Hearing the words of the red breath body, the enderman snorted coldly.

"You haven't changed at all.

"It's still like this, it's not yin, it's not yang, it's tepid, and it's neutral in everything you do.

"I don't know that sometimes it's the wrong choice not to make a choice

!" "I really don't understand, what's the meaning of a life like yours?" "

If you had done something casually, it wouldn't have been like this!"


red consciousness body of the enderman possessed was about to sneer again, and after thinking about it, there was no need to tear their faces when they were both in the same boat, and finally endured it.

He calmed down for a moment before saying.

"Rest assured, Notch has started to pay attention to the world.

"Our plans are also going well. "

Oh yes, and—"

The red consciousness of the enderman seemed to remember something, and then laughed.

"HIM seems to be trapped or something, anyway, now he can't stop our plan!" After

saying this, he also breathed a long sigh of relief, and finally showed a satisfied expression on his face.

"It's going really well. "

I believe it won't be long before we can leave this hellish place!" Hearing

the enderman's words, the red breath body couldn't laugh at all.

This has happened many times before.

The red consciousness body that possessed the enderman imagined it beautifully every time, and said that his plan was perfect.

As a result, every time he was frustrated, he couldn't accept it.

In the end, it was because he was too conceited to accept his failure.

Or rather, he can't accept that things are out of his control.

How beautiful he imagined it was now, and if something happened to him, he would be crazy.

When the time comes, something irreversible may be done.

In order to prevent this from happening, the only thing the Red Breath Body can do is to give him a preventive shot in advance.

Let him imagine the scenarios that will arise first, and have a buffer for them.

After thinking of this, the red breath body said.

"If Notch isn't on our side, how will you respond?"

After saying this, the red aura body was also afraid that the red consciousness body that possessed the enderman would get angry again, and immediately added.

"I'm just using an analogy.

"After all, if you plan for the worst in advance, there won't be too much of a gap. "

The red breath body is the art of speaking.

If these few words were not added, the words of the red breath body would sound like questioning the red consciousness body of the enderman possessed.

As soon as these few words were added, it instantly became a risk assessment for him and a good thing for him.

Obviously, his strategy was still very effective, and sure enough, the red consciousness body emotions of the enderman did not explode this time.

Instead, I started thinking about it seriously.

After pondering for a moment, he confidently gave a solution.

First of all, this assumption is unlikely to be true.

"Even if this assumption is true, if he is not on our side, he will not be able to gain the power he once had.

"So he doesn't have the strength to interfere with us.

"If he wants to gain that power, he will definitely be on our side!"

the red aura body pondered for a moment the words of the red consciousness body that possessed the endermen.

He had to admit that what he said was indeed reasonable, and the red aura body really couldn't refute it.

Thinking of this, he came up with another hypothesis.

"I really can't refute what you're saying. "

So if Notch chooses to be on our side and rescue us.

"Will you listen to him for all future decisions?"

If Notch does choose to be on their side, there will be a lot more for them to face in the future.

Based on what the Red Breath knows about Notch, Notch does have a good chance of saving them.

But saving them doesn't mean being on their side, as the endermen possessed by the red consciousness say.

These are two completely different concepts.

The situation on the side of the station needs to have an opposite.

The red consciousness does not want to be opposed to the rest of the world.

It doesn't matter if it's a player, a variety of creatures, or a HIM.

He didn't want to be on the opposite side of them.

He just wanted to get out of the void and that's it.

But the red consciousness body that possessed the enderman was not limited to this wish.

At first, he really had only one wish.

But gradually, his heart was occupied by revenge, and he gradually immersed himself in the thrill of ruling and controlling the world.

What he wanted now was definitely more than just leaving the Void.

If Notch had saved them, he would have carried out his next plan.

The first thing that can be determined is the big battle with HIM.

That's when Notch has to take sides.

That's why the red consciousness asked him this question.

In fact, he was telling him that if Notch chose to save them, then Notch's power would be above the two of them.

The decision will also be in Notch's hands.

Notch's desire has always been to run the world well.

Notch would never allow such a large-scale war.

Therefore, the Red Breath Body just wanted him to understand that even if Notch chose to save them, he would not be on the side of the Red Consciousness Body that possessed the endermen.

The red consciousness body of the ender man who possessed the ender's words was suddenly a little caught off guard.

He never seemed to think about it.

He has been with the red consciousness body for so long, he has always been in the driver's seat, and he has always had the right to speak.

He also enjoyed it all.

But if Notch chooses to side with them, Notch will definitely be better than them.

At that time, the right to speak will inevitably fall into the hands of Notch.

In this way, you lose control of the world.

He naturally understood that this meant that he could not get revenge.

I can't do what I want to do as I want.

Whatever you do in the future will be interfered with by Notch.

Thinking of this, the red consciousness body of the enderman who possessed it suddenly began to tangle.

Originally, he had hoped that Notch would be on their side.

But now it seems that the addition of Notch may not be a good thing for him.

But obviously, his thoughts were definitely not to be told to the Red Breath Body.

Thinking of this, the red consciousness body of the enderman who possessed it smiled and said.

"If he's on our side, we'll have to listen to him. Seeing

the extremely unnatural smile on the face of the red consciousness of the enderman, the red consciousness knew that he was lying.

But he didn't pierce him.

The red aura body was just a wake-up call for him to know that many things had to be paid for.

If he wants to get out of here, he'll have to listen to Notch.

If he wants revenge, then Notch will be on his side.

Now it's time for him to decide.

Blinded by hatred and desire, standing in opposition to Notch and all the people of this world.

Or follow Notch to escape the void and re-experience the beauty of this world.

He had to make a choice.

But it is clear that the heart of the red consciousness body that possesses the enderman has long chosen the former.

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