
Peng was about to leave with Bai Lou, but the black knife stopped him.

"By the way, there's one more thing."

"Recently, a group of zombie piglin brutes and withered skeletons suddenly appeared in the Overworld..."

After hearing Black Knife's words, Peng Peng was a little puzzled.

"Aren't those nether monsters? How did it suddenly appear in the Overworld?

Seeing this, the black knife shook his head and said.

"I don't know, I just got the news, but it's not much."

The black knife said, pointed at the people in the white building, and then continued.

"I was going to take the time to go to the Nether, but they came to the door."

"So the matter of going to the Nether is put on hold for the time being."

There are priorities, and it is obvious that the news in Bai Lou's mouth is more important.

The black knife didn't dare to slack off, and immediately brought the people in the white building over.

After hearing the words of the black knife, Peng Peng nodded and said.

"If there aren't many of them, it shouldn't be anything, maybe it's a nether portal made by a player..."

"If you have time, go to the Nether and let me know if there is news."

Black Knife nodded and left.

The friends of the White Mansion, Peng Peng also handed them over to the zombie players under his command, allowing them to settle down temporarily.

Then Peng Peng found the Necro Knight and explained the situation to him.

Hearing Peng Peng's description, the Necromantic Knight also immediately asked the little bug to summon the execution dragon.

About ten minutes later, a dragon roar came from the sky.

I saw a black dragon roaring its wings and appearing on the grassland.

When Bai Lou saw this posture, everyone was stupefied.


Is this the ender dragon of HIM?"

although White House had seen this dragon before when HIM was fighting against the Eternal Guild.

But the video is far less spectacular than what you can see in person.

After the arrival of the execution dragon, Peng Peng also nodded to her and saluted, and then beckoned Bai Lou on the side to ride on the dragon's back.

I heard that I wanted to ride a dragon, and I still wanted to ride such a mighty dragon in front of me.

Bai Lou instantly couldn't believe his ears.

It wasn't until the dragon of execution leaned down that he realized that he was really going to ride a dragon!

"! It's worth it!! "

Ever since he was infected by the tyrant HIM, White House has been complaining.

But if he knew that he would be able to ride a HIM dragon pet once after being infected, he would be willing to be infected a hundred times!

Peng Peng and Bai Lou stepped behind the dragon, and the dragon of execution flapped its wings a few times and flew into the sky.

About ten minutes later, the two saw Xu Yuan on the shallows.

Bai Lou had just gotten off the dragon's back when he was frightened by the battle on the shallows.

At this moment, on the shallows, Xu Yuan's subordinates were practicing.

Let's not talk about the ability of these people, just looking at the appearance of the feeling is easy to mess with...

If you look at it purely from the outside, the Queen of Enders looks a little more harmless to humans and animals.

But when Bai Lou saw the Queen of Enders kick one of the Dreaddemon King's calf bones directly away, he instantly dispelled the idea just now.

"Too... It's terrible..."

Seeing the full-screen special effects played by HIM's subordinates one by one, Bai Lou subconsciously took a few steps back.

Seeing this, Peng Peng smiled and comforted.

"It's okay, don't be afraid."

"Let's go."

The two came to the middle of the shoal, and then they saw HIM.

This is also the first time that Bai Lou has seen HIM, who has been with the players.

With just one glance, Bai Lou was able to determine that the HIM he had met before and the HIM in front of him were definitely not the same person.

Although the HIM in front of me also gives people a strong sense of coercion, that feeling does not make people feel disgusted and uncomfortable.

If you want to describe it, it's like a god giving people the feeling.

Unfathomable, indesecrated.

However, the tyrant HIM encountered before will make people feel a strong sense of suffocation and discomfort.

Bai Lou was thinking about it, when he saw HIM speak.

"Say it."

Seeing this, Bai Lou glanced at Peng Peng, Peng Peng nodded, and motioned for him to say it himself.

After Bai Lou took a deep breath, he told his story.


"That's the way it is..."

"My friends and I are the Builders... We don't want to join any faction, we just want to play our way... Survive in this world..."

After Bai Lou said this, he glanced up at HIM, and then continued.

"Do you have a way to turn us back into players? "

Bai Lou's ultimate wish is to become a player again.

In fact, he was not going to say this sentence originally.

After all, HIM has always infected players, and although he has given players a chance to choose, he definitely hopes that more people will join the zombie camp.

But after Bai Lou saw HIM himself, he plucked up the courage and put forward his own demands.

Because HIM doesn't feel like he's tyrannical and unreasonable.

If it was a tyrant HIM, Bai Lou would definitely not dare to speak.


The story of the White Mansion did make Xu Yuan a little relieved.

"Another HIM?"

Xu Yuan already knew that he was not HIM, but he didn't expect that there would be another HIM in this world.

"Is it really HIM?!"

Xu Yuan thought about it, and after remembering the words of the previous zero-value NULL, he immediately denied this conjecture.

"No, maybe it's not really HIM..." Before,

the zero-value NULL sensed an aura that was almost the same as Xu Yuan's strength.

At that time, Xu Yuan thought it was withering Sila or something, but now it seems that it is estimated that it is this HIM who suddenly appeared.

The Queen of Ender had previously said that Xu Yuan's strength was less than one-third of that of the real HIM.

In turn, it is unlikely that this sudden HIM is really HIM.

After all, his strength is not much different from Xu Yuan.

After thinking of this, Xu Yuan had a bold assumption in his heart.

"Do you need to fuse or defeat him to gain power? Xu

Yuan also calculated before, and he doesn't have much room for promotion at present.

And at this moment, there is another HIM with the same strength as himself.

Is this an opportunity for promotion?

Xu Yuan was thinking about it, and when Bai Lou saw him without saying a word, he thought that his words had offended him.

With a frightened face and was about to say something, Xu Yuan finally spoke.

"I'll try to infect you once."

Players infected by Xu Yuan can turn back into players after dying once after becoming zombies.

Xu Yuan also wanted to try if he could reset the infection of the other HIM.

After Xu Yuan finished speaking, he waved his hand neatly, and Bai Lou's blood volume instantly bottomed out and fell to the ground.

It didn't take long for Bai Lou to come back to life, still in the form of a zombie.

Xu Yuan waved his hand again and killed Bai Lou again.

It didn't take long for Bai Lou to wake up again.

And at this moment, he is still a zombie.

Xu Yuan was also a little surprised when he saw this.

"No way to reset? If

there is no way to reset, it will prove that the interests of Xu Yuan and the other HIM have begun to conflict.

Xu Yuan's infection of players is to gain faith points to make himself strong.

The other HIM seems to need to infect more players to gain power.

The two of them have the same way of gaining power.

That is bound to create conflict.

Moreover, the ability of the other HIM is obviously more advantageous than Xu Yuan.

While he can permanently infect the player, everyone who is infected will be the source of the infection.

If Xu Yuan let it go and let him continue to develop.

I'm afraid that the source of faith may be cut off.

"Looks like I'm going to have to meet this HIM..."

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