Although Xu Yuan calculated that the appearance of the third HIM would be related to the God Domain Competition.

But I didn't expect that the third HIM would appear at the entrance of the new God's Domain Competition.

Xu Yuan originally thought that after the second Divine Domain Competition opened, the third HIM would appear directly in the gray space.

Although the facts were a little different from what Xu Yuan expected, fortunately, Entity 303 was involved, and things were put on the right track.

Otherwise, the third HIM estimated that it would take the year of the monkey to discover this dark space on his own.

It has to be said that the involvement of Entity 303 is indeed a coincidence of fate.

If it weren't for Xu Yuan, Entity 303 would have taken over his men while he was away.

If it were anyone else, they might have been trapped here like Xu Yuan.

After all, no one else has a plug-in like entity 303 and can perceive another dimension.

If they were in a hurry to come to find Xu Yuan, they might also be trapped here.

If it weren't for Entity 303's perception of the other dimension, he would not have discovered the secrets of this gray space.

Naturally, it will not be so coincidental to appear at the entrance of the second God Domain Competition.

Naturally, I won't meet HIM.

And it was precisely because it was entity 303 that appeared at the entrance of the God's Domain competition at that time, and it happened to be a person who also existed in the world of Annomura HIM.

Annoyur Hiromi will have the urge to talk to him and learn about the world.

Entity 303 has a way to bring Him to the Grey Space.

If it were someone else, Annoying Village Hit probably didn't pay attention to their impulse at all.

It's as if everything is linked to the other.

After thinking of this, Xu Yuan was also a little relieved, but fortunately, he made the right decision at the beginning, which caused the butterfly effect.

If I make a mistake in the middle, I'm afraid I'll have to be trapped here for a long time.


Entity 303 didn't dare to slack off along the way, and desperately hurried in the direction where Xu Yuan was.

He has also been frightened along the way, for fear that he will not follow if he finds something wrong in the middle of the annoying village.

Fortunately, Hiroshi Hiro didn't seem to be aware of Entity 303's trick to get away with it, and followed Entity 303 from a distance.

After traveling for more than half an hour, Entity 303 finally came to the near side of the gray space where Xu Yuan was.

Although I arrived here without incident, it is now the trickiest part.

How to bring in the annoying village HIM.

Along the way, Hiromura Him has been cautious, and he has been following the path taken by Entity 303 along the way, and he has not let his guard down.

If Entity 303 wanted to get Annoyor Hit into the Grey Space, he would have to pass through the Grey Space.

Entity 303 does not teleport, and must not be able to avoid gray space.

And Annoyance Village Him is very vigilant, if Entity 303 bypasses the gray space, he will definitely go around.

Thinking about this, Entity 303 is also a bit big.

"What can I do about this..."


At this moment, in the gray space.

Entity 303 led Annoyur Hit to the near side, and Xu Yuan and Tyrant Hit sensed the breath of Annoyed Ink at the same time.


coming!" "He's coming!!"

The moment the two of them sensed the breath of Annoying Village Him, a method to expand the gray space suddenly appeared in their minds.

Immediately, the realm of the two also recovered at the same time.

Xu Yuan and Tyrant HIM glanced at each other, there was no need to exchange information at all, and both of them knew what to do next.


the realm!" "Pull him in!" Xu

Yuan and Tyrant HIM immediately opened their own realm, and the two of them used the power of the realm at the same time to start charging the gray space.

After absorbing the power of the two of them, the gray space immediately began to expand!

Entity 303 was thinking about a way to trick Annoyus into the Gray Space, when he suddenly felt that the Gray Space in front of him seemed to be expanding.

"Here's your chance!" Entity

303 did not rush away after sensing that the gray space was beginning to expand.

After observing the speed at which the gray space was expanding, Entity 303 continued to move forward as if nothing had happened.

But he kept moving at a pace.

Seeing that the gray space was about to expand to envelop itself, Entity 303 accelerated out of the gray space.

Him has been following Entity 303's pace, and when he sees Entity 303's sudden acceleration, he is also aware of the anomaly.

When I was thinking about it, I found that it was dark in front of me.

The body is uncontrollably sucked into a space...

At this moment, in the gray space.

The position of the gray space where Xu Yuan and Tyrant HIM used the domain expansion produced a fluctuation.

Seeing this, the tyrant HIM couldn't suppress his excitement a little.

"It worked!" no

one knew better than Tyrant HIM what that fluctuation meant.

That fluctuation is proof that someone has come in!

At this moment, the players who came to report the news on the side were also staring intently over there.

At this moment, no one is more excited than a few of them.

First, I was finally able to go out and play games from here.

And then there will be the third HIM, who will be witnessing the meeting of the three HIM.

Naturally, they were all excited to see what would happen after they met.

"To be able to see this... My life is worth it!!

""I don't know what will happen in a while... Damn!!I'm so excited!!"

If I could really see the meeting of the three HIM, I could blow about it for the rest of my life!!"


players' fantasies are very beautiful, but the reality is to give them a mouthful.

The gray space continued to fluctuate, and the amplitude of the tremors immediately hit them.

Everyone only felt that it was dark in front of them.

When they woke up again, they found themselves outside the gray space.


" "Damn! We've been kicked out?!! "Damn!

!, if you don't kick us sooner or later, you kicked us out at the most critical time?!!!


the players were kicked out of the gray space, the gray space finally returned to calm.

And at this moment, there is also an extra figure in the gray space that is exactly the same as Xu Yuan and the tyrant HIM-Annoying Village HIM.

After the appearance of Annoyable Village HIM, the realm of Xu Yuan and Tyrant HIM also disappeared at the same time.

The two were not surprised, they had long known that the real HIM was not for them to use force to solve the problem.

Their realm is only open under certain circumstances.


When Hiromura opened his eyes, he saw two people who looked exactly like him looking at him together.

Although he was ready in his heart, the picture in front of him still made him a little relieved.

"What he said is true..."

Himachima Ink was skeptical of Entity 303's words.

But when I saw the scene in front of me, I finally believed it.

Seeing that the two of them didn't seem surprised to arrive on their own, Annomura Hit took a deep breath and said.

"Looks like you've been waiting for me for a long time, right?"

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