At this moment, the ground at the entrance of the first Divine Domain Competition suddenly shook and changed.

The blocks on the ground gradually began to shrink in equal proportions and began to reassemble and rearrange.

The area of the first God's Domain competition was grassland terrain, so there were basically only grass blocks, dirt, and some stone and mineral blocks.

At this moment, as the blocks in the area change, some blocks of other terrain will start to generate in the entire area, such as snow blocks, sand, clay blocks, etc.

There are some other species of trees.

After these blocks are generated, they begin to shrink in equal proportions like the blocks in the original Divine Domain Competition.

These blocks quickly fused together after shrinking, forming a variety of terrain in the Overworld.

These terrains are divided by a large body of water.

In just five minutes, the God's Domain competition presented a miniature version of the landscape panorama.

Basically, as long as you raise a few blocks or from a high place, you can see the entire landscape at a glance.

When this miniature version of the panorama of the landscape was assembled, signs suddenly appeared around the landscape.

[Land of Trials] [The Land of Trials will be open to all living beings in the game world

] [Touch here to check the qualification for

the trial] [After entering the Land of Trials, you will

get a hint of the trial task] [Clear the Land of Trials will get rich rewards] [

The countdown to the opening of the Land of Trials 01:59:00].

It has to be said that the venue of this trial exudes a sense of beauty that is separated between foreign and rustic.

The miniature version of the landscape map looks like a real-life version of a virtual map, and it's very high-end.

However, information about the Land of Trials is displayed on a sign...

It gives people a sense of riding a bicycle to a bar, and the province should be a flower...

At this moment, Entity 303, who witnessed the generation of the entire trial land, couldn't help but complain.

"This real HIM seems to be playing a new type of art..."

, and Entity 303 immediately began to study this place of trial.

"The Land of Trials... Open to all living beings in the world?......

"Touch here to check the qualification

for the test...", "Generous reward..."Entity

303 didn't need to think about it to understand that the place of trial that suddenly appeared in front of him should have been made by the real HIM.

First of all, the Divine Domain competition has just ended, and it is impossible for the official to let the event be so intensive.

Naturally, it is impossible for the official to come up with such a fragmented copy.

Then, not long after the third HIM entered, the place of trials appeared.

This indicates that Entity 303's previous conjecture was correct.

Thinking of this, Entity 303 pondered for a moment.

"It stands to reason that my king will definitely participate in

this trial...", thinking of this, Entity 303 did not hesitate to put his hand on the sign that [touch here to check the qualification for the trial].

The moment your hand touches the sign, the words on the sign change.

[Test Result

] [Excellent!]

[Estimated Probability of Passing the Trial 89%

] [Congratulations on Qualifying for the Trial!]

Seeing that his test result is excellent, Entity 303 is still very satisfied.

But I didn't expect the pass rate to be only 85%.

Entity 303 had regained some self-confidence in his previous battle with Withered Storm.

He figured he had to have about 95 percent.

This passing probability really gave him a lot of confidence.

"I don't know what the pass rate of my king is..."Entity

303 was thinking about it, only to see the words on the notice board start to change again.


this, Entity 303 instinctively wanted to put his hand up, but his hand reached out into the air and stopped.

What he can be sure of now is that Xu Yuan will definitely participate in this trial.

Entity 303 naturally wanted to see Xu Yuan, after all, a lot really happened during Xu Yuan's absence.

In the past few days since he took over, he has completely realized all the difficulties of Xu Yuan before.

To take care of this large family, you must always pay attention to the movements of the Void, deal with the relationship with the player camp, and the delicate relationship with the official.

A lot of things need to be thought through.

Entity 303 also felt a little powerless, mainly because he was afraid that he would not be able to do it well.

That's why I want to see Xu Yuan soon.

Again, now that he knows that Xu Yuan is bound to participate in the trial.

Entity 303's purpose in wanting to go in was also to help Xu Yuan.

Since Xu Yuan is going to participate in the trial, the other two HIM will definitely participate in it.

Although Entity 303 has absolute confidence in Xu Yuan, he is afraid of what happens.

He didn't know what the real HIM's plan was.

What will be the outcome of the two of the three HIM who lose the trial?

Will merge into power to provide to the winner?,

or lose memory and become a complete support for the winner.

Or something else.

In case Xu Yuan loses, whether he loses his memory or is fused.

All of these are unacceptable to Entity 303.

That's why Entity 303 wanted to enter the trial to assist Xu Yuan.

It's not because Entity 303 doesn't believe in Xu Yuan's abilities, but because he wants to make himself a double insurance for Xu Yuan.

For both reasons, Entity 303 is bound to enter the Trials Grounds.

And the reason why he stopped halfway was because of Xu Yuan's entrustment to him.

Xu Yuan handed over the responsibility of leading everyone to Entity 303, hoping that Entity 303 would be able to take the lead when Xu Yuan was away.

In Xu Yuan's absence, Entity 303 also dealt with a lot of things.

He gradually understood why Xu Yuan would hand over the heavy responsibility to himself.

Because Entity 303 is the equivalent of an outsider to this world.

He didn't belong to this world, so many times he was able to see the world from God's perspective.

It's going to be a little more transparent.

The rest of the people were basically born in this world, and they can't bring other perspectives to see the world.

Their choices and judgments are somewhat limited.

This is why Entity 303 hesitates.

If you go in by yourself, you may be able to help Xu Yuan.

But there is no one at the helm on this side of the Overworld.

If the Void attacks at this time, the Ender Queen, Zero NULL, and the Dreadlord may not be able to withstand it.

After all, none of them have invincible abilities like Entity 303 and Xu Yuan.

They only have one life.

If something irreparable happens.

Even if Entity 303 helped Xu Yuan win the trial, what he lost could never be replaced.

Entity 303 struggled for a long time.

In the end, he took back the hand that was stretched out in the air.

Someone has to be in charge of the Overworld.

Since you want to help Xu Yuan, there are other ways.

Since all living beings can participate, then the rest of Xu Yuan's subordinates should also be able to participate.

There are also zombie players such as Peng Peng and Black Knife.

"It seems that we need to make good arrangements for the people who will enter the trial..."

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