I have to say that the real HIM did a very fair job in delivering theocracy.

Although he also had some selfish intentions, he pulled himself from different planes and Xu Yuan, who he selected, into the game.

But this selfishness is also understandable.

A person in a high position with great power like the real HIM is naturally very confident in himself.

Naturally, he also believed in his own strength in different planes and periods.

Therefore, his selfishness is just to choose some candidates who he likes and can be qualified for his entrustment.

To put it bluntly, it is to choose high-quality players who can get it right.

But he will not let go of the possibility that there is a dark horse in this world.

Hearing the words of the real HIM, the tyrant HIM, Annoyable Village HIM, and Xu Yuan have no objection to this.

Although the three of them are very clear that this time they will be tested as ordinary people.

There may be a lot of opponents in the trial, and it is not clear what the content of the trial is.

But all three of them had expressions on their faces that they were winning.

The look on their faces shows why HIM really chose them.

A truly strong person will maintain enough self-confidence in the face of any trial.

And their self-confidence is not because they are arrogant, but because they are strong enough to cope with any situation.

But it's normal to think about it, Xu Yuan, Tyrant HIM, and Annoying Village HIM.

No matter who the three are, they have all fought their way through the world in which they live.

They are all beings who have been through strong winds and waves.

After hearing the words of the real HIM, the three of them glanced at each other, and the tyrant HIM took the lead in asking.

"What is the content of the trial?" Hearing

the question of the tyrant HIM, I saw the real HIM wave his hand.

The area below is instantly transformed into a miniature version of the reality map.

Later, several small people wearing different colors of clothing appeared on the real map.

"When the trial begins, you will enter the trial grounds as regular players.

"You have been scattered to different terrain islands for trials. Before

the real HIM spoke, the little people in different colors were scattered across the islands.

"You can think of this as the first world, and you are the first to survive in this world.

"You can build your own civilization and government on the island.

With that, the real HIM looked at the three and continued.

"Of course, if there are different camps in the world, there will be all kinds of conflicts and wars.

"And what you have to do is to maintain the operation of this small world, and make this world "peaceful". "

Tyrant HIM's explanation of the content of the trial can be said to be very subtle.

Everyone hears the same content, but depending on each person's understanding, the content is completely different.

The understanding of this phrase in the mind of the tyrant HIM is the real HIM.

There are different camps in this world, and there will be wars, and if you want this world to become peaceful, you need to stand at the top of the world.

Let everyone be in one camp, and the world will become peaceful.

And Annomura HIM's understanding of the content of the trial is deeper than that of Tyrant HIM.

Although he can't empathize with the real HIM yet, as the god of the annoying village, he can probably figure out some real HIM's thoughts.

In the world of Fucun, the "peace" he wants is for everyone to have the same brain.

But now it doesn't seem like this is going to work.

For this true HIM created a world of trials.

If we want to make peace in this world, we need to extinguish the seeds of misfortune at the root.

Basically, the person who will cause trouble will most likely be the leader of the region.

As long as the leaders of these time regions become their own people, then the trouble will not be set off.

Although the two of them have changed their thinking.

But what they didn't realize was that they were going around and around, and they still didn't get out of their original thoughts.

What the tyrant HIM thinks about is self-development and then suppression by force.

What Hiromi wants is to unify the minds of all leaders.

They're just in a different place, doing the same thing over and over again.

The only difference is that the way it is handled may be a little different.

A person's mind is hard to change.

The real HIM has actually ignited them a lot before.

But they didn't understand and digest it.

At this moment, Tyrant HIM and Annoyance Village Hit already have a strategy in their hearts to deal with the trial.

And Xu Yuan on the side was a little difficult.

I have to say that this trial of the real HIM is really difficult.

It's not as simple as real HIM says.

It's easy to make this world of trials peaceful in the sense of the word.

Either stand on top of the world and suppress everything by force.

Either it is to control the mind and attach spiritual shackles to everyone.

But it is clear that neither of these points will work.

As a person with God's perspective, Xu Yuan is very clear.

Even if these two methods can bring peace, the so-called peace is only superficial.

Armed repression may bring a moment of peace.

But in this world, everyone is equal, and everyone is an ordinary player.

No one has any special abilities, and naturally no one has the ability to suppress all players.

Controlling the mind is even more unrealistic.

People are greedy, especially players.

Real HIM wants them to get involved, and naturally it will offer the conditions that players expect.

Although Xu Yuan didn't know how this trial would be conducted.

Either way, this trial is just a quest or mod for players.

If it threatens the interests of the players, the players will definitely be killed.

After thinking of this, Xu Yuan couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

"He really threw the most difficult problem directly to us..."It

is estimated that even the real HIM himself does not have a good strategy to bring peace to the world.

That's why he set this test to find the most suitable God.

After all, this world of trials is like a microcosm of this game world.

The real HIM also said that all living beings in the game world will be involved.

It's the equivalent of a small social experiment.

If anyone can manage this small world strategically, then they can also run the entire game world without much effort.

Xu Yuan thought about it for a long time, but he still couldn't find the most suitable method, so he had to give up when he saw this.

"I still have to ask the "outsiders" who enter the trial before we can figure out how to win..."

Since the trial has the participation of the real "outsiders" mentioned by HIM, there must be players, even monsters and villagers.

Since the real HIM takes this trial so seriously, it will definitely not be a random selection.

He should set some conditions for participation.

Moreover, the content of the trial that every "outsider" gets should not be like this.

After all, the real HIM wants to conduct a simulation experiment of the world, not to see a god's domain competition.

He will not let every "outsider" involved have the idea of ruling the world.

Everyone should have a role to play.

So if you want to win this trial, you can only start with these "outsiders" at present...

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