Naturally, Entity 303 does not want to risk the Necro Knight, the Withered King, and the Execution Dragon.

So it can only be arranged this way.

Seeing this, the Necromantic Knight, the Blighting King, and the Execution Dragon had no objections.

Although the Necro Knight and the Blighting King felt more or less uncomfortable, they also understood Entity 303's good intentions.

After Entity 303 had arranged all the same, he glanced at Peng Peng and the Black Knife, and thought for a moment before saying.

"You are responsible for informing the players to let the players take refuge as much as possible..."

Peng Peng and the Black Knife saw this, and glanced at each other, Peng Peng was about to say something to Entity 303, but was stopped by the Black Knife, and then looked at Entity 303.

"Yes, okay."

Shortly after Entity 303 was arranged, Black Knife saw the World Channel explode.

"? Has this game been updated with the Cthulhu mod?!! "

Coordinates (XXX, XX, XXX) A huge monster with three eyes and a few tentacles appeared in the sky!! (pictured)

"Huh? Did HIM's pet accidentally let it out? "

Shhh I'll go!! What is this TM!!

"Brother upstairs, are you still there?

"Holy, this monster is surrounded by blocks???"


this, the Black Knife immediately began to collect the location of the withering storm.

It didn't take long for the location of the four withering storms to be obtained.

The Black Knife also immediately told Entity 303 the exact location of the four withering storms.

After getting the coordinates of the withering storm, the heartbeat of everyone on the shallows accelerated a lot at this moment.

This was the first battle they faced after following Xu Yuan.

Entity 303 was also uneasy about everyone, and once again attached the method of killing the withering storm.

Then he took a deep breath and looked at the crowd.

"Remember the words of my king! The premise of killing Withering Storm is to save your own life first. "

This is my first command, don't deliberately frame me!"

The tense atmosphere in the shallows was also instantly shattered by Entity 303.

Everyone was amused by Entity 303.

Seeing that everyone gradually relaxed, Entity 303 also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Alright, let's go!"

Entity 303's words fell, and the teams responsible for killing the withering storm set off on their own devices.

To prevent the Necro Knight, Wither King, and Execution Dragon from finding a place for Wither.

Black Knife also arranged a player for each of the three of them to accompany them, so that they could learn about the news of each area as soon as possible.

Before the Necromantic Knight, the Blighted King, and the Execution Dragon left, Peng Peng couldn't help but ask the Black Knife Dao.

"What did you stop me from doing?"

Peng Peng actually wanted to propose to Entity 303 just now, so that the zombie players led by himself and those players led by Black Knife also participated.

But he was stopped by the black knife, and Peng Peng didn't quite understand why the black knife didn't let him bring it up.

Seeing Peng Peng's puzzled face, the black knife explained.

"Even if you did, Entity 303 wouldn't agree."

"The strength of the Necro Knight, the Wither King, and the Execution Dragon should be able to deal with the Wither Storm, but instead of taking risks, he chose the safe way."

"Even if you mentioned him, he probably wouldn't have let us go to war."

"Also, my king also said that the first important thing is to protect yourself."

"It's okay for me to be a player, it's nothing more than explosive equipment, but if you zombie players participate in the war, the loss will be great..."

But he was still a little unwilling.

"That being said, we have to do something, right?"

"You also heard, there are too many enemies now, and there is obviously a shortage of manpower..."

Seeing Peng Peng in such a hurry, the black knife patted him on the shoulder, and then said.

"Don't worry."

"There's a lot we can do."

Hearing the words of the black knife, Peng Peng was a little puzzled, and before Peng Peng could open his mouth to ask, the black knife explained.

"You must know that the Void's actions this time are declaring war on the entire world."

"So he's not just our enemy, but the enemy of every other player."

"What we want to do is to make the players realize this and fight with us."

"As long as they know that we are on the same side as them, will there still be a shortage of manpower?"

"Even if the player's strength is very weak, they are a small strong that cannot be beaten."

"You can't deal with the withering storm, but you can still deal with the withering, right?"

"Wouldn't that solve the problem of lack of manpower?"

I have to say that the overall view of Black Knife is really good.

The importance of alliances was realized so quickly.

As Black Knife said, this battle is indeed a good opportunity.

It allows players to realize who their enemies really are.

With the first collaboration, there will be a second.

In the future, players with large factions will also become an unshakable force against the Void.

Moreover, after many cooperations, players will also rely on and trust Xu Yuan more.

It can provide Xu Yuan with more faith points and provide strength reserves for future wars.

After hearing the words of the black knife, Peng Peng instantly felt ashamed.

Peng Peng never had the idea of wooing players.

He always felt like he wasn't on the same side as the players.

is also because Peng Peng believes in Xu Yuantai , so it is difficult to think about the problem out of the box.

He had only thought about turning more players into zombie players.

But I didn't think that even if I didn't become a zombie player, players could still believe in Xu Yuan.

After thinking of this, Peng Peng finally understood what to do next.

"I see."

After speaking, Peng Peng opened his game video video.

Then I clicked on the starred video.

The content of the video is exactly what Xu Yuan had when he held a meeting with his subordinates before.

The reason why Peng Peng can record is also because it was his first time participating in a meeting of that level.

At that time, I just wanted to keep a souvenir.

And the reason for staring this video is the three sentences Xu Yuan said.

"First, protect yourselves."

"Second, protect the world."

"Remember, the first always takes precedence over the second."

Peng Peng also didn't expect that the video he secretly recorded would actually come in handy for this battle.

Peng Peng watched the video and sent it to the black knife, and then said.

"I believe that after watching this video, players should know what to do, right?"

After watching the video, Black Knife was also touched in his heart, and then nodded and smiled.


"Once Entity 303 is in place, send the video out."

"Then have those who follow Necro Knight, the Blighting King, and the Execution Dragon go live."

"The withering storm has also sent some people over there to broadcast live from afar."

"I'll also gather a team of people here to wither for a while."

"The forum and live broadcast are up to you!"

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