The gray space where Xu Yuan was located could be described as calm as water.

The Overworld is the opposite.

The first great battle between the Demon King Legion and the Void has begun!

In fact, it takes a lot of time for the withering storm to develop into a complete body.

The initial state of the wither storm is similar to that of wither, and as more blocks are absorbed, the body is completely encased, and the form of the main head will be changed.

And began to release a traction beam, which was the purple beam released from under the eyes.

Upon reaching this stage, Blight Storm will absorb more blocks and larger mobs.

When the withering storm grows again, it will usher in his third phase.

Stage 3 is also the form that players often see, and the third stage of withering storm will have several storm touches growing on the top and bottom of its body.

At this point, his adsorption capacity is also much enhanced, and he is able to absorb large chunks of swarms and all solid organisms exposed to the traction beam, sometimes even uprooting entire plots of land.

After the withering storm grows to its third form, this phase lasts for a long time.

The third form of the withering storm is relatively easy to solve.

But since the Void's plans in the Nether have not been discovered.

The withering storm grew savagely in the Nether, eventually breaking through to the fourth stage of its full form.

At this moment, the form of the withering storm has completely changed, and its body will grow wildly, multiplying into a large dark object, surrounded by a large cloud of black particles composed of broken blocks.

During this phase, Blight Storm will be fixed at a high altitude, immune to damage from all possible attacks, and will continue to track mobs and players.

It destroys all terrain in its path, killing all mobs in its sight.

Unleash a high-intensity, enhanced Storm Head to devastate the ground.

And in this form, it won't despawn even if it's far enough away to refresh the terrain chunk.

In other words, the Withering Storm of the Entire Body will not disappear until it is killed.

The full body form of the Wither Storm Eye will cover a larger area and begin to tug at entities.

If the player is exposed to the Tractor Beam, they will be forced to gradually be pulled towards the location of the Blightstorm.

Any attempt to break away while being towed is ineffective, and only by attacking the eye of the withering storm can you get a chance to escape.

If the filament is irradiated by the Traction Beam for too long, the effect of "Wither Corruption" will be applied continuously.

Withered Corruption gradually reduces the player's maximum health.

Unlike normal debuffs, the withering effect resets over time and cannot be removed by drinking milk.

Only Golden Apple Stew can be used to remove the negative effects.

The withering of the fourth stage of the full form already has the ability to destroy the world.

And at this moment, the four withering storms in the Overworld have evolved to the fifth stage!

At this time, the shape of the withering storm has changed again.

The large number of blocks it absorbs are all gathered at the head of the withering storm.

This makes the reminder of the withering storm very incongruous.

The head of the withering storm was piled up with tens of thousands of blocks, forming a bloated sphere.

At this moment, the storm touch on its body was all shrugged down to the bottom of its body.

It looks like a giant misshapen octopus.

At this moment, it has almost taken up half of the sky!

Although it is in the fifth stage, the withering storm is almost the strongest combat power.

But at this stage, its weaknesses are immediately apparent.

The so-called moon is a loss, and the water is overflowing.

At this point, the withering storm has reached its growth limit, and it must distract its abilities.

At this point, it will begin to release the withered symbiote outward.

The Blighting Symbiote is the equivalent of a splinter thrown out by the Blightstorm to disperse excess energy.

It looks like a giant mutated and corrupted zombie, surrounded by block armor that resembles a withering storm, and behind it is a few incompletely formed storm touches growing in the "power source".

The withered symbiote is covered in rotten and pustuated block armor, and cannot be damaged by any attacks other than commands, and its only weakness is the "power source" behind it.

Only by attacking this part can it be damaged.

These symbiotes, which possess some of the power of command blocks, are the key to defeating the withering storm.

Kill the withering symbiote and drop the command enchantment book.

The Command Enchanted Book can be crafted into a Terror Bomb that deals terrifying damage to Blightstorm.

is the key to killing the withering storm.

Actually, it was on the occasion of the meeting of Entity 303, Zero NULL, the Ender Queen, and the withering Storm.

This is only the fourth phase of the withering storm.

Entity 303, Zero NULL, and Queen Ender met with Witherstorm, but instead of attacking Witherstorm, they remained defensive.

They were waiting for the withering storm to enter the form of energy overload.

Although the people of Entity 303 are powerful, they are small and terrifying in the face of this huge withering storm.

The key to killing Wither Storm is to destroy his heart, which is the command block.

But there's just too much block armor around Wither Storm.

Even though the crowd had the ability to destroy these blocks, it was clear that they could not destroy them as fast as the speed at which Blight Storm could absorb them.

Moreover, this is a withering storm possessed by the blue consciousness, and it will never be able to easily expose its energy cube.

Therefore, Entity 303 also admonishes everyone not to waste their energy to fight its fourth stage.

Wait until it's overloaded with energy before you start trying to find a way to defeat it.

At this moment, everyone finally survived to this moment.

The fifth stage of the withering storm is finally overloaded with energy and begins to release the splinter body outward.

Everyone finally saw hope.

But when the split appeared, everyone was stunned.

“??? Didn't you say that the Splinter was in zombie form?!! "

How is it different from what was promised?!!

"Why is the Split Still Withering Storm?!!"

At this moment, a split body did appear in the sky.

But not as described by Entity 303.

The fifth stage of the withering storm actually split into a third-form withering storm!

The third form of the withering storm is split, and the withering storm body stops absorbing the surrounding blocks.

The third form of the withering storm immediately began to absorb the surrounding blocks, and its size grew rapidly!

Although Entity 303 has some psychological preparation, after all, they are facing a withering storm possessed by the blue consciousness body.

It must be much stronger than the withering storm.

But he never expected that the split body split by the withering storm was actually another withering storm!

When Entity 303 saw this, everyone was stunned.

"This TM is a split?!!"

"What about this infinite nesting doll?!!"

(It's coming, it's coming.,The author has had something happen at home these days, so it's not updated.,But it's been solved.,Don't worry.,There will be no special circumstances in the future.。 )

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