When Entity 303 saw the appearance of HIM, who had just appeared in the air at the entrance of the Divine Domain Competition, although he was already mentally prepared, the whole person was still a little stunned.

He does have exactly the same appearance as Xu Yuan.

However, the aura on his body was completely different from Xu Yuan and another HIM who was in the same space as Xu Yuan.

"It seems that I

and the Queen of Ender were right...", and the appearance of a third HIM presumably confirms the assumptions of Entity 303 and the Queen of Ender.

"It seems that we have to lead him to the position where my king is to know what the final result is..."

At present, the only way to save Xu Yuan is to lead this third HIM to Xu Yuan's location.

Entity 303 was pondering a way to lure the third HIM over.

However, he found that two extremely thick obsidian chains suddenly stretched out from the third HIM's hand and swept towards the densest place of the player group below.

Entity 303 thought that the third HIM was trying to kill the players, only to discover that the Obsidian Chain only tripped the players and did not kill them.

"What is he going to do?......"

Entity 303 was a little puzzled by the behavior of the third HIM, but the change in the player he attacked below gave Entity 303 an answer.

Those players who were attacked by the chain didn't know if they didn't react or something after they got up, and their expressions looked a little sluggish.

However, the sluggish expression did not last a few seconds, and soon their eyes became exactly the same as HIM's, and began to glow white!

"Huh? Am I so strong?The kid who hit him rolled

his eyes?......""These eyes... Hiss...... What's going on?!! "

Hey!!Can you hear me?!!Wake up!!"

The players soon realized that something was not quite right with the players who had been injured by HIM.

It's like being possessed.

But strangely, their moves haven't changed much from before.

They didn't suddenly have HIM's strength or become strong because they were possessed by HIM.

Although their strength has not increased.

But these people are like having the same brain, and those players who are not related to each other and don't know each other can make good synergies with each other.


current situation suddenly surprised the prepared entity 303.

Entity 303 is calculated, and the HIM that was born later should all have the same ability to infect as Xu Yuan.

The second HIM's touching ability is to permanently turn the player into a zombie, and Entity 303 has also seen the White House that he turned into a zombie.

So I guessed that the third HIM also has this ability.

It's just that what Entity 303 didn't expect was that the third HIM had the ability to take away the player.

"If the player's consciousness is encroached upon, then it's trouble!" Entity

303 is not from this world, he used to belong to the same world as the players.

So he naturally knows what the consequences of such a sacrifice will be for the players.

Obviously, looking at the current situation, the consciousness of those players is controlled by the third HIM.

This means that players are not aware of themselves and will always be in the game.

They don't have the concept of going offline at all.

That is, a player who is controlled by a third HIM cannot go offline at all.

This is undoubtedly an act that will endanger the lives of players!

For some players who do not live alone, it may be possible to rely on their relatives and friends to help them get out of trouble.

But for a previously lonely person like Entity 303, being controlled by a third HIM is undoubtedly a process of slow suicide!

Under the pressure of public opinion, we will face the situation of suspension!

If the game is suspended, then everything will cease to exist.


At the moment, in a rental house in the real world.

"Damn, what's going on

?!" "Suddenly it shows that my account is occupied?!"

Xiaowen crawled out of the game warehouse with a scolding, and he was also a little annoyed.

He was fighting with a team of players in the God's Domain Competition, but suddenly he tripped over something.

Then the interface shows that his account is occupied, and then he can't log in to the game.

Xiaowen was annoyed, but he saw his roommate Xiao Wu also walking out of the game warehouse like him.

"Why did you retreat too?, shouldn't it be the same as me?!"

Hearing Xiao Wen's words, Xiao Wu nodded in confusion, and seemed to have not eased up.

"What did we trip over just now?and then suddenly it showed that the account was occupied

...""I was forcibly kicked out..."

"Then I couldn't log in to the game anymore!"

Hearing that Xiao Wu's experience was exactly the same as his own, Xiao Wen knew that this must not be a coincidence.

He immediately turned on his phone and started searching the game forum.

Sure enough, they weren't the only ones who had this experience.

Other players in the Divine Realm competition seem to have had the same experience.

"What the hell is going on?!My account keeps showing that it is occupied

!""It's been stolen?It's unlikely that this game is connected to neurons

?""I know I'm not alone.,We all seem to have been attacked by HIM!

"Ah??Why did HIM steal my ??......

"" I heard that this HIM may not be the one we are familiar with, didn't there be a grapevine before that HIM and an imposter were trapped?"

"Could it be that the impostor defeated HIM and came

out to do evil?!! "The key is what he wants our number to do?!"

"The incident happened at the entrance of the God's Domain Competition, and now it is estimated that it is very chaotic over there, and those of us who have time to come out to chat are those of us who have been beaten, and we don't know what happened..."

"Anyway, let's talk to the official feedback first...",

fortunately, the reality is not what Entity 303 envisions.

The third HIM seems to only be able to encroach on players' accounts, which is the data they leave in the game.

That's why these players use their usual moves when attacking.

While things weren't as bad as Entity 303 thought, they certainly had an impact on the game.

Players who can't get on the account for a long time will definitely reduce the stickiness of the game, which will definitely cause the loss of players.


At this moment, the entrance of the God's Domain Competition.

The third HIM's obsidian chains stabbed the players' arms and shoulders wantonly.

It looks as if he is deliberately avoiding the deadly parts.

The way he infects players seems to be the same as the way Xu Yuan infects semi-infected.

It needs to hurt the player, not kill the player.

Entity 303 has also observed this detail.

"There's a way to stop him!".

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