(Continuous update for more than three months and a day has not been broken.,It's been too busy lately.,People really can't stand it.,Take a day off today.,Break it will affect the recommendation.,So just send a little annoying village combat power ranking introduction.,Tomorrow's normal update.,I hope to understand.,I really can't hold up QAQ.。 Personally

, the combat power status of the characters in the annoying village is divided into 7 echelons

, and the introduction of the echelon: T0 is the highest strength level, which is usually the character in charge of the story and the overall situation of the world in the plot of the annoying village (the creator gods);

T1 is a character who can easily defeat other low-tier characters in recent plots and has strong expressive powers;

T2 is the character who has the ability to kill trash fish in the mid-story and still has the power to fight against the T1 character, and they are also extremely expressive (such as shadow golems);

T3 is a character who has the ability to kill trash fish in the early stages but does not have a high level of strength in the recent plot (e.g., Greve, in the early heyday);

T4 is a strong stepping stone in the plot, and some T4 characters can fight against some high-echelon opponents in cooperative situations; T5: trash fish in the plot (trash fish that can be beaten); T6: The trash fish that can hardly be fought

are the rankings of individual combat power, and the rankings below T4 are in no particular order, because the performance is too small and difficult to rank.

Out of specs (T0):D innerbone≈Jeb>Notch>Entity

303 (Origin herobrine strength relationship is unknown, it may be between DB and 303

) T1: Peak Pop ≈ Black Hammer Him≥ Black Knife Him> King ≥ Drowned Blue Demon T2:

Charged Shadow > Blackened Iron Golem (Enhanced Status) > Diamond Armor ≈ No. 7 ≈ Episode 29 SH [ AV42 Ender Dragon >7 (Doubtful)]

T3: Alpaca Steve ≈Null ≈ Ziyao Him≈ No. 3 ≥ Plush Cloud ≈ Steve (Early Heyday) ≈ Bloody Eyes Him≈ Cangsheng H≥ Greve (Early Heyday) ≥ Water Sponge Leopard Leopard ≈ EX Terminator ≥ Chris

T4: Doug, Enchanted Berserker, Hot Dog, Blueberry, Andy, Twin Blade Tiny, Red Ginseng H, etc. 49 episodes of Weapon Grade H, Scott, Mr. colder, Mr. Oinkers, BBQ, DNAx, Giant Piglin, Diamond Armor Red (61 episodes), Secas (with black fire), Crowd first-class players, Marauders, Red Zombies

T5: Elite Village Detective (i.e. early village detectives such as 17 episodes), Diamond Zombie (32 episodes), Marauder, Second-rate players (average level), Village Rider (Average), Prototype Golem, Elite Piglin, Combat Polar Bear, Normal Piglin, Trash Fish Cube Golem, Village Detective (Current)

T6: Animal Scout, Third-rate Player, Trash Fish Creature (White Camel, Squid King, etc.)

Sponsored Players are only included in the more special individuals

About the ranking of T1:At present, the two big hoods that are more performant H and the combat power positioning of the drowning can basically be confirmed,Judging from the 65 episodes,The positioning of the hood H should be significantly higher than that of the drowning,Among them, because the black knife H is poor in performance,So I'll temporarily rank the black hammer H before the black knife H,Although the peak pop only abused a drill armor H,But considering the strength and striking strength of its skills,At present, it is in the same row as the black hammer HT1; There are also many characters that can be ranked in T1 such as pufferfish and mustard, but because their performance in direct confrontation with T1 characters is 0, they are not included in the ranking

for the time being. After being knocked away for a distance, the drowned immediately buffered with one hand

, and then looked at the ability of both sides to chase and fight

, King Gang gave the drowned a long reaction time after knocking the drowned away, and the drowned chose to resist directly in the face of King Wang's axe blow, and King Wang's blow obviously had no effect on the drowned; Immediately after that, the king continued to pursue, but after being dodged by the drowned, he directly backhanded bounced off

the fight behind the combination, and we can basically conclude that the king of the king is stronger in melee than the drowned, but not to be beaten by the drowned, and the drowned can still make an effective block or even counterattack.

So let's take a look at

Black Hammer H: Black Hammer H quickly launched a chase after hitting the drowned, and the picture below shows that Black Hammer H has extended the hammer handle to approach the drowned when the drowned has not completely braked the car, and even until the sledgehammer of Black Hammer H is close to the drowned, the drowned has just buffered over, which shows how fast the Black Hammer H chases.

And after the drowned avoided the first round of pursuit, Black Hammer H immediately launched the second round of chase and successfully hit the drowned; is also a two-round chase, and Black Hammer H's performance is much better than that of King Rak; So it can basically be confirmed that Black Hammer H has also surpassed the king in terms of pursuit ability and attack speed, so in such an obvious comparison, the current king is obviously inferior to Black Hammer H.

