Although Xu Yuan and the tyrant HIM have only fought twice.

But at this moment, the arrogance of the tyrant HIM's first encounter with Xu Yuan has been mostly extinguished.

At the moment, his face was more puzzled.

He thought he could easily eliminate the "imposter" in his mouth.

Unexpectedly, this "imposter" seems to be almost the same as his own strength.

Judging from the battle just now, both of them are invincible.

That is, in the absence of a domain, neither of them can kill the other.

This also made the tyrant HIM start to be confused.

"Who the hell is he..."

, the tyrant HIM, although confused, did not question his identity.

Tyrant HIM was thinking about it when he suddenly felt a movement in his chest.

When he looked down, he saw several spiked vines made of bedrock growing out of his body.

Seeing this, the tyrant HIM's hands immediately turned into obsidian blades and slashed in the direction of the bedrock vines.

Just as the obsidian blade was about to touch the vines, his hands instantly lost control and stopped moving.

When the tyrant HIM saw this, he was shocked.

"What's going on?!"

When the tyrant HIM was puzzled, he raised his eyes and saw Xu Yuan's expression on the other side.

He understood in an instant.

"It's him!"

"He can control obsidian too?!"

The two encounters with Xu Yuan were both controlled bedrock, so the tyrant HIM thought that Xu Yuan would only operate the bedrock.

As everyone knows, Xu Yuan is also able to manipulate obsidian.

With Xu Yuan's intervention, the tyrant HIM didn't have a chance to use his obsidian blade to slash the bedrock vines on his body.

Although Xu Yuan didn't know if the obsidian blade in the tyrant HIM's hand would be able to cut through the bedrock, it was clear that Xu Yuan didn't want to take the risk.

The vines spread to the tyrant HIM's body at breakneck speed, binding his hands and feet firmly.

Seeing that the tyrant HIM was temporarily restrained by himself, Xu Yuan was about to think about how to deal with him.

But he found that not far from the tyrant HIM, a figure identical to him appeared.

"It's a doppelganger..."

Obviously, this sudden appearance is the doppelganger of the tyrant HIM.

As soon as the clone of the tyrant HIM appeared, he immediately began to attack Xu Yuan.

The tyrant HIM knew very well that the obsidian he controlled would be controlled by Xu Yuan, so the clone did not control the obsidian.

Instead, he teleported to Xu Yuan's side, ready to engage him head-on.

But how could a doppelganger be Xu Yuan's opponent?

As soon as Xu Yuan made a casual move, he killed the attacking clone in seconds.

The doppelganger died at Xu Yuan's hands, and Xu Yuan immediately felt a murderous aura behind him.

Sure enough, a new clone appeared behind Xu Yuan again.

"It seems that this doppelganger can't be killed..."Tyrant HIM's

strength is comparable to Xu Yuan, so Tyrant HIM, like Xu Yuan, has the skills of a clone.

Obviously, the clone of Tyrant HIM, like Xu Yuan's clone, did not inherit the invincible skill.

In the case that the clone does not die, Xu Yuan can have up to 9 clones.

The same is true for the tyrant HIM estimates.

If Tyrant HIM kills Xu Yuan every time a clone appears, Tyrant HIM will be able to summon new clones all the time.

It's endless.

If he wants to break the game, Xu Yuan can only control his clone.

When the doppelganger in the presence of Tyrant HIM reaches the ceiling, there is nothing he can do.

After thinking of this, Xu Yuan did not dodge the attack of the clone.

The moment the clone touched him, a chain of bedrock stretched out in Xu Yuan's hand.

The chain swam along the clone's arm to the whole body, instantly binding the clone.

Xu Yuan originally thought that the tyrant HIM would summon the clone out again.

Unexpectedly, after the doppelganger was tied up just now, the whole body suddenly exploded.


Seeing this scene, Xu Yuan was also a little surprised.

I didn't expect my countermeasures to be seen through by the tyrant HIM.

After the doppelganger blew itself up just now, the clones of 9 tyrant HIM slowly appeared on the field.

They surrounded Xu Yuan.

Seeing this situation, Xu Yuan suddenly felt that things had become tricky.

Although these clones did not pose the slightest threat to Xu Yuan, the tyrant HIM could not threaten Xu Yuan.

But now it is undoubtedly in a dead end.

Although Xu Yuan controlled the tyrant HIM's body, he was able to summon his identity to attack Xu Yuan.

If the body does not die, there will be a steady stream of clones.

And Xu Yuan can't restrict the clone at all, because his clone will self-explode and then refresh the summon.

Even if Xu Yuan had the advantage of manipulating the bedrock and controlled the tyrant HIM, it would not have the slightest impact on the battle situation.

Because it's a dead end all along.

Even if Xu Yuan has an advantage in skills, he can't kill the tyrant HIM.

The same goes for Tyrant HIM.

"What is the meaning of his appearance? "

Previously, after Xu Yuan learned the news of the tyrant HIM, he thought that he would be able to kill or fuse the tyrant HIM to gain power.

But now it seems that neither of them can help each other.

Not to mention what kills and fusions.

But since the tyrant HIM has appeared, there must be a meaning for his appearance.

If the meaning of his appearance is not to be killed or fused, then what is?

After thinking of this, Xu Yuan suddenly felt a little big.

"Is there really no

way to break the game?" Xu Yuan thought for a long time, but Ren couldn't find the slightest way to break the game.

Just like when he dealt with Entity 303, Xu Yuan could restrain Entity 303, but because of his invincible existence, Xu Yuan had no way to kill him.

Even if the field is restored, it still won't help.

Xu Yuan must obtain the ability to be higher than the realm in order to have a way to deal with the tyrant HIM.

After thinking of this, Xu Yuan couldn't help but observe this gray space.

Obviously, this gray space is an existence that is higher than the ability of Xu Yuan and the tyrant HIM.

It is capable of ignoring and clearing the field.

But this gray space is undoubtedly a more mysterious existence than the void.

Xu Yuan didn't know how it came to be.

After thinking of this, Xu Yuan looked at the tyrant HIM in front of him.

"Maybe he knows something? "

What Xu Yuan can be sure of is that the tyrant HIM should have a certain understanding of the gray space.

But he couldn't manipulate the Gray Space, and he didn't have the ability to get the Gray Space.

And, judging by the previous practices of the tyrant HIM.

He must have known how to get out of this dark space.

But what Xu Yuan can be sure of is that the tyrant HIM will definitely not tell him what he knows.

After thinking of this, Xu Yuan also had a headache.

"Are you going to be trapped here?"

At this moment, the tyrant HIM saw that Xu Yuan did not attack again, and he did not take the initiative to attack.

He also knew very well that the two of them couldn't come up with a reason.

But at present, what bothers him is not that he can't tell the winner from Xu Yuan.

At this moment, he and Xu Yuan were worried about the same thing.

"Damn... I'm afraid I won't be able to get out..."

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