie, they will no longer be able to use the in-game forums and communication facilities.

The knife people also followed Peng Peng's approach, leaving the two players uninfected, so that they could grasp the players' information in real time.

In this way, the new zombie camp was officially born.


Xu Yuancai teleported from the Nirvana Guild station to the shallows.

NULL Zero walked over to him.

"My king."

"I perceive something..."

Zero NULL is a product of the world's own birth, so he can sense the various breaths that this world breeds.

The zero-value NULL can be regarded as the radar around Xu Yuan.

He had sensed Entity 303, the Dreadlord and the Void before.

Seeing that the zero value NULL looked serious, Xu Yuan was also mentally prepared and said.

"You say."

NULL didn't dare to slack off, and after carefully perceiving the breath of the new life, he continued.

"This world has bred a very powerful existence."

"That kind of aura is something I've never felt before..."

Hearing the words of the zero-value NULL, Xu Yuan's first thought was the void.

But NULL said he had never felt that breath before.

The Void must be ruled out, after all, the zero NULL and the Void have been in contact many times.

The breath of the void is familiar.

After thinking of this, Xu Yuan thought for a moment, and then asked.

"How powerful?"

Since the zero-value NULL attaches so much importance to it, the strength of this aura he perceives will definitely not be weaker than Xu Yuan.

"On par with you."

After saying this, NULL thought for a moment before continuing.

"For some reason, that breath feels both familiar and unfamiliar."

"It seems to belong to this world, but it is a new breath...",

"It makes people feel very confused...",

it is difficult to describe what you perceive.

It's also the first time I've felt this way.

After hearing the words of the zero-value NULL, Xu Yuan was also a little stunned.

The meaning of the zero-value NULL word is that this breath is new and old, familiar and unfamiliar.

It's really confusing.

Suddenly Xu Yuan was also a little confused.

It stands to reason that this world is currently roughly the direction of the Annoying Village World, but there is one more consciousness in the void.

Xu Yuan's undead legion, withering king, ender queen, etc., although they have nothing to do with the story line of the annoying village.

But they're basically all related to HIM.

Therefore, it can be inferred that except for the void, what appears in this world is basically the existence related to the annoying village or HIM.

Now a new breath has appeared, and its strength is on par with Xu Yuan.

Listening to the description of zero-value NULL, this breath should probably belong to this world originally, but it has been restarted or reborn in some way.

Xu Yuan really couldn't imagine who else was related to HIM, whose strength was almost the same as his own.

"Is it the withering shruhla?"

At present, in the world, the only thing around Xu Yuan that has no direct or indirect relationship with HIM should be the execution dragon.

The Dragon of Execution is a god-level titan, and it is also known as the god of chaos.

The other god-level Titan is Wither Slav.

Known as the God of Balance, it is known as the most powerful creature in the MC, supremacious, and even over the game itself.

Its power is second only to Notch, and it is also the true owner of the Blade of Creation.

Since there is a dragon of the god of chaos in this world, the possibility of the god of balance, wither Slav, cannot be ruled out.

However, according to Zero NULL, the strength of that breath is on par with his own.

Xu Yuan actually couldn't be sure what his strength was.

The main thing is that there is no one standard for measurement.

After thinking of this, Xu Yuan looked at the Execution Dragon who was resting behind him and asked.

"What do you know about Wither Slav?"

As the god of chaos, the dragon of execution must know about Wither Slav.

That's why Xu Yuan asked her this question.

Hearing Xu Yuan's question, the dragon of execution was a little surprised, she didn't expect Xu Yuan to actually know about withering Slav.

"We are old enemies, and once we meet, our mission is to kill each other without any margin."

After hearing the words of the Execution Dragon, Xu Yuan continued to ask.

"And is it here now?"

Hearing Xu Yuan's words, the Execution Dragon shook his head without hesitation and said.


"We can sense each other's breath, I haven't sensed its breath yet."

After hearing the words of the Execution Dragon, Xu Yuan also ruled out the possibility of this wither spirit with a new breath.

However, the words of the execution dragon also gave Xu Yuan a wake-up call.

Although the breath of this new birth is not withering Slav at the moment, withering Slavra will eventually appear.

And it is bound to appear in a hostile way.

After all, the dragon of execution has been subordinated to Xu Yuan.

And the withering spirit and the dragon of execution are old enemies, and it will naturally stand against Xu Yuan.

At that time, if the execution dragon does not recover to its full body, it is estimated that it will be a hard battle again.

"Forget it, let's take care of the situation in front

of us..."It's too early to think about the problem of withering Slav.

At present, Xu Yuan still has to figure out what this newborn aura is, whether it is friend or foe.

Although its current strength is on par with Xu Yuan, Xu Yuan doesn't have to worry too much about it being able to threaten him.

But if it's used by the Void, it's not fun.

After thinking of this, Xu Yuan looked at the zero-value NULL and said.

"Can you sense the exact location of that breath?"

Hearing this, NULL shook his head in embarrassment.

"It's very ethereal, and it's not in the same space as us for the time being."

After hearing the words of the zero-value NULL, Xu Yuan also nodded.

"Let me know as soon as you can determine the location."

NULL nodded in agreement and then stepped back.


On the grassland at the entrance of the Divine Domain Competition, the little knives had just left.

I saw a villager in a blue robe running towards the middle of the grassland.

He was followed by a group of players.

"Catch him!! Don't let him run!!

"I really didn't expect to meet the blue-robed villagers! I thought those posts on the forums were fake! I've heard that their trading systems are all top-notch!

"Generally, this kind of villager has been very well protected since he was born, he has no combat effectiveness, and he won't go out, but I didn't expect to be met by us?!"

"Brothers, catch him and we'll be developed! Come on!!! The

players followed closely behind the blue-robed villager, and they were about to catch up with him.

only to find that the blue-robed villager suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

And when they stepped on the position where the blue-robed villager had disappeared just now, their eyes instantly went dark.

When they woke up, they found themselves in a dimly lit space.

"I'll go, where is this TM?!"

"Could it be a trap set by the blue-robed villager??"

"Probably not, isn't he? It also looks confused. "

Damn?! That...... So is that HIM??!!! "

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