Next is the problem of Black Knife H and King Die.,To be honest,The comparison between these two can't be completely determined.,You can only rely on indirect and indirect performance to compare.,After all, Black Knife H has few performances and low reference; Personally, in the previous ranking, the king and the black knife H were side by side with an approximately equal sign, but in this ranking, I gave the position of the black knife H > the king, why do you give it like this?

Personally, I give the following reasons:

first of all, the attitude of the drowned, although the drowned can't win either of the king and the black knife H in the encounter, but he is not afraid to fight against the king, in the currently known plot, the king mentioned that the drowned deceived him countless times, and the drowned in the 43 episodes and 53 episodes of the plush cloud memories obviously had a head-to-head battle with the king.

And in episode 43, Drowned kills all of King Rao's entourage right under the nose of King Diao, and in the memories of Episode 53, Drowned also saves the seriously injured BBQ and Plush Cloud.

What does this mean? Although the drowned lost to the king in close combat, he was not afraid to face the king head-on (and in the case of knowing the strength of the king), and it can also be seen from episode 43 that the drowned can fight with the king in the case of alternating near and long-range combat, but the drowned refuses to fight head-on with the black knife H.

After the failure of the legendary blade in episode 49, he chose to run away directly in the face of the attack of Black Knife H, and tried his best to avoid the duel with Black Knife H in the later sandcastle battle, so is it a drowning jealousy of being beaten? is not necessarily the case, the situation of the drowning in episode 43 is the same as being beaten by a group, but the drowned body is correct.

Episode 53 recalls that the drowned is also a group fight, and there are two drag oil bottles, and the drowned kept them, to put it bluntly, the drowned is very clear about the strength of the black knife H, that is, once the drowned falls into a head-to-head confrontation with it, it will be more than lucky, so the drowned is so afraid to fight head-on with the black knife H.

The center of the explosion of the Super Trident Festival in episode 55 is also the location of Black Knife H, which shows how much the drowned attaches to Black Knife H.

The second is the performance of both sides:The

performance of the black knife H form is very rare,Only one of the drowning corpses,So it is not included in the discussion,This is only the second form,The attack performance of the black knife H two form is the level of abusing and killing players,And due to the characteristics of the black knife two form,If you are penetrated by the black knife,,Then it is very likely to be injured by the multiple attacks associated with the blade proliferation,This attack will be extremely powerful (the penetrating wound in the annoying village is one of the most powerful damage methods, And Black Knife H is currently the only character in the annoying village who can continuously cause penetrating injuries)

The performance of the king is a cliché, and if you are interested, you can go to the analysis of the 43 episodes of the individual; To sum up, the attack is very strong (enough to paralyze the weapon-level H golem at once, and the thrust can kill the armoured weapon-level H golem with one hit), the melee ability is strong (it can slightly suppress the drowned), and the attack distance is long, but there will be a large gap when it is withdrawn.

In fact, these performances do not have a big advantage over the black knife H in the last 51 episodes, and the black knife H can be both offensive and defensive after being extended to a certain extent (that is, the near handle part is around the side, and the tip of the knife part is chasing).

So the king should have no advantage in long-range battles (the gap recovered after the king's long-range stabbing is long, the black knife has no gap combo, and the body can't carry out a large displacement when the king stabs, and it's the same when recycling, depending on the previous episodes, and the black knife H is not very movable, but there are some blades and obsidian protectors, which are also more advantageous in defense).

Therefore, it is only possible for the king to defeat the Black Knife H in melee situations, but this is still unknown, because the heavy axe used in melee is much less powerful than the thrust, and it may not be able to break the Crying Stone, if not.

Then even melee combat will not have any advantage.,If you're surrounded by the blade of the black knife behind the close.,It's almost standing and beaten.,So in terms of melee combat,,It's still unknown whether the king can have an advantage (this is still not counting the possible more flexible black knife form) So

to sum up,I personally think that the current positioning of the black knife H should still be higher than that of the king.。

About T2: The shadow-level puppets represented by the shadow are basically T2 level, and they also have the power to fight against the characters of T1, considering what Black Axe H said to the drowned, the ender dragon in episode 42 may be stronger than No. 7 (Black Axe said that it is obvious that you have become stronger) About T3:

The performance of the plush cloud in the 65th episode is not very good, and it is easy to break the defense and be injured by the creepers, so its ranking is lowered, and the plush cloud is likely not to be the opponent of the early peak history in actual combat (after all, the early pearls are used casually, The strength of the legendary blade is also enough), the angry history is not ranked, because it is not good to arrange it carefully, but the current level of the angry history must be T3

about T4~6: The performance of the village detective before and after the stage is too bad, and the elite village detective can hurt the bloody eye H in three dozen and one, and the village detective who is currently pulling across has no power to fight back against the early players; It's the same with the village ride.,The current village ride melee performance is extremely poor.,Compared to the 33 episodes of the village ride performance is much stronger.,At the same time, the performance of the red, blue and green rides within the village ride is also different.,It's not much broken down here.,Anyway, it's all T4 to T5.。

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